Ooooh snap son!'s that band wagon, did I make it in time? Third win, woo! [also third antimagic win, but shush]
Cleared the OP wyrms, waltzed in the final boss fight at xlvl 47, even went and killed Atamathon after! Not before dying to him a few times, though, since I decided to stick to my principles and not inspect him, instead learning his abilities in person. Don't do that, kids. No reason to.
Oozemancer is really fun, and incredibly powerful. It was also an interesting lesson in resistance penetration, decreasing resistances and ignoring resistances, since I've never had to deal with those. Oozemancer doesn't seem to do all that much damage, my highest hit was about 1k, but everything is AoE and with the right combination of talents all enemies are at -50 nature resistance or below, so mobs die in a few turns. Also antimagic makes you nearly invincible anyway.
I still died three times in the west, of course. Got my regeneration infusions bugged somehow once, opened a vault in Dreadfell which had 5 greater demons in a single-tile corridor who pulled me in, and finally, went in the dark crypt. First floor, BOOM - 12 or 15 spellcasters, two rares. Sad thing is, I could've won, but at that point I didn't know how to fight groups of casters and I messed up my ability use order.
The greatest problem was that Tome's endgame is horrible. From the prides on I didn't really have any fun - not because of the class itself, definitely. Tome slows to a crawl, and it's just tons and tons of indistinguishable enemies. I remember a while ago I got a Paradox Mage to the prides and was having similar amounts of un-fun; and when the greatest class in the history of games is not fun to play, something needs to be done.
What I liked most about oozemancer is the range, and the fact that your AoEs don't seem to hit you. See Archmage? This is how you do things, not by dropping arcane explosions in your own lap.