Oh man, I just jungled Kayle, and our team had Riven on top and Darius against her. Having a deep hatred for Darius, I decided to harass the crap outta him.
LVL 3 gank with redbuff, he escapes, burning flash with it. Escaped with half hp, I stick to the bushes and wait for him to return.
Well, he returns but didn't expect me to stay. So now with no flash, he gives FB to Riven.
Riven has now a head start, and she kills Darius on her own. Later, I'm coming to gank him, Darius is almost dead but flashes away. I use my Q to slow him, and Riven catches up and slays Darius.
It felt really good to shut him down. Really good. And because enemy Panth ganked only mid and bot, Riven got to freefarm all game she wanted, and when she didnt farm, she was killing the enemy team.
Kayle is a really nice jungler, Q to slow and amplify dmg, then activate E and W heal + MS boost if needed, ignite the enemy, and keep whacking them with redbuff powered E. She deals surprisingly large amounts of damage when let to do it, especially late game: Gunblade, Manamune, Guinsoo, Trinity and Nashor's Tooth. Loads'e attack speed, incredible damage output and the ult lets you land at least 5 additional attacks, which all heal you, which lets you live long enough to land 1 or 2 additional attacks and so on.. With the CDR from Nashor's Tooth, you can play her pretty much permanently as a ranged attacker.