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Author Topic: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! RUN COMPLETED  (Read 326019 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXIV: Drayden
« Reply #675 on: July 24, 2014, 07:10:39 pm »

Looking back, it was a Palpitoad and a Stunfisk, both killed outright.

Anyway, best of luck with the endgame.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXIV: Drayden
« Reply #676 on: July 24, 2014, 09:16:06 pm »

Looking back, it was a Palpitoad and a Stunfisk, both killed outright.

Anyway, best of luck with the endgame.

Maaan could really use that Palpitoad about now.

Molly Renata

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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXIV: Drayden
« Reply #677 on: July 25, 2014, 12:48:26 am »

Just finished reading through this whole thing and... holy shit.
Drayden was a slaughter.
*headshake* Best of luck to you in the future.

By the way, did you ever visit Mistralton Cave?
Molly Renata, also known as gyppygirl2021.
Fangirl. Beware random references to old and obscure games.
I'm a dumb hipster who plays older Dorf Fort versions. Mostly DF2010 and 40d. I also make and play a lot of silly mods, and find my own ways to have Fun.


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXIV: Drayden
« Reply #678 on: July 30, 2014, 12:00:22 pm »

Just noticed this. God damn you are screwed. Good luck.
"It's not what you say, it's how stupid you sound when you say it that counts."


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXIV: Drayden
« Reply #679 on: October 22, 2014, 10:08:42 pm »

Any chance of an update, or is raising another team too much of a slog?

Totally understandable if it is.
Ye know, being an usurper overseer gone mad with power isn't too bad. It's honestly not that different from being a normal overseer.
To summarize:
They do an epic face. If that fails, they beat said object to death with their beard.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXIV: Drayden
« Reply #680 on: October 22, 2014, 11:32:08 pm »

Darn, got me excited that there might have been an update.
Well, I'm sure he's still grinding away.  :P
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXIV: Drayden
« Reply #681 on: January 07, 2015, 02:27:24 pm »

PART XXXV: Victory Road Goes Ever Onward

This daycare is a lot more fascist than I had remembered

[...and then the Kriegsmarine will Surf down the children's slides when the orchestra hits the second movement.]

[Masterful! Your rally-planning skills have me all aflutter! Perhaps after we discuss the deployment of the luftballons, we can orchestrate an intimate-]

[Hey, who's that idiot tearing up our banners!?!]

[Oh no.]

Put away the pretty paper, Himmler; we've got work today.

[I knew you would need my power to accomplish your quest, but it is with a heavy heart I ask... who do I replace?]

Meet the team. You already know Urkel.


[A noble warrior indeed.]

And of course you've trained with Teddy before.


[A reckless brute, but a dependable veteran nevertheless.]

So now you just need to get acquainted with the rest of the team: Nemo the Basculin and Toad the Foongus.


[Hello there, brother in arms! Now let us inflict great harms!]

[What! This is it? What about Marvin, or Gustave, or Simon? Not even that stupid grub you replaced me with?]

I know, I know, things look a bit rough right now; Toad doesn't have moves that complement his stats, like you, and Nemo is pretty fragile. Still, with some training I think we can really come together as a team.


Well, I suppose we could see how well Ackbar holds up in combat...


On second thought, we never did finish backtracking past Nimbasa City. Let's see if we can find any side areas we missed.

Mistralton Cave: A forgotten Cave sealed with hints of a legend's presence

Mew's whiskers but it's dark in here. Still, that old guy said there'd be a legendary in here, and considering my circumstances I may have to relax my standards with regard to taking on a legendary-

*Wild Boldore Appeared!*

-or not. I suppose a Rock type would OH WAIT HANG ON YOU'RE A BOLDORE!

"Overflows with Power" is a fancy way of saying "Emits Deadly Radiation"

This is excellent!

[I'm glad to be a valuable member of the squad, boss.]

Yeah, yeah, let's go, Trade Bait. TO MISTRALTON CITY!

[I'm sorry?]

DanaNana DanaNana!

Hey, kid, have you caught any Boldore?*

Yes! Yes I have.


Would you like to trade for my Emolga?*

Indeed I would, good sir.

Great! Take good care of Minipete!

...the hell kind of name is Minipete?

Yeah, this is just a flying Pikachu. Not that there's anything wrong with that!

Oh, Electric/Flying, my favorite of type combinations. Welcome aboard, Minipete.

[Oh, there isn't anything MINI about me, ladies]

[Foolish. I'm literally two feet taller than you.]

[I wasn't talking about my height, baby.]

Enough nonsense. You're all far too weak to handle the Victory Road, let alone Pokemon League. There's only one thing to do.

[We're gonna need a montage?]

We're gonna need a montage.



[Show a lot of things happening at once!]

[Remind everyone of what's going on!]

All of your Pokemon are dead!


[And with every shot you show a little improvement!]

[To show it all would take too long! ...ladies]

Oh hey, an Aerial Ace TM just lying on the ground! It's your lucky day, Himmler!

Curses! Because of your victory, our biker gang shall forever be known as... the Black Basculin!


[In anything where you want to go from a beginner to a pro-]


Yeah, you need a montage! Even Marvin had a montage!


[Always fade out in a montage... If you fade out it seems like more time has passed in a montage...]


So yeah, then I fell back on my most historically successful plan of "grinding 5evar," a tricky feat since the area north of Opelucid City has all those deadly Bouffalant running around, and the areas south have little EXP to offer. Once I get everyone into the lower fifties I call it good enough; that's where the best of the old team was, so it'll have to do.

Stop! Monk!*

Oh come on, don't you know Drayden killed all of my best Pokemon?

Drayden and Professor Juniper told me. You're heading for the Pokemon League, right?*

No, I just thought I'd take a lazy stroll down Victory Road, see the sights, smell the roses, knock one back with the guards. Of COURSE I'm going to Pokemon League!

Since it's Alder... Since it's the Champion, I think it will be all right. Worst-case scenario... you'll be battling Team Plasma's boss, N.*

No, the worst case scenario is that I battle Alder, and then N pulls a Gary Oak on me before I get a chance to heal.

I need to know if you can handle it!*

Cheren, you've been cheating right along to keep rebuilding your same flawed team. A wise man once said that it is not the strongest trainer that survives, but the one most adaptable to change. Meet my new friend, Minipete.

The hell kind of name is Minipete?

[I didn't think anyone could have a worse name than "Cheren's Unfezant," but it seems I was wrong.]

[Just think of me as "selection pressure."] *THUNDERBOLT*


Um. This is a problem.

[Gee, ya think?]

[I can do this alllll day, ladies.]*THUNDERBOLT*


Maybe his Attack isn't as good as his Special Attack?

[Put me back in the ball Back in the Ball BACK IN THE BALL!]

[I'm sorry, but you have been selected against.]*AERIAL ACE*


Do I get to see any of your other Pokemon?

Nah, you might get a hit in.

[Oh, I'll get a hit in, alright.]*Slash*

[Yeah. One hit.]*Thunderbolt* *Aerial Ace*

Yep, you are something else. And I mean that sincerely.*

You know, somehow I don't think that was a compliment.

Right now, there's no way I can compete with you, Monk. If there is anything I can do to help in the battle with N, just say so...*

Monk... There's not much I can do to help you, but I want you to have these!*

Gah! When did you get here? ...and why did you bring Max Revives? You know these are made by the same people who distribute radiation pills, right?

Still, it's kind of funny. Everyone's so different.*

Funny? At a time like this...*

Come on, Cheren. Could you smile just for once? Taking everything so seriously all the time isn't going to change anything.*

To be fair, the battle of the century is nigh and he has to start his team from scratch again.

You know... since we've met our Pokemon and walked the same roads together, a lot has happened...*

Define "together." I think I've fought beside you in one double battle, and that was way back when your Munna got captured for the first time.

We've all changed a lot! We found out that the things we want to do and the things we can do are different fo each of us, right? That's what's made our journey so worth it. Somehow, all this just makes me happy.*

...So that's what you mean. ...You are right that we're all different and we should do the things that we can do. There are as many truths and ideals as there are people and Pokemon. The most important thing is that we help one another out.*

By challenging each other to death matches right before the final battle?

That's why people and Pokemon are always by each other's side. That's what I've come to think lately... Monk! If anything happens to you or Alder, I will do everything I can to help you. That's why I have to keep training and getting stronger. Just... don't be reckless, OK?*

I can't promise to be safe, but I can promise to be dangerous.

He's gone. Monk! Me, too! I'll do my best to help if I can! So... Umm... I wish I could say something, like, totally inspiring, you know? Umm... OK... Best foot forward!*

Sadly enough, that might be the most inspiring thing you've ever said, Bianca. Well, on to Victory Road!

Well that's a little more complicated than the previous 40-odd areas

As you can see from the diagram, Unova's Victory Road is some kind of odd Inca-esque step pyramid cliff path thingy. What you might not be able to see is that it compares favorably with the Victory Roads of previous generations. Back in the day, Victory Road was a long cave full of bats and rocks and boring, tedious things like that, interspersed with strong Trainers on their way to Pokemon League (evidently there are enough such trainers streaming to the Elite Four that you can reasonably expect to fight a dozen of them on your way through, which explains why the Champion requires you to beat the Elite Four before he has to bother facing you.) Unovan Victory Road has a similar trainer density, and it does have some cave bits, but it also has an outdoors area featuring Fire/Ground Pokemon, Dragons, Fighting types and more, providing a welcome spread of type diversity for the last major grinding area in the game.

Alright, last chance at a Pokemon before the final battle. Let's see if I can get-

*Wild Boldore Appeared!*

Oh. Well, nevermind then.

Before going to the Pokemon League, let me test my skills!*

Ugh. More Ace Trainers. Can I fight anyone else instead?

Wait! Young trainer over there! Look at my Pokemon!*

Thank you!

[Thanks indeed!]

As a Pokemon grows, its connection to its Trainer will improve, and their bond becomes stronger!*

You might be thinking of Pokemon Conquest, but that's alright.

Whenever I am lost, I meet a Trainer! Of course, we're gonna fight!*

[Not a long fight, I'm afraid.]

When people move ahead, they get lost, or they stop... At those moments, Pokemon give you courage to keep moving forward!*

Sometimes people move ahead and actually get where they're going to.

I am a Doctor! If you have Pokemon in bad shape... Let me see your Pokemon in battle!*

Wow, and here I thought I was the biggest ass in this cave.

[I'd tap that.]

Whether your Pokemon are healthy or not, I'll restore them to full health! I aim to be the best Doctor in the world! But first, I intend to become the best Trainer in the world!*

Stick to your day job, buddy. I need to explore every nook and cranny of this cave.

*Wild Terrakion Appeared!*

OH BALLS. It's this Road's Moltres. ...I bet it's worth a TON of EXP!

[Ooh, dibs!]



SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT GET OUT OF THERE URKEL I NEED YOU! Teddy, get in there and PRAY he has no dark type moves!


*Rock Slide*

[RAGGABRRA!] *Shadow Ball Spam*


Phew. Too close. Still, killing Cobalion and Terrakion is good practice if I have to kill N's Legendary at the end of this.

The people who pass by here have such different moods! It's fun to watch, and even more fun to fight against them!*

Well I hope you forgive me for this curbstomping, because I'm kind of pissed off.

[That which does not kill me makes me stronger!]

Winning is good, but winning is not everything... Don't lose sight of what's important!*

Well that's dumb. I can't protect what's important if I lose. Terrakion just demonstrated that we aren't strong enough to hang with the big dogs... yet.

[Are you pondering what I'm pondering?]

It's time to grind! Again! For the last time!

NEXT TIME: Pokemon League
Suggestions, Comments, Criticism welcome as always.

Spoiler: Routes Visited (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXV: Victory Road
« Reply #682 on: January 07, 2015, 02:31:19 pm »

It's FEF, not FEOF


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXV: Victory Road
« Reply #683 on: January 07, 2015, 02:34:55 pm »

Like an undead zombie or clumsy toddler this thread lurches back to life after falling flat on its face! Of course chances are it'll just fall down again and not move for the next couple of months, but I think we're used to that by now. :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXV: Victory Road
« Reply #684 on: January 07, 2015, 04:26:02 pm »

undead zombie
or a magic wizard :P

Best of luck, monk12! Heh heh, nice Gen VI veteran sprite.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXV: Victory Road
« Reply #685 on: January 07, 2015, 04:46:18 pm »

We are indeed used to sudden dead thread syndrome. But!

Perhaps we shall see the end of this journey... One way, or another. Good luck! You can do it Monk!

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXV: Victory Road
« Reply #686 on: January 07, 2015, 09:23:37 pm »

No deaths so this update, that's good.
Rather close one with that legendary, but still no death, knock on wood.
Good luck!
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXV: Victory Road
« Reply #687 on: January 08, 2015, 12:22:13 am »

Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXVI: Pokemon League
« Reply #688 on: January 26, 2015, 03:29:37 pm »

PART XXXVI: Pokemon League

Tonight's musical accompaniment is provided by Patent Pending. Let's Shut It Down.

Big Stadium, Big EXP

Good game! A hell of a match, right down to the last play!

Hey nerds!

Oh come on, not you again. Can't you just leave us alone?

What, does special guest Ray Lewis not want to play a real sport? Maybe something of value to society? Something that involves small fuzzy animals brutalizing each other?

Do I look like Michael Vick? Look, just take my money, I don't want any trouble.

It's not about the money, nerd. Bullying you guys gives the best EXP, and I need to powerlevel before I take on the Elite Four.

You have been here beating us up every day for the past month. Don't you think you're ready by now?


Well, maybe. Tell you what, give me one last chance to kick Ray Rice in the balls and I'll leave you alone.


Players who have battled the Pokemon League of Unova (or, indeed, any Pokemon League past Gen I) are no doubt slapping their heads after seeing the levels on those mons, but for players like me who have not challenged Unova's Finest before, let me offer some perspective.

This is Lorelei, the first member of the Elite Four in Generation I, the first member of the Elite Four I ever battled. The levels on her pokemon range from a level 53 Cloyster to a level 56 Lapras. My crew of level 58s could comfortably handle her, even though her 5 mon team is quite exotic.
Each member of the Kanto Elite Four gets progressively higher level until you face off against Lance the Dragon Master. His 5 Pokemon spread from a pair of level 56 Dragonair to a level 62 Dragonite. Perhaps a little overbearing for my current roster, but the EXP gained fighting the earlier members of the Elite Four would probably make up for the level difference, assuming my whole team survived the gauntlet.
Once you've defeated the Elite Four, you just have to face the Champ. In Gen I, this was your rival, whose "weakest" Pokemon was a level 59 Alakazam, with his strongest being a level 65(!) starter Pokemon. He also fields a full 6 mon team, unlike the Elite Four and Giovanni who had 5 (of course, I've already seen that the penultimate Gym Leader in Unova only uses 3 mons, same as anyone, which should have tipped me off.) Going into the Elite Four with a team of 58s means you'd get to the Champion at or under level, but the difference would not be severe enough to make it impossible, just challenging, as it should be.

Generation I is the Elite Four I have personally faced the most (I have never run a Gen II Nuzlocke to the Elite Four, and prior to Nuzlocking I think I only beat them twice.) It might have behooved me to do some research on relative levels before grinding like a crazy person.

The Pokemon League is a place where you both pursue strength and express it. The way to express it is simple... You just have to beat the Elite Four and the Champion!*

Wait, what strength am I pursuing? Is there a rare Pokemon kicking around here or something?

You can start your challenge by battling any of the Elite Four, and if you defeat them all, you can challenge the Champion! However! I warn you, once you start your challenge, there's no turning back. You must keep battling until you defeat them all... or are defeated yourself. Do you want to go in?*

Well I didn't grind this Amoongus for the fun of it! Er, hang on, that came out wrong- yes I want to go fight Pokemon now please.

Four great warriors form this Pokemon League. To the southwest is one who does not fear the Ghost type. To the southeast is one who channels the power of the Fighting type. To the northwest is one who has mastered the Dark type. To the northeast is one who knows the mind of the Psychic type. If you can defeat these warriors with your courage and wisdom, you shall be led to the summit, where the strongest Champion awaits.*

Oh, I can challenge them in any order? Which one will be weakest... Ghost type, I suppose.

Who you gonna call?

"Eyes brimming with dark flame, this man rejected everything other than himself in order to bring about one singular justice..." That's part of the novel I'm writing. I was inspired by the challenger who was just here, and somehow I got a little sad...*

Oh great, so you've already fought N. Did he kick your ass because your invisible ghost pals copped a feel carrying him up this tower? Because I'm about to kick your ass because your invisible ghost pals copped a feel carrying me up this tower!

Excuse me. You're a challenger, right? I'm the Elite Four's Ghost-type Pokemon user, Shauntal, and I shall be your opponent.*

Good evening Pokemon fans, and welcome to this special double feature presentation of Unovan Idol!

Wait, double feature? Have you been covering N's journey this whole time?

Do you even watch the show you star in?

I try very hard not to.

In this busy Championship season, Monk will seek to defeat Shauntal's four ghastly Ghost-types as part of his bid to become Pokemon League Champion!

You only have four Pokemon? I really hope Alder will field a full team, at least.

Four Pokemon will be more than enough, won't they, Cofagrigous?


...a level 48 Cofagrigous. Oh, you poor dear.

[Somehow, I was expecting something more "elite."] *CRUNCH*


Beginnings are important, whether in a good novel or in a good battle!*

And you've really ballsed this one up, haven't you.


[That won't help you now!] *CRUNCH*


Monk is halfway there, but Golurk's Curse will damage Urkel by 25% every turn! Will Monk risk it to keep his damage dealer on the battlefield to face Shauntal's Chandelure?

In a word, no. I might have preferred the cool ghost robot thing instead of Nemo, but Nemo does know Crunch, and should be resistant to Chandelure's Fire.


[I can see to it that the rest of you explodes as well.] *Fire Blast*


Hm. Nemo is almost ten levels tougher and resistant, and that move did more than half his hp. I imagine that says more about Nemo's stats than it does about Fire Blast's power, though.



[Can't cut this though.]

[I'm stepping in to help a friend, a Giga Drain will be your end!]


Well that was embarrassing for you.

S-sorry! First, I must apologize to my Pokemon... I'm really sorry you had a bad experience because of me! Oh! It's not your fault! This is how battles always are. Even in light of that, I'm still one of the Elite Four!*

Up until I become Champion and fire you for incompetence, anyway. Stick to the books.

Every person who works with Pokemon has a story to tell. I've found that stories where people and Pokemon help each other out are far more interesting than stories about only people, or only Pokemon!*

I don't know as there are any books without Pokemon in Unova. Pokemon are in our plays, our sports, our amusement parks, our restaurants, our museums, our subways... literally everything has freaking Pokemon in it. Do something original and write a fantasy piece about a world without Pokemon; I'll be off defeating N and preventing that reality.

Well, after I fight this guy, anyway

Man oh man... What is going on today? Challengers coming one right after another.*

Don't suggest that you're about to lose because N softened you up, you Twilight refugee. If Shauntal is anything to go by, you lot are all as lazy and decadent as the Gym Leaders. Now shut up and fight me.

Well, no matter. I am Grimsley of the Elite Four, and I will fulfill my duty to be your opponent.*

[You'd better step off if you know what's good for you!]

Ooh, mirror match!

[Hey, all I see is a terrible version of myself. Let's fix that.] *Hi Jump Kick*


[Check yourself before you wreck yourself!] *Fake Out* *Aerial Ace*

Oh come on, since when do cats fly!?!

[The higher they fly, the harder they fall.] *Hi Jump Kick*


[Hey, guess who else knows Aerial Ace for some mysteriou-]

[NO!] *Hi Jump Kick*


Good, good, but I will never retreat from any battle.*

In all my time wandering Unova, I don't think anyone has ever backed down from a Pokemon battle, with the exception of undercompensated Plasma grunts.

[How about we back up some TECTONIC PLATES!?!] *Earthquake*

[Arg! Not enough, dick!] *Hi Jump Kick*

And the battle is over! With just one Pokemon, Monk has swept the second member of the Elite Four!

Whether or not you get to fight at full strength, whether or not luck smiles on you- none of that matters. Only results matter. And a loss is a loss.*

Now you're talking my language, Grimey!

See, victory shines like a bright light. And right now, you and your Pokemon are shining brilliantly. Now, I'm nothing more than the guy who lost... Nothing more, nothing less. Sigh... You should take that strength and test it against the rest of the Elite Four.*

Since it looks like you all have level 48 mons, it won't be much of a test.

Wait, I wasn't expecting the test to be in a bedroom
I might need a minute

Uh, I'm a little uncomfortable with you using your psychic powers to levitate me into your bedroom.

Who are you? How impudent you are to disturb my sleep.*

Impudent? It's 2 in the afternoon, get out of bed and fight me!

Hmf... You appear to possess a combination of strength and kindness. Very well. Make your best effort not to bore me with a yawn-inducing battle. Clear?*

[Technically I'm only translucent, not clear, but let's not quibble over semantics.]

[Why quibble when we can rumble?] *Crunch*


[Musharna to the res-]

[NO!] *Crunch*

We're making great time here. I might actually catch up to N at this rate.

[It's always a Scrafty. Oh well, time to sweep up the trash.] *Air Slash* *Air Slash*

[Augh!] *Flinch* *Flinch*

Bah! Fine, I'll use a mon other than Urkel.


[A ghost? Perfect.] *Shadow Ball*

Woah! Caitlin's Sigilyph has the ability to punch through Teddy's serious defense! Can it finish the job?



I get the feeling a wonderful time is about to start. I'm excited!*

That's what all the ladies say, yes.

Ugh. Pervert.

You're the one taking challengers in your bedroom while wearing a bathrobe!

[Just ignore the heathen.] *Calm Mind* *Calm Mind*

[HHHNNFFFAAAARRRRR!!] *Shadow Ball* *Shadow Ball* *Shadow Ball*


And that's the battle! Monk has just one more member of the Elite Four to challenge before he can face the Champion!

You haven't faced all the members of the Elite Four yet, have you? Don't concern yourself about me. Go on ahead.*

I hadn't planned to. Smell ya later!

Wait, I wasn't done monologuing yet!

Gonna fly now! Literally

Greetings, challenger. My name is Marshal.*

Hiya Marshal. The Michelin Man called, he wants his vest back.

In order to master the art of fighting, I'm training under my mentor, Alder.*

Wait, is Alder a Fighting type expert? Interesting.

My mentor sees your potential as a Trainer and is taking an interest in you. It is my intention to test you- to take you to the limits of your strength. Kiai!*
[It's a tossup!]

[This is why I came out of retirement!] *Fly*


[Sawk it to m-]

[NO!] *Fly* *Aerial Ace*


Stupid Sturdy, should have been a clean sweep for Himmler.


[Sure!] *Fly*


This is our last Pokemon, so we'll use our last bit of strength!*

[Fists of fury, don't fail me now!]

[Sorry, too slow.] *Fly*


And it's over! Monk has defeated the Elite Four of Unova and earned a showdown with the Champion!

Now... you have become the strongest Trainer in this Pokemon League. The statue in the central chamber will take you to the Champion's room. We, the Elite Four of Unova, are sworn to follow the Champion's order to be neutral. So the rest is up to you!*

Right then. Time to fight the Champion and stop N before he can destroy Unova!

Oh. Um.

It's over! Never again will Pokemon be made to suffer or be held captive by humans. It's all thanks to my friend, Zekrom! You may have the title of Champion... But you can't stop me with just a title. Your soft heart has left you weak. Years ago, you lost your Pokemon, your partner, to sickness. In order to forget the pain in your heart, you wandered Unova... Who knows how long it's been since you've had to fight with your full strength? I actually kind of like that about you, though. As a Trainer who far outmatches the Champion, I shall issue an order across Unova: Trainers of the world, free your Pokemon!*

I beg you! Separating people from Pokemon... Do anything but that!*

You and I both put our beliefs on the line and fought with all our strength. And I won. Do not say another word.*

Hey guys! What'd I miss? ...uh, I guess I don't get to fight Alder now?

...I've been waiting. In the future I envisioned, you obtained a stone. And, indeed, you have. That Light Stone... Zekrom is responding to it.*

Alright, time to throw down! Urkel, I choose you!

Stop. This is not a suitable place for the legendary dragons! From the ground, rise up! The castle of Team Plasma! Surround the Pokemon League!*



What has just appeared is Team Plasma's castle.*

THAT DID NOT ANSWER MY QUESTION! Where did it come from? Who built it? How did you shove it up from underground? Why did it stab Pokemon League with staircases? When did you have time for this? Have you been building a giant pneumatic castle underneath the seat of Unovan government for months without being detected? Has this all been one big ploy to make me talk like you?!?

The king's words will resound from the heights to all below. You must come to the castle, as well. Everything will be decided there. Whether Pokemon will be liberated from people, or whether Pokemon and people will live together... We will see whose belief is stronger... And our result will change the world.*

You... you go on ahead. My brain is too full of fuck to fight you right now.

Mr. Alder, you're a wreck. It's not fitting for the Champion.*

You did well to get this far.*

Somehow, I beat the Pokemon League, but it wasn't easy.*

Er... I have to congratulate you.*

Yeah, well done Cheren, you beat Pokemon League after both N and I destroyed their teams. Bravo.

I became stronger because I understood what I want to do.*

You still don't really get sarcasm, do you Cheren?

Monk! Tell N this... some people grow stronger by being with Pokemon. My Pokemon and I are proof. Together, we learned and became stronger.*

I... I lost. I should have been able to demonstrate the bond between me and my Pokemon. That would have shown that brat the worthlessness of his outrageous dreams.*

Yeesh, don't be such a sore loser Alder.

So, his convictions were the real thing... Be careful. The ones who change the world are always the ones who pursued their dreams. Monk, I ask this of you. Even if Pokemon and people are separated, nothing good will come of it. Please let him know that!*

Yeah, whatever. The only thing I'm going to tell N is to give up his career as Champion and go into construction. I bet he'd make a killing. Of course, to convince him it looks like I have to make a killing- as Champion. ...Get it? Because I'm going to kill his animal friends?

I got it. I'm not laughing, but I got it.

Yeah, well, screw you. I've got a castle to crash. I guess you could say...

Monk no.

This "N"ds here!



NEXT TIME: Final Destination
Suggestions, Comments, Criticism welcome as always.

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« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 08:41:42 pm by monk12 »


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Re: Let's Play with these Newfangled Pokemanz! Part XXXVI: Pokemon League
« Reply #689 on: January 26, 2015, 03:49:00 pm »

No criticism from me today. This is it. Go and conquer!

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses
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