Hey everyone!
So I've been kind of distracted today in my Mafia games, I apologize to people I'm playing with. My only excuse is that I've been busy working on something, namely, this:
http://think0028.com/lurkertracker.htmlJust put in the URL and the replacements and it automatically does everything else.
It's not very fancy right now, but it handles replacements, lets you mark players as moderators or dead and sorts them to the bottom, and shows the standard outputs: links to all posts, last text in red, and time since they last posted. It takes a while to load large threads the first time, but it caches pages so it'll be much faster the second time. Hope it's handy for everyone.
Now also supports sorting either alphabetically or by most recent post.
I've done some debugging, but I'd appreciate stress testing, especially of replacement.
To make a direct link to the Lurker Tracker for a specific game, just do
http://think0028.com/lurkertracker.py?url=yourthreadsurlreplacing yourthreadsurl with the url from any page of the thread.
import urllib2
import cgi
import cgitb
import os
import cPickle
import sqlite3
import sys
import zipfile
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
#global variable weeeeeeee
replyNumber = 0
database = 'lurkers.sql'
def createDatabase(verbose = None):
global database
conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
c = conn.cursor()
createPostTable = """
number INTEGER,
post TEXT,
author TEXT,
time TEXT,
replyNumber INTEGER,
url TEXT
def burnQuotes(text):
#remove quotes from post
answer = ''
quotedepth = 0
i = 0
while i < len(text):
if i < len(text)-11:
if text[i:i+11] == '<blockquote':
quotedepth += 1
if quotedepth > 0 and i < len(text)-13:
if text[i:i+13] == '</blockquote>':
quotedepth += -1
i = text.index('>', i)+1
if quotedepth == 0:
answer += text[i]
i += 1
return answer.strip()
def findRed(text):
#finds red text
answer = ''
reddepth = 0
i = 0
while i < len(text):
marker = 'color: red'
if i < len(text)-len(marker):
if text[i:i+len(marker)] == marker:
if reddepth == 0:
answer = ''
reddepth += 1
i = text.index('>', i)+1
if reddepth > 0 and i < len(text)-7:
if text[i:i+7] == '</span>':
reddepth += -1
if reddepth != 0:
answer += text[i]
i += 1
return answer.strip()
def findBlue(text):
#finds blue text
answer = ''
reddepth = 0
i = 0
while i < len(text):
marker = 'color: blue'
if i < len(text)-len(marker):
if text[i:i+len(marker)] == marker:
if reddepth == 0:
answer = ''
reddepth += 1
i = text.index('>', i)+1
if reddepth > 0 and i < len(text)-7:
if text[i:i+7] == '</span>':
reddepth += -1
if reddepth != 0:
answer += text[i]
i += 1
return answer.strip()
def parseMessage(postTuple, replacedList, replaceList):
text = postTuple[1]
number = postTuple[0]
author = postTuple[2]
time = postTuple[3]
rnumber = postTuple[4]
#Supports someone replacing in for themselves down the line, not for
#someone playing two seperate roles
for i in xrange(len(replacedList)):
if replacedList[i] == author:
author = replaceList[i]
text = burnQuotes(text)
red = findRed(text)
blue = findBlue(text)
return [author, text, red, number, time, rnumber, blue]
def getPages(url, start=0):
#Returns list of strings of every page url
answer = []
f = urllib2.urlopen(url+'.0')
text = f.read()
text = text[text.index('Pages')+12:]
titletext = text[text.index('Topic: ')+7:]
titletext = titletext[:titletext.index('</span>')]
title = titletext[:titletext.rindex(' ')]
text = text[:text.index('</div>')]
replies = text[text.rindex('.')+1:text.rindex('"')]
replies = int(replies)
replies = 0 #if there's only one page, it comes here
i = 0
while i <= replies:
if i >= 15*(start/15):
answer += [url+'.'+str(i)]
i += 15
return (answer, title)
def getPosts(page, start=0):
global replyNumber
conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
c = conn.cursor()
#Returns list of post numbers and post text and post authors and time in a page given by a URL
answer = []
f = urllib2.urlopen(page)
text = f.read()
dateText = text
marker = '<li id="time" class="smalltext floatright">'
dateText = dateText[dateText.index(marker)+len(marker):]
dateText = dateText[:dateText.index(',', dateText.index(',')+1)+1]
while text.find("subject_") != -1:
marker = 'View the profile of '
text = text[text.index(marker)+len(marker):]
author = text[:text.index('"')]
marker = '<h5 id="subject_'
text = text[text.index(marker)+len(marker):]
number = int(text[:text.index('"')])
text = text[text.index('on:</strong>')+12:]
timeString = text[:text.index(" »")]
timeString = timeString.replace('<strong>Today</strong> at', dateText).strip()
time = datetime.strptime(timeString[:-2]+timeString[-2:].upper(), '%B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S %p')
marker = '<div class="inner" id="msg_'+str(number)+'">'
text = text[text.index(marker)+len(marker):]
post = text[:text.index('<div class="moderatorbar"')]
post = post[:text.rindex('</div>')]
post = post[:text.rindex('</div>')].strip()
if replyNumber > start:
answer += [(number, post, author, time, replyNumber)]
replyNumber += 1
for j in answer:
c.execute('insert into posts values (?,?,?,?,?,?)', (j[0],unicode(j[1], "utf-8", "ignore"),
unicode(j[2], "utf-8", "ignore"),
unicode(url, "utf-8", "ignore")))
return answer
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
url = form.getfirst('url')
if not url:
print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'
print '<html><body>Please supply a Bay12 forum URL.</body></html>'
if 'bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=' not in url:
print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'
print '<html><body>Sorry, this currently only supports Bay12 forum threads.</body></html>'
print 'Content-type: text/html\n\n'
postStart = 0
absolutePostCount = False
if '.msg' in url:
postStart = url[url.rindex('.msg')+4:]
if '#' in postStart:
postStart = postStart[:postStart.rindex('#')]
absolutePostCount = True
onlyAfterStart = form.getfirst('onlyAfterStart')
if onlyAfterStart:
postStart = form.getfirst('postStart')
if '.msg' in postStart:
postStart = postStart[postStart.rindex('.msg')+4:]
if '#' in postStart:
postStart = postStart[:postStart.rindex('#')]
absolutePostCount = True
absolutePostCount = False
postStart = int(postStart)
postStart = 0
full = False
if form.getfirst('full') == 'on':
full = True
replacedList = []
replaceList = []
moderator = form.getfirst('moderator')
if moderator:
replacedList += [moderator]
replaceList += ['Moderator']
replaces = form.getfirst('replace')
if replaces:
replaces = int(replaces)
for i in xrange(replaces):
replaced = form.getfirst('replaced'+str(i))
replace = form.getfirst('replace'+str(i))
if replace and replaced:
replacedList += [replaced.strip()]
replaceList += [replace.strip()]
url = url[:url.rindex('.')]
redDict = {}
actionDict = {}
postDict = {}
timeDict = {}
posts = []
conn = sqlite3.connect(database)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('select number, post, author, time, replyNumber from posts where url=? order by number', (url,))
pageposts = [c.fetchall()]
start = -1
if pageposts != [[]]:
start = pageposts[0][-1][4]
replyNumber = max(0,15*(start/15))
pages = getPages(url, start)
title = pages[1]
pages = pages[0]
pageposts2 = map(lambda x: getPosts(x, start), pages)
for i in pageposts2:
newpage = []
for j in i:
if j not in pageposts[0]:
newpage += [j]
pageposts += [newpage]
for i in pageposts:
posts += map(lambda x: parseMessage(x, replacedList, replaceList), i)
for j in posts:
if (not absolutePostCount and int(j[5]) < int(postStart)) or (absolutePostCount and int(j[3]) < int(postStart)):
if j[0] not in postDict:
postDict[j[0]] = []
postDict[j[0]] += [(url+'.msg'+str(j[3])+'#msg'+str(j[3]), j[5])]
if j[0] not in redDict:
redDict[j[0]] = []
if j[0] not in actionDict:
actionDict[j[0]] = []
if str(j[2]) != '':
redDict[j[0]] += [(str(j[2]), j[3])]
actionDict[j[0]] += [(str(j[2]), j[3], 'red', j[5])]
if str(j[6]) != '':
actionDict[j[0]] += [(str(j[6]), j[3], 'blue', j[5])]
timeDict[j[0]] = unicode(j[4].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'utf-8', 'ignore')
timeDict[j[0]] = j[4]
print "<html><title>Lurker Tracker - " + title + "</title>"
print '<head><script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js"></script>'
print '''<script type="text/javascript">
function showVoteLog(user) {
if ($('#showLog'+user).html() == 'Show Vote Log') {
$('#showLog'+user).html('Hide Vote Log')
} else {
$('#showLog'+user).html('Show Vote Log')
print '</head><body>'
print "Players: <br />"
copypasta = '[hr][center][b][i]LurkerTracker[/i][/b][/center][hr][font=courier][size=8pt]'
users = postDict.keys()
sort = form.getfirst('sort')
for i in xrange(len(users)):
if not sort or sort == 'alpha':
sortableUser = (users[i].lower(), users[i])
elif sort == 'post':
sortableUser = (timeDict[users[i]], users[i])
sortableUser = (users[i].lower(), users[i])
users[i] = sortableUser
if sort and sort == 'post':
for i in xrange(len(users)):
users[i] = users[i][1]
counter = 0
for user in users:
counter += 1
if 'Dead:' not in user and 'Nonplayer' != user:
print str(user) + ": <br />"
print "<ul>"
print "<li>Posts: "
for i in xrange(len(postDict[user])):
print "<a href='"+postDict[user][i][0]+"'>["+str(i)+"]</a>"
print "</li>"
if redDict[user] != [] and user != 'Moderator':
print "<li>Last Vote: <a style='color: red' href='" + url+'.msg'+str(redDict[user][-1][1])+'#msg'+str(redDict[user][-1][1]) + "'>" + redDict[user][-1][0] + "</a></li>"
print """<li><button id='showLog"""+str(counter)+"""' onclick="showVoteLog('"""+str(counter)+"""')">Show Vote Log</button></li>"""
time = datetime.strptime(timeDict[user], u'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
diff = datetime.now() - time - timedelta(0,0,0,0,0,TIMEDIFF)
hours = ((diff.microseconds + (diff.seconds + diff.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6) / 3600
print "<li>Last posted: "
if not full:
print str(hours)
if hours != 1:
print " hours ago. "
print " hour ago. "
print str(diff)[:str(diff).rindex('.')] + ' ago. '
print "</li>"
print "</ul>"
print "<div style='display: none' id='voteLog"+str(counter)+"'><ul>"
for i in actionDict[user]:
print "<li><a style='color: "+i[2]+"' href='" + url+'.msg'+str(i[1])+'#msg'+str(i[1]) + "'>Reply #"+str(i[3])+" - "+ str(i[0]) + "</a></li>"
print "</ul></div>"
copypasta += "[b]" +str(user) + "[/b]: "
copypasta += "Last posted: "
if not full:
copypasta += str(hours)
if hours != 1:
copypasta += " hours ago. "
copypasta += " hour ago. "
copypasta += str(diff)[:str(diff).rindex('.')] + ' ago. '
if redDict[user] != []:
copypasta += "Last vote for [color=red][url=" + url+'.msg'+str(redDict[user][-1][1])+'#msg'+str(redDict[user][-1][1]) + "]"+redDict[user][-1][0] + "[/url][/color] "
#copypasta += "Posts: "
#for i in xrange(len(postDict[user])):
# copypasta += "[url=" +postDict[user][i]+"]["+str(i)+"][/url]"
#copypasta += "\n"
for user in users:
if 'Dead:' in user and 'Nonplayer' not in user:
print str(user) + ": <br />"
print "<ul>"
print "<li>Posts: "
for i in xrange(len(postDict[user])):
print "<a href='"+postDict[user][i][0]+"'>["+str(postDict[user][i][1])+"]</a>"
print "</li>"
print "</ul>"
copypasta += "[b]" +str(user) + "[/b]: "
#copypasta += "Posts: "
#for i in xrange(len(postDict[user])):
# copypasta += "[url=" +postDict[user][i]+"]["+str(i)+"][/url]"
#copypasta += "\n"
copypasta += "[/size][/font][hr]"
print "<br /> Copypasta for forums: <textarea cols='80' rows='5'>" + copypasta + '</textarea>'
print "<br /><a href='http://think0028.com/lurkertracker.py?"
formstring = ''
for i in form:
if i != 'url' and i != 'postStart':
formstring += str(i)+"="+str(form.getfirst(i))+"&"
ps = form.getfirst('postStart')
if not ps:
ps = '0'
if '#' in ps:
ps = ps[:ps.rindex('#')]
u = form.getfirst('url')
if '#' in u:
u = u[:u.rindex('#')]
formstring = formstring + "postStart=" + ps + "&"
formstring = formstring + "url=" + u
print formstring
print "'>Permalink to this configuration</a>"
print '</body></html>'