Lost path, lost item, interruption by enemy (or wild animal), seeking infant, insanity, path displacement (like being dropped 1Z)...
I'm debating a construction, it's a bit tall but it may work, somewhat. Someone will need to science it. The idea is, on Z+2 you have a 1x1 pit, with a grate for a floor, and you place any wild animal on it (we'll say it's a goblin). On Z+1 you place a hatch directly under this grate, or float a floodgate, either works. On Z=0, you place a stockpile directly under the hatch, and a pressure plate next to it in regular undump format.
Purpose: When the dwarf gets the haul job, he will pick up a stone, move over the plate, causing the hatch to open. They take another step (or two) forwards, and suddenly look up to see a goblin 2 levels higher standing on a grate (they can indeed see that far). They drop their hauling task, depositing it on the undump stockpile, and run around crazy-style until the hatch closes. A change in height may allow for a narrower "cone of sight" so that only a dwarf directly under the goblin will be scared. Can also be done horizontally using windows and doors (doors are instant-open). This is slightly more sprawling than a regular undump, and causes issues when someone is trying to retrieve from the pile, but I think a few more tweaks could perfect it for somewhat slower hauling speeds.
If there was a plate-floodgate-stockpile+scare, then the dwarf should reach the scare zone and find the back path blocked, causing them to run deeper into the undump. When the scare closes itself, then the dwarf will resume his task, grabbing a stone and wandering back to the mason shop. Without this floodgate to block the exit, the dwarf would probably run out of the undump, so when they attempted to resume the job, they would trigger the scare again and get stuck in a loop.
When a workshop job is canceled by creature interruption, does it remove the job or just wait for another dwarf to try it again?