A game set in an alternate history world where the first nuke detonated caused a global climate apocalypse. Twenty years later, the world resembles that of Mad Max. But the bandit scrapmobiles are made out of 40s cars and former WW2 military vehicles stripped down and combined to move faster and conserve fuel.
The combat is chess style turn based, aka you move one unit at a time, with a twist. Every few turns (an odd number, so it alternates who's turn it happens on), the map moves forward and all vehicles automatically move forward as well. Vehicles come with weight classes; the lightest vehicles can keep pace with the map's movement, while the heaviest must be actively moved forward or they'll start losing ground. Obstacles can come from offscreen, meaning vehicles will have to be moved out of the way or crash. Heavier vehicles have generally better stats, and can also ram lighter vehicles to force them to crash or move off the map. But if the overall weight of your deployed vehicles is too high, then you'll find your vehicles slowly losing ground, representing them getting outrun. Any vehicle that gets forced off any of the sides including the back is permanently lost.
Vehicles are deployed out of a hand of "cards" drawn out of a semi-random, finite deck. Each consists of a chassis and then an upgrade, usually a weapon but possibly something like extra armor. If a vehicle gets wrecked, anyone (starting from when the destroyer's turn comes up again) can move a vehicle on top of the wreck to salvage it, adding its upgrade to their own. In this way vehicles can be made that are much more powerful than their base chassis, or have upgrades that chassis couldn't start with.
There's more to the idea (I'm idly considering starting to make it) but that's the gist. You have WW2 era banditmobiles, you can scrap wrecks, heavier vehicles are harder to directly destroy but slow you down so there's a practical limit on how many you can deploy at once.