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Author Topic: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Twenty One.  (Read 74795 times)


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Nine
« Reply #675 on: February 13, 2012, 09:28:47 pm »

Ask for medical attention from the butlers.


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Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Ten
« Reply #676 on: February 15, 2012, 09:10:05 am »

Afternoon, Wednesday 10th April, 1906.

As the sun begins its gentle descent towards its night time abode, the delighted von Fersen walks with a light foot and a lighter heart, overjoyed to be so near to his splendid homeland.

“Yon inn!” he exclaims, “Surely the grandest quaint inn in this fair village! Professor Blythington-Smythe must surely have stopped, or intended to stop here. We should inspect the premises! And also seek some lunch, one is feeling rather famished, one has to say. Onwards, my valiant comrades!”

Head to the general store and purchase a bundle of candles and a sheet of paper. Then collect some twigs from a tree and use those to prop up a sign, dotted with candles at the edges, asking if anyone has seen Germans come by recently.

Bravely ignoring the burning pangs of hunger through the liberal application of his iron English Will, Mr Wellington realises that four of the keenest minds available to His Majesty's government will probably be rather intimating to a simple innkeeper: he decides instead to follow a simpler approach.

He heads to the local store, and purchases many candles and some paper and, using some twigs fallen like so many flakes of dainty snow from a nearby tree, fashions a beautiful sign illuminated with candles and inscribed with God’s the King’s own English, with which he intends to attract the natives.

And indeed many are attracted! Scores of simple Norwegian villagers flock to see the amazing new-fangled technology on display in their cherished but sadly old-fashioned village square! Dozens crowd round to warm their hands on the mass of stupefying flame, and many of them fall prey to Wellington’s dazzling charm.

“I say!” he asks, more than once. “Have you seen any of those dastardly Germans about?”

By Jove! They have! [5]

“A few weeks agø,” comes the most intelligible reply, from a passing woodsman, “there was a suspicious looking Germån in town. I saw him on a Tuesdäy near the cemetery, talking to many Vikings. And I såw him on a Wednesday, with a large herd of Elk, sømewhere east of the town. And I saw him on a Thursdåy, talking to many Vikings by the døcks. And the last time I såw him, I saw him on a Friday, heading to the nørth east, on a pony. A small pøny.”

Ask for medical attention from the butlers.

Wellington’s fellow spy, Henry McGeenyton, has had enough of fighting off the shackles of this all too frail human form. He is bleeding! His every attempt at seeking aid thus far thwarted, he decides a direct order to the butlers who claim to serve him is called for whilst there is no tea to distract them from their duty.

“Jenkins! Smythe? I’ve just noticed,” he lies nonchalantly, “that I appear to be bleeding profusely. I don’t mean to be a bore, but do you think you could attend to it? I only mention it as I’m a little concerned for my suit, it’s going to be a terrible bother to clean later. I don’t suppose you have some kind of medical knowledge?”

Smythe’s face turns noticeably dark at the implied insult before he regains his composure and recalls his vocation in life.

“Why sir, I’m a trained butler! I have a considerable quantity of medical knowledge! As any man doth knowe, the English butler is at the forefront of medical development! Here, pray take a seat…”

Within minutes McGeenyton is stripped to his underwear in the village square, all his ailments attended to. He feels nearly as good as new! [5]

Suggest that we find the village's local Quaint Inn, whereupin we should see if he had a room where we could find clues about his doings here. And possibly have some lunch afterwards.

Two of his colleagues otherwise engaged, von Fersen heads onwards into the depths of the village inn, accompanied by Mr Smith. As he enters, several bearded Norwegians stop drinking their ale and turn to look over the newcomers.

Von Fersen suddenly feels very Swedish.

“My good man!” he begins nevertheless, addressing the innkeeper who stands behind the bar, polishing a tankard. “I was hoping I could order some lunch? And some ale for me and my companion.”

“I say,” interrupts the lightly bleeding Smith, “Could I have some lunch as well?” he adds, before turning to von Fersen. “Don’t they have any tea?” he whispers, with a perturbed look.

“I imagine so,” replies von Fersen. “They’re Norwegians, Smith, not savages. However, I rather think it would be best to fit in first, in a friendly fashion, the better to question the fellow. Besides, ale is rather English, it should suffice. I say,” he says, as the innkeeper pulls, “I don’t suppose you had an Englishman stay here recently? A rather distinguished looking chap, good moustache. Covered in tweed.”

“Ah! The good prøfessor! Yes, we did, just a few weeks ago – he was meant to be on his way to meet å friend, he said. I’ve been a little worried about him, he was a lovely chap, very polite. He liked to hike øut in the mornings to view the fjords – he was terribly keen on parrots, you see – and one mørning he never came back. But alas, we have no police force here, and our sheriff also recently disappeared in a terrible äccident. There are rumours of Vikings roåming the hills to the east once more, and of the Elks getting restless! There has even been a passing Germän. ‘Tis a bad time indeed.”

“Aha!” exclaims von Fersen, “My companion and I have been sent by His Majesty the King of England himself to seek out the good professor! Would it be possible to inspect his room before we eat?” [5]

Follow von Fersen, dabbing manly at my ear along the way to stop the bleeding.

Let von Fersen order first, then order what he ordered.

Mr Smith follows his fellow gentleman von Fersen into the quaint local inn, dabbing uselessly at his ear as he goes, from whence flows a manly trickle of crimson blood. Although a passing fair Norwegian lady swoons upon seeing the stupendous American, his ear continues to lightly bleed. [3]

Smith is wise in the ways of the world and knows how to deal with foreigners in this particular type of scenario. He lets his foreign friend deal with them in his stead!

Upon entering the inn he lets von Fersen speak, interrupting only to also ask for lunch and whisper his lack of comprehension of the strange land in which he finds himself.

…   …   …   …   …   …

After some quite informative questioning, Smith and the Swede are led to one of the rooms on the first floor.

“Here,” explains the innkeeper, “Slept the good professør! I have kept his room as it was, yearning for his return. We tend nøt to have a great deal of business at this time of the year, even if we did have quite a few merchänts recently. And that accursed German!”

Smith and von Fersen look about the room. It is clear that Professor Blythington-Smythe intended to return. Most of his belongings are still as he must have left them. On his bedside table is a small map of the area. Various local fjords are circled. All but one, to the north, is crossed through.

…         …         …         …         …         …

After this quick inspection of the room, Smith and von Fersen descend.

Lunch arrives!

The buxom serving lady places a great deal of platters before the handsome young Swede: plate upon plate of Elk steak, smoked salmon, fermented trout, mountains of meatballs and oceans of cod. Much mead and dark ruby ale is brought forth!

Finally, Mr Smith is also served. His bread looks very nutritious!

…         …         …         …         …         …

Later that afternoon, as the gentlemen regroup in the village square, they share their findings.

A German was last seen heading to the north east! There are rumours of Vikings roaming the hills to the east! The sheriff has gone missing! The professor was apparently last heading north! The Elks are getting restless!

…   …   …   …   …   …

Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: The Devoted Service of a Pair of English Butlers! (three turns remaining)
Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: A Promise to Acquire Two New Suits! (eighteen turns remaining)
State Acquired! Mr Smith: Tea-powered Super Manliness! (nine turns remaining)

Current Gentlemen
Spoiler: areyoua; Winston Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Geen; Henry McGeenyton (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Nine
« Reply #677 on: February 15, 2012, 11:09:25 am »

After such a fulfilling lunch, I think we should hire a guide and travel to the last fjord.

Or possibly to try and track the German up north-east.
Love, scriver~


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Ten
« Reply #678 on: February 15, 2012, 03:54:15 pm »

This sounds like a job for splitting up!

Join von Ferson and the guide to the north, manly encouraging my platelets to work in my ear for once. Suggest that Wellington and McGeenyton follow the German.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Ten
« Reply #679 on: February 15, 2012, 04:13:19 pm »

>Follow the German!
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Ten
« Reply #680 on: February 16, 2012, 10:50:23 pm »

I'm gonna be on vacation in a few days, so I'd be thankful if my character could sit in a corner for a week or so.
Umm... I'm still wounded.
Search for a clothing store to buy a trio of new suits.


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Ten
« Reply #681 on: February 17, 2012, 03:01:30 am »

Your wounds have been fixed (which is why they're in black now), they've just got to heal. Shouldn't take too long.

Re: vacation (or "holiday", as your character would say), erm - I'll probably go a bit slower now anyway, since I accidentally started a second rtd. I'll try to do a turn today but then won't be able to over the weekend.

For Wellington's safety I might let you do the suit purchasing action and then go with him, unless he explicitly wants to go into the wilderness alone / you don't want McGeenyton to go with him. We'll jointly NPC you till you get back. Nothing silly though ;)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 09:46:26 am by lawastooshort »


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Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Eleven
« Reply #682 on: February 17, 2012, 05:03:19 pm »

Late afternoon, Wednesday 10th April, 1906.

"Aha! To the north-east then!" cries Welllington, thoroughly thrilled by the idea of the hunt, "I have scores to settle with the Germans, and if the safety of Professor Blythington-Smythe is at stake, we have not a minute to lose! By golly, McGeenyton, why so glum?" he adds, as, indeed, a particularly glum looking Mr McGeenyton mopes into view.

"It's my word, you see," explains this latter fellow. "I gave my word to find some fine replacement suits for these two splendid butlers – you see, I rather thoughtlessly bled all over theirs..." and here a look of mild despair crosses the faces of both normally stoic Englishmen, "and it seems to me the only thing I can do to save a little honour. But this blasted foreign town doesn't even have a tailor's boutique! The only thing they bloody sell are Elken loin-clothes, and just the thought of one is enough to make one blush rather hard. Blast this blasted bloody place."

"Ah. I see. You seem to be rather severely afflicted,"
sympathises Wellington. "But I have a cure! Come, let us hunt the Hun! He has gone this way!"

...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...

The two gentlemen make good time as they head out into the wilderness to the north-east of Hammerfest, their four eyes scanning the ground dutifully in a futile attempt to pick up the trail of the elusive but apparently oft-spotted German. As the sun begins to set, the pair find themselves a good six or seven miles outside of the accursed tailorless town.

In a flash, five Vikings appear from behind a conifer a dozen yards away!

They draw their axes!

...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...

“I say! I'm feeling rather pleasantly full, I have to say! Splendid!”

Von Fersen staggers out of the village tavern, happy to be gorged full of God's own Scandinavian specialities.

“Now, how about we have a pootle about to see what the devil the good professor was up to in this fjord, eh? Let's not bloody walk though, what. Let's see if we can find a blasted Elk. Only bloody form of public transport they have in Norway. Considerably behind us Swedes in... well, anything modern, really, I suppose. They do breed a good Elk though,” he concludes, wistfully.

“We should probably get a guide, too,” suggests Smith. “I don't know quite what a fjord is, but it sounds pretty blasted foreign to me. I imagine one could punch me in the nose and I'd walk straight past the damned thing. Ah! I say! This chap looks just the ticket!”

A man who is clearly dressed as a guide walks past the blessed pair of noble anglophile spies!

The two smashing fellows engage him in their service!

The chap has two Elk available for the journey: after tipping the man generously, the gentlemen struggle aboard. A passing philistine might have described the scene as undignified – but a gentleman knows that mounting anything after such a considerable meal is serious business. And serious is nothing if not dignified!

The brave pair gently kick the sides of their beasts: the small column of representatives of His Majesty move out in search of the endangered professor. Smith suddenly realises his ear seems to have stopped dribbling blood over his shoulder. His spirit rises even further, if indeed it is possible for the spirit of a brave and dutiful American heading out into the wilderness upon his trusty steed to ascend any higher.

…   …   …   …   …   ...

After two hours or so of rather indolently paced travel, the guide signals for the gentlemen to stop.

"It's the Elks!" he explains. "Jørdi," and here he gently pats the mane of his own Elk, "Jørdi keeps trying to veer off course to the north-eåst! He seems exceptionally nervous. I don't like when my Elk feels nervøus. It is not so far now. I propose that we send the poør beasts back, and procede on foot."
…         …         …         …         …         …
Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: The Devoted Service of a Pair of English Butlers! (two turns remaining)
Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: A Promise to Acquire Two New Suits! (seventeen turns remaining)
State Acquired! Mr Smith: Tea-powered Super Manliness! (eight turns remaining)

Current Gentlemen
Spoiler: areyoua; Winston Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Geen; Henry McGeenyton (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Eleven
« Reply #683 on: February 17, 2012, 05:49:58 pm »

Unless Smith has any objections, proceed north at foot at a gentlemanly leasurly pace, lest we tire ourselves out. surely the guide brought snowshoes or skis though? ;)

McGeenyton: Attempt to take over the Trøndelagan criminal underworld.

Love, scriver~


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Eleven
« Reply #684 on: February 17, 2012, 06:03:59 pm »

Yeah I might have to veto one of those actions ;)


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Eleven
« Reply #685 on: February 17, 2012, 08:10:35 pm »

Shout: "I knew it! The blasted nordics cannot be trusted!"

Decapitate all five at once from a distance.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Eleven
« Reply #686 on: February 17, 2012, 10:15:17 pm »

Skis?! How bizarre is this. I see no downhills here! Scandinavians and their Cross-country skiing. I say.

To the north on foot! Surely it can't be much harder than riding on these horned horses. Remember to head Northeast if the fjord thing doesn't work out.

This isn't the part where we have to turn the wagon into a raft and "fjord" the river, right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Eleven
« Reply #687 on: February 17, 2012, 11:09:50 pm »

I'll veto it myself, I'm still here for 2-3 days.

Offer to give them tea if they leave us alone.


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Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Twelve
« Reply #688 on: February 23, 2012, 08:36:32 am »

Late afternoon, Wednesday 10th April, 1906.

Decapitate all five at once from a distance.

"I knew it!” shouts Wellington, hopefully not quite loud enough to be heard by his comrade von Fersen some considerable distance away, “The blasted Nordics cannot be trusted! Here, have at thee, scoundrels!" he adds, as he reaches into his pocket to fetch out one of his many polished stone gentlemannerangs.

Mr Wellington straightens his back and assumes his favoured Dignified Monarch of the Swans throwing position, adopted from his cherished top hat fu. He lets fly a deadly disc!

The disc flies straight towards the miniature Viking horde – but one Viking ducks! Another one dives! The third Viking is less fortunate, and his ghastly skull is pierced in two by the flying stone!

Alas! The spin on the disc is not quite as perfect as Mr Wellington may have liked, and the gentlemannerang fails to complete its return journey. The other two Vikings have a lucky escape!

The two ducking and diving Vikings pick themselves up, and the four survivors start strolling forcefully towards the English pair!

Their knuckles are visibly white as they tighten their grip on their axes!

Offer to give them tea if they leave us alone.

“Stop!” cries Henry McGeenyton with an authoritative air. “We are reasonable men! Have a civilised cup of tea with us and I give my word that we shall leave you in peace and good health! Here, Jenkins, brew us a fresh pot, if you wouldn’t mind. I have a feeling these blasted Vikings have a rather strong yearning for a decent cup of tea. Perfectly understandable, eh what?”

The small group of Vikings stop their inexorable stroll towards the gentlemen! They look towards each other! They look towards Jenkins!

“Oøh,” says one, “I do quite fancy a nice cuppä. Been råther a long time, I must say.”

The other three start muttering in agreement. Suddenly one breaks off the discussion to point towards his slain comrade lying smashed apart in the snow.

“And, you know, it’s what pøor Arnbjørn would håve wanted.”

“Right. It’s decided then,” concludes a third Viking. “Bløødy good show, what?”

The Vikings sheath their axes! They draw their finest china cups!

The first one advances towards Mr Wellington.

“Good åfternoon!” he says, extending a hand, “Hagbart Gudmondsson at yøur service. Got any biscuits?”

…   …   …   …   …   …

Unless Smith has any objections, proceed north at foot at a gentlemanly leisurely pace, lest we tire ourselves out. Surely the guide brought snowshoes or skis though?

“Hmm,” wonders von Fersen aloud, “Mightn’t you have some snowshoes, faithful guide? Or skis, perhaps? I should have though that one would always bring a spare on such a journey?”

“Well, yøu see,” begins the guide, “My Elk are usually so reliåble! I should have thought though, I suppose. They häve been rather skittish recen-“

Skis?! How bizarre is this. I see no downhills here! Scandinavians and their Cross-country skiing. I say.

To the north on foot! Surely it can't be much harder than riding on these horned horses. Remember to head Northeast if the fjord thing doesn't work out.

This isn't the part where we have to turn the wagon into a raft and "fjord" the river, right?

“Skis?!” interrupts the stupefied Mr Smith, suddenly catching up with von Fersen, “Skis?! Round here? I can’t see any blasted downhills! You don’t expect me to push, do you? That kind of exertion isn’t for a gentleman! No! Perish the though. We are the leaders of men! At the forefront of the battle lines in both war and in the daily struggle for dignity! We must save our strength for the deadly combats that may lay ahead! I say. Anyway, walking through this can’t be much harder than riding on these horned horses. Work of the devil, I say. You shouldn’t see horns on a horse! You should see gentlemen! And cowboys and natives, where I’m from. Blast.”

“Horned horses! Why, these blessed beasts are the noble Elk! If you weren’t such a reputable gentleman, my dear fellow, I’d be rather mortally offended. Oh well, in the absence of Elk, snowshoes or the manly cross country ski, I suppose on foot we shall have to go. Come on, Smith! Let’s plod bravely on!”

…   …   …   …   …   …

And plod manfully on the two gentlemen do! For fully ten minutes, at which point von Fersen is struck by a sudden thought.

“Hmm,” he thinks, in a thoughtful tone, “Now, if there is one thing I know about, other than women, of course… hmm. Well, if there are two things I know about – well, I suppose there’s women and gambling in fact. And smoking. And generally being rather dashing, if I’m being modest and want to keep the list short. Hrpmph. Well. Anyway, if there’s – “

“Come on man, out with it!” exclaims Smith.

“No, you see, I was just musing. You see, I’m reasonably knowledgeable about the Elk, you know. My father has nearly a hundred thousand on our estate. Now. The townsfolk reported that they were rather restless – which is typically because they’re quite concerned about something. And you see, I’ve seen little round here to suggest that logging is quite a problem, which is what Elks normally worry about, so one has to assume that the Elks have been worried about being kidnapped.”

Von Fersen takes several more thoughtful steps, pensively puffing on his lovely pipe.

“And you see,” he continues, in a sudden burst of reasoning, “No loyal Scandinavian would kidnap an Elk! So it’s reasonable to assume that some other dastardly force is behind all this, and if one says ‘dastardly force’, well – “

“The Germans!” interjects Smith. “By God!”

“Quite,” finishes von Fersen, as a distant rumble commences somewhere off to the gentlemen’s right. “The Germans are somehow weaponising the Elk against us! ‘Tis the only reasonable conclusion to reach, and – oh, by golly, Smith, what the devil is that rumbling? You can’t surely be hungry again already?”

“No, no,” says Smith, cupping his hand to his ear, “My bread was positively delightful, it’s not me. It seems to be coming from the north east. Oh my – I’ve heard that sound before back home! Von Fersen dear boy! Draw your weapons! Hold your heads! Brace your… er… selves! Get into cover! It’s a stampede!”

“Oh Good Lord,” blasphemes von Fersen. “An Elk stampede!"
…         …         …         …         …         …
Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: The Devoted Service of a Pair of English Butlers! (one turns remaining)
Item Acquired! Mr McGeenyton: A Promise to Acquire Two New Suits! (sixteen turns remaining)
State Acquired! Mr Smith: Tea-powered Super Manliness! (seven turns remaining)

Current Gentlemen
Spoiler: areyoua; Winston Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Geen; Henry McGeenyton (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy - Chapter Three Part Twelve
« Reply #689 on: February 23, 2012, 02:06:33 pm »

Apologize dearly, placing the blame on myself, and then acquire tea.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)
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