Infected mushroom
Woo! Psytrance. Or whatever flavour of trance that is...
Man, it's the start of spring. I am so keen for this weather to warm up and to go raving. Not that one couldn't go to to a rave in cold weather, since they're generally heated artificially even without the levels of body heat generated - my electronica friends are just mostly too lazy to leave their house in the extreme cold, something I am sometimes guilty of as well. >.>
In entirely unrelated news, I've been listening to a bunch of fuzz rock to get a feel for bands at an upcoming festival.
Most Australian
fuzz-rock, as it turns out, is
boring as shit. Gruff clean vocals, bland and tasteless guitar lines with nowhere near enough distortion, beats that are supposed to start toes tapping but are really generic as hell... I went from one band to another on at least one occasion and was unable to tell them apart.
But! It's not all bad... here's some fuzz-rock that actually manages to be interesting:
El Colosso - Cannonball. I'm quite keen to see these guys now.
Don't think I'd ever checked El Colosso out before, probably because I just assumed they were incredibly boring stoner rock judging by the bands they usually play with... perhaps they are actually kind of shit, and I just like them more because I listened to them for the first time after a bunch of bands that almost bored me to tears? Who knows.
Here's a band that is definitely good by any metric, though:
A Basket of Mammoths - Unkept and Matted (full album).
I had the same experience with them, always assuming they were bad, but in this case I think I actually did listen to them years ago before they shifted their style somewhat. Now it's freaking excellent! ...Not sure if it technically counts as "fuzz rock", maybe more heavy psych or doom rock, but oh well. It is certainly fuzzy in any case.
Oh and since we were talking about psytrance...
Big Fucking Robots - End Your World. They might not exactly count as psytrance, I don't think, but they have a similar vibe and I discovered them from my electronica friends, who apparently discovered them at a psytrance festival, so... there's definitely a connection if you ask me.
This is a good track, but it still doesn't really do justice to their "live" sets. Wouldn't mind seeing them again.