One of the few administrative saving graces of this country is coming to an end. The gasoline will not be cheap anymore, in fact it will cost as much as in any other place on earth, which brings the gallon to over 5 million Bolivares, or par to the minimum wage. This means you need the monthly payment of at least 30 people to fill a tank. The economic collapse is over us.
An aunt is staying with us, she was making some errands on the capital and is on her way back to Merida (her home). She was supposed to stay with us a night and be on her way, it's been a week because she can't find a ticket, because there's no buses, because there's no spare parts or tires because they are all imported and cost well into the billions each. People are literally going back to use horses and mules as transport means on some cities already. I guess is the perfect setting for a techno-barbarian, diesel punk, western fantasy universe in the making (I call dibs on the idea). Fun to think about it, not fun to live in it.
EDIT: Oh, but of course, the subside to gasoline will remain in place for those that card carrying members of the PSUV (United socialist party of Venezuela). I'll rather die before joining that.
Oh also tomorrow they are going to remove five 0 from the Bolivar "to suppress the inflation". It's like cutting your hair to loose weight.... The only practical effect will be that operations will be a tad simpler because well be back to speaking of hundreds and thousands instead of millions, billions and even trillions. However they are also saying the Bolivar will have a fixed value to the petro, which in practice is a big round 0. Most people are afraid of what all this might represent to our already beaten to death economy. It's most likely a fancy way of eliminating our capabilities to operate most business as the Bolivar will in practice become Itchy and Scratchy money, just like real money, but fun, also not valid in anyplace....