Yes, and I read your article
1) If you'll notice, I adjusted my suggested strategic choices accordingly to reflect a future mature technology rather than a currently perfected one.
2) Your article mentioned systems that EXIST and ARE IN PLACE using phonological methods that provide greater than zero knowledge of tunnel detection. Which I also integrated into my suggestions. I realize they're noisy and immature. That's still better than nothing in the meantime, like I suggested.
3) The article suggests that better methods using electromagnetics are probably not too far from success.
4) Notice, critically, that your article did not make any mention of US border patrol invading Mexico (or rather, patrolling around in Mexico outside their jurisdiction, since we are moreso allies, but you get the idea) to stop tunnels. Even though drug cartel members probably quite often emerge armed and dangerous and willing to shoot people, and even though they're bringing crime and death into the country, and even though we don't have advanced mature tech anymore then Israel does. We still seem to stay in America to stop them, we don't send agents into Mexico, or they didn't mention it if we do.
5) Your article mentioned several other non-invasive techniques to root out tunnels. For example, paying snitches to give away their locations. These alternative supplemental strategies could presumably be used to greater effect in Gaza as well.
When cartels shoot a couple of cops, we respond by investing more in the problem and trying to be smarter. We don't go blow up half a Mexican city in retaliation. Somehow, amazingly, America has not crumbled as a result! GASP! Imagine that.