I´ve been travelling today, a lot of travelling.
So here I am in this city I have never been before and everything is going okay.
I enter this train station.
I see this dude, and whoa he is so drunk, he screams like a goddamn Rambo while stumbling like a techno dancer.
I just give him a glance and hope he stays away from me.
I go to the buy-a-ticket-window for travelling, and guess who follows me, the same guy who is too trying to buy a ticket (probably).
And this is embarrassing and terrifying, I am scared more than I should be.
At this point he does not wait in line like a normal person but stands next to me so I can smell liquor from his breath.
I am shaking in my mind like I am about to die, but I try to pass it off like I am ignoring him.
But I can´t focus on what is the ticket-seller saying behind the window, I am completely phased out because I am focusing on the drunkard.
I quickly snap in and answer the ticket-seller´s question on what is my destination. I give him my student ID and he scans it.
He gives it back and I walk away, what a derp, I did not pick up the ticket.
So the ticket-seller and the drunkard are both yelling at me and I quickly go back to grab my ticket.
Absolutely embarrassed that my inside coward was so easily revealed I go and take a seat, and oh boy, the drunkard follows me.
He keeps turning his head my way so it is obvious he trying to look me in the eyes or something.
Then at this point he yells like a fucking lion, I shiver up a millimeter and try to hide it, his scream was powerful and everybody heard it in the whole station.
Even though I suppressed all of my body´s reaction, inside my brain is going haywire from the fear.
In a desperate attempt to hide fear, I look the drunk into the eyes for a good five seconds like I am not impressed.
He then walks away, but I doubt it is because my deception worked.
I am ashamed and my ego has taken a huge blow.
I have been million times in a situations where I would confront people (that I know) and never ever felt a slip of fear. I had control.
But here, a drunk who could barely walk right, and I was scared. I am mad at myself.