NINJA EDIT: BAH! Damn you!
G-Flex, I notice you are using both a) the windows version (recall this is not a windows game, so display bugs like the arm health are probably likely!) and b)an old version, since debug commands like teleportation and map reveal have no been moved into a singular debug menu.
I've been working on fixing typos as I find them, hopefully Whale's will pick up those bufixes when he merges the changes. I'll make a note to fix that now... done. Any others you find, if you point them out in the bug area of the
Cataclysm forum on the
typo thread it would be much appreciated, since no one has really put much effort into that yet.
Being able to drop multiple items at once.
I'm pretty sure this is in for the next version at least, which should be nice.
I'm also curious why the game doesn't just use actual text output, since that's all it seems to be anyway.
It does. This is likely a side effect of whichever mod/port you're using.
............ ┌─────┐NEARBY
............ │v├─RR│d dog
............ │─┤.RR│
............ │.│<RR│
............ │─┤...│
............ │.│<..│
............ └─────┘
............ HEAD:
............ 96
........|--- ------ TORSO:
........|... .....| 96
........|..d|.....| L. ARM:
........|...@.[...| 96
........|..."..[.[| R. ARM:
........|...|[......... 96
........|... ..m.........L. LEG:
........|... .....|...... 96
........|... .....| .h..R. LEG:
........|... .[...| ... 96
............ .[.[.| {POW:
............ .)...| --
........|... ....[| house Clear 65F Spring, day 1
........|... ...,.| Weapon: fists 8:00 AM
........|... .....| XP: 0 RUN
........|... .....| Str 12 Dex 7 Int 12 Per 5 Spd 100
You do make several good points though, all things that are either being worked on or planned to be, from what I know, though.