Because everyones "I want to make a game" thread gets derailed at some point by people talking about programming languages I made this thread to allow an outlet for that and keep peoples game threads on topic.
I am an expert on Java, C# and PSQL with a moderate to high level of familiarity with dozens of other languages, so I will contribute what I can.
I don't really know what language you'd consider more serious then C#? It's fully object oriented, functional and structured. Hell, it even has multimethods, a metaobject protocol and closures when you need them, things that "crowd favorite" C++ lacks. (Ok, granted, it lacks a preprocessor and it's not extensible, but then again, most languages aren't)
This isn't completely true. C# does not have closures at all. It has things incorrectly called closures that are really just inline anonymous methods, but they lack absolute encapsulation and are therefore not actual closures.
I'm not a fan of C# Closures, Delegates, Predicates, and all the crap they keep shoe-horning in... it just feels so "inelegant."
I know I'm probably going to be assaulted for this, but I actually like how JavaScript (well, ECMAScript) does a lot of things, including closures. There are some pitfalls to it, but I think it's an overall fairly well thought out language. I'm actually very interested in the advancements being done with JS currently but I worry that it doesn't have that much further to go before things really slow down in the VM front.
Sure, it doesn't have pointers and all the "fun" parts of C/C++ but I'm not even going to get into the argument on why I hate the convention of creating a header and a code file for everything you do. I understand that it makes it easier to do interfaces, but I feel that should be an easily automated task if required.
Also, I'm not a fan of meaningful whitespace in languages even though I'd be well suited for it. I spend a good part of my day cleaning up other people's code. I can't count how many files I've gone through today and removed trailing spaces and cleaned up space vs. tab issues because they or their editor won't. Abnormal whitespace bugs the crap out of me. Of course, I enable whitespace characters in my tools because I can't stand hitting "end" and finding my cursor in the wrong spot or any of the other abnormalities of multiple developer habits involved in whitepsace.
I've only began learning Lisp. I've kind of dropped the ball recently with looking for a house.