To my own surprise, my Yeek Alchemist after a horrible early game up to Dreadfell with many deaths
just won !
Managing to get my spell crits to more than 90% with several +crits items (and using some gems to imbue
to get even more +crits) helped a very lot in generating some really great damage , and the meteor prodigy that trigger on criticals (though 15 turns cooldown) was really awesome.
To add more fun the Fiery Chocker, that has 10% of chance to cast Volcano was brillant.
It was fun until that end, but what wasn't fun at all and in fact it's terrible design for yeek characters is what follow that Sanctum battle.
In the past i won with a Yeek Summoner , my only winner yeek so far (thanks to how strong summoner are, it helped get around the weak yeek health) and faced with the 2 choices, i decided to enslave the world for "the way" by having the character dying for it, problem is that then you can't play anymore, no farportal, no unfinished buisness.
But that was only 1 of the 2 choices for a winner yeek, so that was ok to get that end as you're basically warned by the choice that does not hide that you're going to die.
What is not ok is the other choice i decided to make, as i have some more fun to do with that character in post-endgame, basically the choice is that you refuse to enslave the world for "the way".
But "the way" still wants to force you do so, and because that silly evil thing is stronger than you apparently, the only thing you can do is asking that sun paladin, that fought on your side in the sanctum, to kill you, something she does gladly.
Yeah, so whatever the choice you do in the climatic battle outcome, your character is dead, you will not be able then to benefit from all the nice items he gathered in High Peak and in the Sanctum to make some fun farportal, or to try to defeat the overpowered Atamathon or even try to destroy that bullcheater of Linanill in Angolwen, or even get another superitem from the merchant that end being a weak one just for the laugh.
So yeek are character that have it really hard, and in the end they're the only character that prevent you to play post-endgame ? i'm sorry, but that was really stupid,