I have a question about syndrometrigger.
(Edit: its solved, I added the solution at the bottom of the post.)I tried running animaltrain.lua on a specific caste only, but I cant get it to work. I started with this:
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:Train one skill point]
It works beautifully and adds 1 skill in biting to the creature running the reaction. Sadly, I cant restrict it to only accept a specific creature caste. So I thought I try syndrometrigger, which I have never used so far, and have never seen in other mods yet. I made an inorganic that teaches an interaction, and the interaction should trigger the script:
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL:Train one skill point]
[CDI:VERB:learn biting:learns how to bite better:NA]
The skeletons use the interaction just fine, they show the "learns how to bite better" in the combat log. But the interaction does not trigger syndrometrigger. What did I do wrong?
Edit: SyndromeTrigger is enabled in the init. In case you were wondering.
EDIT: Ups. It actually needs some effect in that syndrome. I used
[CE_SPEED_CHANGE:SPEED_PERC:99:START:0:END:10], and everything works just fine.