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Is Crazy Cow's MUCH better approach to caste percentages than Leb's and should be implemented before you have to find Leb and punch him in the gut?

Yes, add it now, NOW!
- 3 (60%)
No, RNG is my waifu.
- 0 (0%)
Something else, specify(I know you won't).
- 2 (40%)

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Voting closed: July 17, 2012, 01:42:41 am

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Author Topic: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Looking for a new owner!  (Read 31826 times)


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.02.
« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2012, 07:21:00 am »

Nice work! I have to admire the patience and effort required to do something this big.
Have you though about making a mech civ and generally make jokes about how old they are?
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.02.
« Reply #76 on: June 11, 2012, 05:21:49 am »

A mech civ eh? Well, not really. If I would add anything mecha-related to the game, it'd be something like intact mecha pieces that you could find underground, put 'em together in a workshop and... Dunno. Probably the most sensible solution would be to have a blast of MAGIC occur from the reaction, changing the person putting the mecha together into a "mecha pilot". And of course the machine would have to be insanely big, and armed with such weaponry that you could crush everything forever and laugh about it.

Anyway.. I must admit that for a loooong while I haven't done shit about this mod. I blame it on "oh I'll just wait until the new version is out", "I'll just wait until minecarts are done" and "I'll just wait until I'm finished with school and vacation starts".

Now all those are over and done with, meaning it's once again time to get my lazy ass off from the workbench and squatting down in front of my computer, editing away.

I guess I'll start with the obvious, adding the new stuff to the civs in the mod, messing with the ore numbers, if that wasn't hardcoded(can't remember) and... I guess that's it? OH RIGHT, those god damn FIRE_IMMUNE or FIREIMMUNE or whatever creatures need to actually be immune to fire as well.

Maybe I'll add a poison gas attack to Dragon Slayers too, so they can take down dragons at even better efficiency. And of course I need to mess about with the super-power skill activation thing so it'd work as intented at Fortress Mode as well. So much to do.

After all that is done, I guess I'm going to finally get cracking on the avatar issue. Especially the dragon avatar thing. Need to check whether or not having a megabeastie leading a civ can result in the megabeast paying a deadly visit all of a sudden. Maybe I should just make 'em random large beasts in the wild, that might help, although then I need to check that they don't just show up to talk treaties and smash and burn everything. I'll get started on that after the new version update to the mod though, wouldn't want to release a shitty product, like I usually have done with this mod.

This would be all so much easier if I actually knew what the fuck I was doing, but that's what you get with a Dabbling Modder. But yeah, stay tuned all you two people who use this mod!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 05:24:39 am by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.02.
« Reply #77 on: June 14, 2012, 03:31:15 pm »

God damn I've been so fucking busy. Uploaded the new and updated mod to DFFD. Link here and in first post. Let's call it Paxia, because this mod is just as slow.

This is only a quick update done in one sitting. Stuff that was added/fixed/whatever:
- Fucked around a bit with the language file. ALL THOSE DUPLICATE WORDS.
- Creatures that were supposed to be immune to fire and heat in general now actually are immune to fire and heat in general. Or at least their fat is.
- Creatures able to shoot fireballs or jets of fire no longer function like broken flamethrowers with their power switch stuck at On. They have actual delay between using their firebreath.
- Added minecarts and/or wheelbarrows to the entities that could use 'em. With some logic too. Not a lot though, remember what mod this is.

The Adventurer buff issues is as it is. It can't be made to function in Fort-mode without having the casters spamming your Combat reports ALL THE TIME. It's an Adventurer-mode only thing now. Probably for a while too, since I doubt that system is going to get touched by Toady anytime soon.

Stuff to do and shit:
- AVATARS GOD DAMN(long-term plan due to me being a shitty modder)
- More spells for civs that have spell-casters. Healing magic for moglins, destructive magic for naga and so on. The moglin civ might be made able to heal all wounds, so if you're missing a limb or two, find a moglin and they could heal you completely so you'd get your limbs back? Need to test that first and see that it works only on friendlies. The Adventurer civ moglins wouldn't get the skill though to keep things mildly fair, especially since in case you have a moglin in your military, they might use the skill the moment someone loses a limb in battle and it'd cause 'em to lose all the gear they had on, unless changing body form doesn't do that as long as it has all the limbs humanoids have. It'd be a bit overpowered too. Oh well.
- Poison gas skill for Dragonslayers. It's not what you think it is.

I'm sure there was more but I forgot. Oh well. Let's hope I can get all the actually new shit done fast. Insert laughtrack here.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 04:01:06 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #78 on: June 14, 2012, 04:02:57 pm »

Glad to see that this still lives.


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #79 on: June 15, 2012, 05:24:02 pm »

It's nice having free time, and spending it all on modding like crazy.
Elemental avatars are actually close to being finished, just need to tweak a few colors here and there. They still need to be tested for real in fort-mode and whatever though, but they function like normal "I wanna be immortal!" driven fools. Gods give them knowledge, they turn into an avatar and can then teach others their skills. Which is nice because avatars tend to have really short lifespans as far as I see. All those elemental lines of Avatars, cut forever because Megabeast #8 decided to visit the avatar right after they got their upgrade.

Looks like the next update is going to be "The Big God Damn Hero update" since most of this crap will affect Adventure-mode more than Fort-mode. Unless an avatar migrates to your fort, although even then they won't use the transform skill because god damn I can't figure out how to get it to function in a sane manner.

The quick rundown on Avatars is as follows:
- Once you learn in Adventure-mode how to become an avatar of some element, you can use it as an acquired power. It momentarily transforms you into an elemental, during which you can pretty much wreck whatever is against you. Let's just hope you don't run out of your powerup before all the enemies are dead, what with the fact that you lose all your held gear the moment you transform to and back.
- Most of 'em are big humanoids(80000, a few don't have legs though because I don't know, ask the devs), sturdy as hell(aw shit, adamantine-strength "skin" layer under which all your sweet sweet mana is contained) and twice as strong. Talking about "you punch the bad guy in the upper body with your left hand, and they are propelled away by the force of the blow!" strength here. I think I stated that earlier. But now this is actually working a lot better than back then so yeah.
- The elemental forms of avatars have their own speshul tricks besides being able to snap foes like dry twigs, list of which is as follows:

- Able to swim REALLY REALLY FAST. Also UNDERSWIM, if that works by now. Wiki says it hasn't since 31.25 but whatever.
- Able to cast 2 offensive spells, that flick condensed water spinning at foes, breaking their bones and sometimes propelling them by the force of the blow.

- Able to cast 3 offensive spells. Lightning is a TRAILING_DUST_FLOW spell, Big Zap Attack a TRAILING_GAS_FLOW spell(don't ask, I work with what I have) and Megashock an UNDIRECTED_DUST attack. They tend to cause a lot of discomfort to your enemies, what with being shocked by electricity. Dizziness, paralysis and impaired heart functions ahoy!

- Able to cast 2 offensive spells. Boulderdash throws a piece of stone at your foes, doing what you'd expect. Sands of Suffocation is an UNDIRECTED_DUST attack, that wraps your foe(s) in living sand, slowing them down like hell as well as causing suffocation what with having their lungs full of sand.

- Able to fly.
- Able to cast 2 offensive spells. Vortex is an UNDIRECTED_DUST attack that knocks your foes out, and Invisible Blast is a nice blast of magic meant to break bones.

- Illuminates the darkness! Go forth, and destroy the forces of Darkness!
- Able to cast 2 offensive spells. Light Blast throws condensed light(MAGIC!) at foes, snapping bones. Illuminate is a nice TRAILING_VAPOR_FLOW that robs foes of their sight, as well as causing burn damage. I actually don't know where the burn damage comes from, but it amuses me so I left it in.

- Able to cast 3 offensive spells. Tendrils of Darkness is a tentacle-rape spell that snaps bones, Shadowbat Swarm is another that snaps bones and Mayhem Burst knocks your foe(s) out as their minds get ravaged by nasty visions and nightmares.

- You are REALLY SUPER HOT. Literally. People don't like being too close to you, since they'll probably be set on fire.
- Able to cast 4 offensive spells. A lot of fireballs, firebreath and of course a nice "fuck you" in the form of a dragonfire-ripoff spell.

- You are REALLY SUPER COOL. Stay away from water, or you'll end up encased in ice pretty much immediately.
- Able to cast 3 offensive spells. IceBall and Ice Needles are there for you when you need to break the bones of your foes, and Ice Nine when you just want to give 'em a good oldfashioned frostbite.

Next up, I guess I'll try making moglins able to heal friendly units of all injuries, because moglins don't get the "chicks dig scars" thing and do their stupid magic on every war-grizzled veteran. Moglin chicks dig tails, you know?

Anyway, spells for moglins, some for naga and I guess I can think of something for all the rest of magic-using civ creatures. Then I STILL need to check the 3-eyed trobble frequency thing, maybe add an alloy for dragon-, night- and zardbane so you could make nice and heavy blunt weapons out of 'em(they're steel-weight right now, they're okay but they could be EVEN BETTER). And then I need to check whatever the hell I've said here in the past and try to remember if I did something or not. Probably not.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 05:35:28 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #80 on: June 16, 2012, 01:55:31 am »

I just tried to log into my years-old AQ account and realised I forgot my username. Herp-a-te-derp.
I remember that it did have that really awesome sword that had a special attack of 999999 of all the damage types though.
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #81 on: June 16, 2012, 04:01:30 am »

I can only assume it was the Blade/Staff/Spear, since I know the Knights of Order way too well and they'd never allow such a weapon in player hands, save for the Awe series, although the speshul attack on that is just to set enemy HP to 0 and whatever.

In mod relevant news, an idea. Abuse that ATTACK_VELOCITY_MODIFIER thing, I think it's sort of new because if it's old, I can't fathom why I didn't think of adding each adventurer class caste their class speshul attack skill as an attack able to hit for MASSIVE DAMAGE. Assuming it works as I think it does.

EDIT: Moglin healing now works. It momentarily transforms you to a "drifting soul" until all your damage is cleared. However, as moglins pick their healing targets based on how much grime they got on 'em, it may not work perfectly all the time in Fort mode. Moglins have bad eyesight, you see, so the moment they spot ALL THAT BLOOD the first thing that comes to mind is "Oh noes they're terribly injured!" They have 2 spells, one that they can use on themselves and another to use on injured friendlies. Will need to test how well that works.

Now, to move on to hostile magic for some hostile civvers.

EDIT2: Oh for gods sake why did I never test ATTACK_WITH_EDGE before now? Adventurer classes speshul attack skills now likely to lob off limbs. AND THAT'S THE WAY I LIKE IT.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 05:53:33 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #82 on: June 17, 2012, 01:58:19 pm »

Wait, the Awe SERIES!?
Last I remember, there was only the blade. And the thing it shows you is it doing a series of numbers consisting of 9s, again when I last played, a very long time ago.
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #83 on: June 17, 2012, 04:24:36 pm »

You obviously have. Now you can pick a spear or a staff besides a sword for your Awe weapon, and there's also an Awe armor. Maybe it was a whole set too. Forgot.

Anyway, process is being made. I'll just whip up the various spells I yoinked off of the Spells list and apply 'em as appropriate. Then add some spell-casting castes to some evil civs so it's not "AN AMBUSH! CURSE THEM!" and then a bazillion spells are thrown at people.

I think I might as well add adventure mode reactions for the base Adventurer that allow them to change their class through MAGIC. Maybe even their body type altogether, like from adventurer to shevite and so on. In case some people pick Adventurer and later on regret it, they lack a SUPER SPESHUL ability, after all. Or 4 arms. Or tentacle legs. And so on.

Adding Scale Rot now. Unlike in AQ, it'll affect all creatures(in the mod) that have scales. Since it's, you know, Scale Rot. Domestic pets excluded, of course.

Scale Rot now works. The larger the enemy though, the longer it takes for the Rot to do it's dirty work.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 06:27:17 pm by Ieb »

Crazy Cow

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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.02.
« Reply #84 on: June 19, 2012, 01:17:24 pm »

I must admit that for a loooong while I haven't done shit about this mod. I blame it on "oh I'll just wait until the new version is out", "I'll just wait until minecarts are done" and "I'll just wait until I'm finished with school and vacation starts."

Now all those are over and done with, meaning it's once again time to get my lazy ass off from the workbench and squatting down in front of my computer, editing away.

You have no idea how happy I am. Game playan ahoy!


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #85 on: June 19, 2012, 04:46:26 pm »

Well then you might be happy to hear that I'm currently doing something I rarely do: Playtest the mod before releasing it! Since I'm such a busy person I usually just check that there's no errorlog mentions and toss it out. Right now I'm at such a state that the mod is pretty much ready to go as soon as I check that the new shit works okay, and maybe check if some old shit needs to be tuned a little.

I really shouldn't do that.

Anyway, I'm thinking about removing harpies from the Adventurer civ. While I enjoy the idea of a flying caste member, there's a lot of problems with Fort-mode if you are making an overground fortress. This test fort has me babysitting the harpies because they keep flying to the top of buildings and THEN realize "OH GOD THIS IS SO HIGH" and freeze there, starting to wait for me to realize that they once again trapped themselves. Maybe some beautiful day, flying AI will be fixed and we can all enjoy flying civvers the way they SHOULD be enjoyed.

In other news... Mages casting their spells to underground again. God damn it. Need to fix that somehow. I "fixed" spells earlier so in adventurer mode spells with 1 max target only accept 1 target, so I guess I shouldn't have applied that fix here. WHOOPS!

Found out that zardzillas show up Friendly. Immediately realized that it's probably because they aren't actually with any tag to make them hostile. I THINK that's what caused a dracopyre to show up friendly way back too. Added CRAZED tags. Also, note to self: Fix Zardzillas too because you forgot to make them immune to firebreathe damage. WHOOPS.

Probably should tweak the Vampire civ pop ratios a bit. Two vampire lords showed up to trade as the first thing, and took off flying to the depot, leaving the animals behind(one got hit bad on the head and knocked out, but got back up soon. I didn't know DF let that happen. Sort of nice, I guess.), and most importantly, all the god damn trade goods were left on the animals too because the merchants don't really work that well when separated from their animals.

Hopefully I can make the fort a hotspot for crazy badasses to handle many sieges and years, so I can properly see how well the difficulty curve goes. Third year started, only seen sneevils and dwakels of the hostile races, the biggest threat have been giant kea. Fuckers keep stealing my wheelbarrows. But now I have rivebows, and ammo! HAHA!

Anyway, hopefully I can get to a state of "I AM NOW FINISHED WITH THIS UPDATE" soon.
It also depends whether or not I think the Adventurer class-change thing is useful. I mean, you can pick any of the classes/castes when starting on Adventure mode. Maybe people like the challenge?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 04:54:18 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #86 on: June 19, 2012, 05:01:25 pm »

Trying this mod out because I use to play adventure quest a lot some years ago way before world came out anyways looks good for far mess with the raw and playing as Naga, Angel of Darkness + Hellhound = sucks for all thouse invader which is about everyone but the goblins  8)

edit: before DragonFable to wow been a long time.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 05:05:24 pm by Alkhemia »
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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Updated to 0.34.11.
« Reply #87 on: June 19, 2012, 05:11:17 pm »

Just don't get too attached to whatever fort you make. Odds are good that a regen is required for the new shit to work, especially if I decide to remove harpies from Adventurers, which is likely. I could take away their flier tag, but that'd just be stupid, a winged creature that doesn't use their wings?

The currently available version also doesn't have creatures actually immune to fire even when they're able to breathe fire. I think. Pretty sure. I'll try to hurry this testing up, but I got work and the dreaded juhannus drawing near. Maybe by next weekend I'll have the testing done. Maybe that one guy who asked for the current mod files can crank out some testing and get results too.

Speaking of Dragonfable, I would support the other games too, but AQ is the only one I really play. Not to mention that the other games lack description for enemies and so on, and I can't be bothered to come up with fluff for every crazy creature they have. Which tends to be a lot.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 05:13:18 pm by Ieb »


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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Big God Damn Hero update(0.34.11).
« Reply #88 on: July 02, 2012, 06:36:51 am »

It's a bit late, but here it is! The Big God Damn Hero update to the mod, which is now, let's say version Stragath. In case you were crazy enough to download this mod, you will need to regen if you want to update this mod. List of stuff done:

- Removed the harpy caste from Adventurers, will be added in the far future when flying civvers work without getting stuck on roofs they should be perfectly able to fly down from.
- Dracomancers no longer arrive to trade. Turns out that a civ that uses wagons and trade animals, and also is able to breath fire AND dragonfire, makes for a poor trading partner when the merchant sees a particulary threatening buzzard, uses their fire breath and the whole god damn caravan is burning.
- Trading civvers previously able to use fireballs had that skill removed, due to similar reasons as above, as well as the fact that the new fire-behavior makes the situation as "guard throws fireball, fireball hits the ground near caravan and grass is set on fire, wagons halt because they are surrounded by fire and are promptly lit on fire, merchants get their panties in a twist and leave in a huff". When an enemy throws a fireball and the entire caravan is torched, that's normal. When the merchants themselves destroy the entire caravan and leave in a huff, that's stupid.
- Status spells removed from mages and wizards. Reason: They were being cast all the time, spamming the Combat Report log like crazy. Apparently "line of sight" with interaction spells works through everything in Fortress mode, no matter what. Also, Knockout spell was overpowered. Seriously so. Like, "knock out the entire siege just because I can". They got some spells to throw though, so it's not like they're again useless! Seriously!
- Vrictus Spectre also lost the knock out spell. I haven't seen it in action, but if one mage was able to knock out an entire siege with one casting, I don't see why a Vrictus couldn't do the same to an entire fort. Theoretically, at least.
- Seed spitters of all sorts, goragogs and creech are now properly made from plant/wood matter and will no longer drop bones or leather. Which makes sense, right?
- Some hostile civs got spell-slinging castes added.
- The Captain of the Guard position of Adventurers is now known as Guardian Commander. Finally, you can be a part of the elite, for just 19.95$!
- Rewrote some of the fluff in Adventurer caste members. Added some info on castes about what their area of expertise is.
- When Berserkers use their Adventurer-mode powerup, they get NOPAIN, NOSTUN, NOEXERT and NOFEAR until the effect wears out as well as the buff to stats.
- Added the heavy alloys for nightbane, dragonbane and zardbane. Just add lead together with one of those metals and you get some nice and heavy weapons-grade metal out of it! Good for blunt weapons, also works for other weapons since it'll make hilt hits and slaps and so on stronger due to the added weight.
- Added the class-specific special attacks to Adventurers. They work nice, cut off limbs and so on. Due to the fact that all adventurers are trained to fight with both their arms and feet, the special skills are usable with those as well. Especially if you have lost both your arms OR feet.
- Made quite a few creatures of the mod trainable for war. Because!
- Avatars are in, so get to Adventuring and find those slabs! And uhh, kill the entire world, I guess. I know you will do that anyway.
- Demons no longer are hot enough to set things on fire. Mainly because the update to fire behavior causes stupidity on both sides.

And now time for ranting again! This is the stuff that is NOT on the mod.
- Stat-buffing in fort mode just won't work. It's Adventurer-mode only, for the MOST part. Your fort dwellers will use the skill but that's AFTER they've been spooked by something and they run away like wussies.
- My glorious idea of giving Beastmasters a skill to give the ability to talk and learn to creatures, in order to tame and get 'em to Join you in wacky adventures failed. They do get the ability to talk, but the most they want to tell you is "PREPARE TO DIE!"
- Trying to give the Adventurers oneliners to throw with SOUND:ALERT failed, I think civilized creatures just won't do that? I don't know.
- Draconic avatars are NOT in. Those need more work and so on.
- Moglins didn't get a heal skill after all. Due to the LINE_OF_SIGHT fuckery in fort mode, they were healing EVERYONE no matter how "wounded" they were.

That's it for tonight, folks! Let's hope the next update to Dwarf Fortress gives me an excuse to update this again. That, or AQ devs get their act together and add some actually decent monsters to add to the mod.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 09:15:31 am by Ieb »

Crazy Cow

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Re: Lore/AdventureQuest mod. Big God Damn Hero update(0.34.11).
« Reply #89 on: July 02, 2012, 10:21:50 pm »

*Debesh cracks his neck.*
Time to do something I should have done a long time ago.
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