Haven't tried it yet, but looking at the concept of this and my experience with using DwarfTherapist gives me the idea that you should find a way to be able to get this working simultaneously with DT, or at least work with them to find a way to integrate it with the program (like a secondary background/foreground color/pattern/highlight (or symbol/number color/highlight) to signify some of these other suggestions; job is best/worst suited for them, neutrals are ignored (no highlight, DT background, no formatting change to the cell)). Not only do you see their current skill in the field like DT shows, and the highlight of the job they're assigned, but another overlay of if they're suited for the task and etc..
It can really streamline things even further. And I would agree about trying to get it to work with DFHack to get more in-depth with the data and accuracy (with a set update rate from realitime, to every 10 seconds or something, or at least have a refresh option readily available), and minimize effort of assigning tasks based on stats/specs. Heck, it can work well as a separate option/tab for DT to use if it can get integrated. Just ask to be credited for your feature. I definitely will whenever I get around to working on a megaproject again.
Trying it out for a bit, I also want this (if integrated with DT sometime) to have an (auto-)override ability for any/all jobs best suited for the dwarf (if selected; multiple even). Essentially, it would take what jobs the dorf(s) in question already have assigned, and replace them with what they're better/best suited for; of course, with a confirmation required by the player if they're okay with it. Can get really helpful for larger forts, but on the other hand, can make for some really lazy DF players (IE- those willing to select all, and auto-assign; I know you're out there, admit it). I guess the color scheme can use a light orange for below-average, and a yellow-green for above average or something when highlighted. But yeah, DT's grid, with this summarized to fit that format would work beautifully, with the options to use this as a separate window if need be later on for the same detailed info as it shows already.
Furthermore testing it, I can see how it can be integrated with DT. Just use a similar setup, but reformed to fit DT's model. Same thing, highlights, format overrides/overlays and all that, but only if you're actively seeking out dwarves best suited. It really helps in case you have really skilled dwarves (as DT would display) even if they're not suited to it immediately. Wouldn't want to make that legendary ambusher/swordsdwarf a doctor now, would we? Unless you want to have Dr. Urist McNinja on your team.
On the other hand... ^_^
I can see it now, the fort's up ablaze, and he's running around on fire. You ask why? "Because nobody can catch you while you're on fire."