I'll try the race orc thing at some point. I actually was thinking of making an Orc at some point anyway...cause...green...and tropical
But, I kind of want to get my character and settings at the right level. Its mostly past character creation, into finding a good ENB. The only thing I have to do is change skin color, since different ENBs greatly change how the skin looks.
So with that said.
This is with using K ENB, but I think I may have to tweak the skin color slightly...haven't got it just right with this ENB. But I think it looks rather realistic than Unreal, but I like both...so I'll let you guys judge. Also, I use different hair in this one, so she looks slightly different...plus no hood. I put in the description, but somehow a hair I really liked magically fixed itself. Yesterday, the hair had half bad textures (not purple stuff)...but the shadows and shading were broken on it and half the hair didn't work right. I try it today, and it works xD I didn't even do anything, lol.
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/221316or the previous screenshot I posted, which uses Unreal Cinema. I'll put it up again for convience.
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/220960One thing I can say as far as K ENB or Unreal go (my two favorite I've used)...I do like the K ENB lighting for the Tropical mod a lot more, though its quite darker than Unreal.