I have a decent amount of time. The lighter purple is where I'm usually guaranteed to have work, but if I'm not assigned it, then it's free. I think I calculated the difference correctly. Chart based on -5 GMT, converted to 0.
As it should read (-5 pre-calculated), I'm generally available between 11AM-2AM all days of the week within my time zone. Some way, somehow, I find time.
Of course, if not friended already, the globe under my avatar has a link to my Steam profile.
oh, by the way, I know this goes without saying, but the less white your bar has, the less of a life you've got.
In my case, it's not as much that I don't have a life, it's just that I found a career path that allows me more freedom with my time with a still decent enough income to get by. Just as well, I have my ways of finding and making use of my time. One would ask if I ever do anything at all. You'd be surprised. I'm more efficient and capable than I expected myself to be.
As for other parts of Real Life, the dating world is not the kindest of environments, and people are no help, and my unorthodox methods and means of obtaining one are generally frowned upon. Probably because I am myself most of the time, and that intimidates people, or tricks them into thinking I'm already taken. Counter-intuitively, you'd think that would improve my chances, according to standard social behaviors. Let's not forget, I've been stumbling across advice and information I coudl've used ages ago, but only would've been given had I followed convention at least once in awhile. I call bullshit on that. Wouldn't have been given any even if I my real self was rendered a memory.