If I had to list one suggestion it would be this.. And I'm sure megaloads of folks have already suggested it, offered it even.. And I know Toady has either rejected this outright or at least he is currently :|
Get coding help!! I have massive respect for Toady trying to tackle this madman alone but I'd guess coding of this magnitude could easily consume two human lifespans
My dad just got done dying suddenly of a massive heart attack while in the tornados that rocked the central United States this April, and as a result I can't help but focus harder on our time here on Earth..
I know of another game, Medievia, where massive coding is required and the head honcho is attempting it mostly alone :| He's gotta be over fifty years old now and getting older every second of every day.. I worry for the future of a fantastic game..
.. And maybe I'm slightly worried about croaking before I can further zombify myself on some tasty updated df too
Its hard to play df currently knowing all these other amazing changes are already coded and ready to go, as well
I won't cry for early release though! Besides doing no good, he's doing this all on his own..
I believe I've heard him say his coding style is unique and that either having to adapt to someone else's style, or taking time out to teach and tutor his style to someone else would just hamper the overall process.. But we're mortal! He's mortal, and embarked on a near immortal task :|
And another thing, I'd gladly pay a forced 5 dollar bill for the next update to df
The fools making minecraft say dwarf fortress is one of their influences, but obviously that influence doesn't encompass their work ethic :| Now that they're rich from selling a malnourished game the progress they're making on it has slowed to a crawl.. Not to mention they've doubled their staff and halved their output (all they've improved lately is porting minecraft to different OS, and the amount of minecraft merchandise :| )
I'd gladly pay the same price for df just for the harsh hours that have been ruthlessly bled into it by one industrious soul.. I love the freedom of choosing to donate, but the fact is that df is a quality product that offers choice while minecraft is slowly becoming a disgrace that forces you to pay :| I'm just ranting now though :| Sorry, all :|
The bottom line is this: consider help, Toady! You have a world of talented friends willing to share the burden with you.