Any tips to a complete noob who just bought gangplank as his first? I just have no idea if any of the builds Ive found are reasonable. At least my friends laughed when I told them of the build with 3 infinity edges I found so Im not sure what build to trust to be good. :S
UNIQUE passives, auras and actives don't stack. So while Tiamat's splash damage passive isn't unique, you can get 5 of them and have your attacks splash for 250% of the damage, but 5 Infinity Edges don't give you +250% more crit dmg, only the +50%.
Right now the most used, and boring if you ask me, is to build a tankplank: Warmog's Armor for HP, Trinity Force for all stats and the passive, Atma's Impaler to turn that health you got into damage, Infinity Edge for the damage and Maw of Malmortius for the Magic Resist and the excellent damage. Although it is an expensive build, Parrrley gives you extra gold if you last hit with it, and as GP you usually farm a lot so that helps. It is very effective, but pretty much
every Gangplank that builds him to win games instead of to have fun, is going to build like so.
For fun? I suggest you these;
AoE damage:
Do boots + 5 Tiamats (or 4 Tiamats and IE), use Parrrley on a minion in teamfights and watch as the enemy team gets blown up with 1 shot.
Super Heals, strong Parrrley and devastating ultimate:
Ability Power. Get Tear of the Goddess, Boots & Kage's pick at first, then Sheen, then Deathfire Grasp, Lichbane, Rabadon's Deathcap, Archangel Staff and an optional AP item of choice, such as another AA staff or Rylai's Scepter. Lichbane is activated when you start Parrrley cast, and applied when the bullet hits, meaning that every 2 seconds you have a Parrrley that deals easily +600 damage. Without critting.
Crits r' Fun:
Boots and Vamp Scepter, Phantom Dancer x 2, IE, Maw of Malmortius, Bloodthirster. You hit like a truck with that gun, and you autoattack as fast as a jackhammer. Although not durable, lifesteal and insane dmg is always fun.
Stack items with auras and activatable AoE skills. Shurelya's Reverie, Locket of the Iron Solari, Randuim's Omen, Zeke's Herald, Aegis of the Legion, Soul Shroud and Frozen Heart all fit for his tanky nature. His E and ultimate also make him a great support.
Although these might not look like the most optimal GP builds, they are the most fun.