It isn't always others. My own programming style changes. Ignoring the "quick script" things which aren't ever supposed to be permanent, I know that if I go back to something I did a couple of years ago I may well have changed style.
The following is a procedure in something I'm currently working with, in Perl, noting that it's only ever intended just for me, the "{}" indentations are definitely not kosher (but in this case the first two loops are intrinsic to the process, so the close-loops can afford to be abutted to the close-sub) and the "die" being unindented is a pre-emptive bit of debug code (easier to spot and clean out later on).
sub Interpolate { for my $i (0..$#_) { while ($_[$i]=~m/\{(\w+)\}/) {
my $var0 = $1;
die "\t/!\\ Interpolation could not find var [$var0]!\n" unless exists($WVARS{$var0});
my $var1 = $WVARS{$var0};
print "\t(i) Interpolation: [{$var0}]=>[$var1] ==> [$_[$i]]\n" if ($ILEVEL>1);
} } } # END sub Interpolate
The following is something from two years ago (almost exactly, the archive folder I dug into is called "20090422", which gives a clue as to how my oft-used "d8" format strings are composed!). I used it in a web back-end (again, Perl) that very few people have ever seen the code for, and was always 'my baby', only ever intended for my own use.
sub D8MonthLength { # How long is the month with the given d8?
my ($d8) = @_;
if ($d8=~m/^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/) { my ($cc,$yy,$mm) = ($1,$2,$3);
# Start with the special case, to smooth the flow of the rest.
if (($mm == 2) && !($yy % 4) && ($yy || !($cc % 4))) { return 29 } # Misreporting 1900... Need to check.
# Is february && 4th year && Not century (unless 4th)
# i.e.: Feb && 4th Year && Not 4th Century
elsif ($mm && ($mm<13)) { # A good month
return (00,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)[$mm];
} else { webdie "Ill-defined month in D8 '$d8' passed to D8MonthLength!\n"}
} else { webdie "Bad D8 '$d8' passed to D8MonthLength!\n" }
Note that I do actually use comments, for this, probably because parts of the code aren't quite so mnemonically written, but I don't use the "# END sub <whatever>" comment that I use (along with "# END foreach <something>", for major loops in their own right) after the closing brace, these days. (Also, I know I did sort out what I'd done wrong w.r.t. the year 1900, but I'm not interested enough to rediscover the logic error involved.
You'll note that I'm not very object-orientated, most of the time, but here's something where I use OO for a specific package, in something else from a few years back:
sub ByteMatches { my ($n,@M) = @_; my @B = ();
SET: while (@M) { my $M = shift @M; my %MD5ofFile = (); my %MD5s = ();
foreach my $m (@$M) { open (my $FILE,$m) || die "Cannot read file '$m': $!\n";
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->addfile($FILE); close($FILE);
$MD5ofFile{$m}=$md5->b64digest; $MD5s{$MD5ofFile{$m}}++;
} my @b = ();
foreach my $MD5 (keys %MD5s) {
foreach my $m (@$M) { if ($MD5ofFile{$m} eq $MD5) { push @b, $m } }
if (int(@b) > 1) { $n-=int(@b); push @B, [splice @b] } else { @b = () } last SET if ($n<=0);
} } return @B;
No comments there, and some other interesting brace-usage, but (although you do need to know some of the context the procedure is called in) it does read fairly well (IMO, YMMV), with the multi-statement lines being "monatomic".
Actually, I understand all the above far better than I expected to.
And if you aren't already entertained enough, by my various ridiculous coding styles, have a look at the following (complete!) script I wrote a long, long time ago. After being disappointed my intention to show a changing coding style didn't reveal quite so much coding variation of time, I'm sort-of-happy to find that this one doesn't even use procedures! Also, I can see exactly what it does but, after all these years, I've no idea for what reason I was trying to do it...
#!/bin/perl/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @known = ();
my $q = 1;
QUEST: while ($q < 20000000) {
PRIME: foreach my $p (@known) {
next QUEST unless ($q % $p);
last PRIME if ($p**2 > $q);
#print "$q\t";
push @known, $q;
my @gaps = ();
my %gapc = ();
my $p0 = shift @known;
while (@known) {
my $p1 = shift @known; my $dp = $p1-$p0;
print "$p1 - $p0 = $dp\n";
push @gaps, $dp;
$p0 = $p1;
#foreach my $g (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %gapc) {
# print "$g: $gapc{$g}\n";
my @gaps2 = ();
my %gapc2 = ();
$p0 = shift @gaps;
while (@gaps) {
my $p1 = shift @gaps; my $dp = $p1-$p0;
print "$p1 - $p0 = $dp\n";
push @gaps2, $dp;
$p0 = $p1;
#foreach my $g (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %gapc2) {
# print "$g: $gapc2{$g}\n";
my @gaps3 = ();
my %gapc3 = ();
$p0 = shift @gaps2;
while (@gaps2) {
my $p1 = shift @gaps2; my $dp = $p1-$p0;
print "$p1 - $p0 = $dp\n";
push @gaps3, $dp;
$p0 = $p1;
foreach my $g (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %gapc3) {
print "$g: $gapc3{$g}\n";
I do like my "next QUEST" and "last PRIME" bit, though. I probably used "QUEST" instead of "SEARCH" because it had the same number of letters as "PRIME" and lines up nicely above it.
However inefficient some of the code is (never mind the resource usage behind it!), that bit at least is very aesthetically pleasing to me.
You can also see the remains of some of the intermediate development outputs, in that the sole comments are those deactivating lines of code that were used at various stages of the writing and not just excised once their usefulness was over. Those are so terribly, terribly soul-baring!
And, yes, I know I've only included Perl stuff, that's because most of my other code isn't so personal (and personally revealing!) and therefore the style is affected and skewed by the need for other people to read it on a regular basis. (Even when I don't like 'their' particular coding style.) It may also be privileged, and finding something that means as nothing out of context as the first three examples (if not the fourth!) probably wouldn't be a good example of being readable/otherwise, either. Not to mention that different languages demand (or at least request) different styles themselves, so may be a chalk'n'cheese situation.