Their team: Lonestar, Leon and Gnaw.
Our team: Ayla (me), Coco, and Raelynn.
Lost the early game horribly by losing both of our front turrets very quickly, Gnaw killed our Raelynn a couple of times via DoT and I died stupidly to the solar boss. Our Raelynn was playing fairly well, but had an annoying tendency to not buy items, leaving her a bit supbar for most of the match.
I managed to farm creeps enough to scrounge up enough money to increase Rage damage and get some extra health for Lonestar's dynamite/Gnaw's spit, managed to hunt down Gnaw when he played a little bit too manly, followed by Leon after she killed our Raelynn and got stuck in a timerift. This continued until I had gotten six kills in the span of about 3 minutes, aided by the fact that, at this point, Raelynn had at least had enough sense to pick up damage upgrades for her snipe.
We briefly turn around the game and take down both their front turrets, but shortly afterward I mess up while ganking Gnaw and die. By the time I respawn, our second turret is down and Leon's dueling our Coco in our base while Lonestar/Gnaw pushes down the remaining turret. I quickly get out and attack Leon and chase him away, but he survives and our last turret falls shortly after that.
This is the point where I go into full on carry mode, maximizing damage output and durability, followed by quickly moving around the map ganking any enemy naut I come across. I get another Killing Machine streak, and we turn around and break their top turret, I kill Gnaw and almost manage kill Leon before dying again. I get down in time to kill Gnaw again, I get to their base to harass them while Coco pushes down the bottom turret. A teamfight ensues and I kill Gnaw. Coco teleports back to defend our base against the backdooring Leon. She dies, Raelynn teleports back to take her place, leaving me alone in their base with Lonestar. Begin the base race.
I take out most of Lonestar's health, but he retreats behind his core where I can't hurt him. However, he foolishly decides to jump out again to throw dynamite at me. I dodge most of it, then Evil Eye him and jump behind him, bodyblocking him and killing him with my meager auto-attack. I'm at ridiculously low health and wailing away at their core without any creep assistance. I manage to finish their core off at the precise moment as Leon decloaks in an attempt to tongue and subsequently kill me, winning the game. Our own core was at 25% health.
TL;DR, we lost early game horribly but I turned the game around through a couple of ganks and managed to carry my team to victory, winning the base race by a thin margin and ending up with a final score of 15-4. Best game I've had in a while.