Ezreal rework was revealed. i dont feel like posting further info but yeah, rito has been churning out reworks like crazy. this gives me hype because as far as i remember, Morgana and Kayle are next on the list. cant wait to see what they come up with. however, they havent revealed new champions which is weird, will have to wait. i mean, how much time has passed since Pyke? 2-3 months already?
they showed a teaser for worlds too. there's a lot of skins coming up, Victorious Kha'zix, Bewitched skins for Ekko, Kled and Janna, Popstar Kai'sa (dafuq) and i guess there's more.
theres an Infernal Amumu and Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger skins in the PBE too. raise your dongers i guess.
oh and there's still the Odyssey PvE event running on. not sure when it goes as i returned recently to the game. i guess you saw the skin teasers but its basically the LoL version of Guardians of The Galaxy or something like that. Jinx, Sona, Malphite, Yasuo and Ziggs vs Kayn (and Rhaast). lore seems to be tied to the Dark Star universe at some degree, not sure on the Bullet Angel or Super Galaxy side.
in other news, i went and checked my NA account. lvl 17, not bad, got to spent some blue essence in a few cheap champions. but every match seems to be plagued with powercreep champions like Vayne, Yi, Yasuo, Lux and specially, Akali.
honestly how can Riot expect people to level up when all the matches are full of cancer inducing matchups. i only got to win one with Shaco and it was because the enemy team went open mid (2 disconnected). LAN matchups look way better than this and that says a lot. really disappointed with NA pre lvl 30 meta, i dont get how you can cope with that shit.