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Author Topic: The Death of Order  (Read 2598 times)


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The Death of Order
« on: October 25, 2010, 07:29:18 am »

On the 22nd of February 2015 the Large Hadron Collider was responsible for the end of humanity as we know it.

Following the many tests and experiments that the machine had been used for, the Large Hadron Collider was set to be disassembled and the parts were to be put to use in other areas of science. While the removal crew were inside the suddenly noticed a pull on their metal tools, as the equipment urged it's way away from the men. A faint buzzing was heard from the tunnel and a loud screaming echoed throughout. The now panicking workers ran for the exit, only to be stopped in their tracks as their metal earrings and jewellery was ripped from them, tearing through anything in their way. In a frenzied reaction to this sudden chaos one of the poor men leaped into the air, but was quickly swatted out of said air by a corpse flying through the tunnel at breakneck speeds. The remaining men knew that they had no chance in this environment and made their slow crawl for the tunnel they entered through. A short scream was abruptly stopped when one of the workers was ripped apart and his limbs flew down the machine, spattering blood over the walls. The one remaining soul made it to the exit, a victorious smile broke out on his face before a look of sheer terror as an unearthly creature manifested itself in the exit. The screams were heard from the surface as the earth tore itself up below the overseers of the operation.

Following these events the immediate area surrounding the collider was sealed off by the Swiss government and an investigation followed in an attempt to find out the cause of these travesties of the laws of physics. Villages surrounding the area began to notice chaotic happenings: objects exploding, people being tossed into the air and similar situations. It seemed that the area around the collider was more prone to the anomalies than areas of Switzerland and France that were further away, but the effects were clear from the start. It also seemed as if the area of chaos was slowly expanding; by 2020 the whole of Europe was affected and the area around the collider was no longer accessible, and shots from space only show random colours and shapes. Some individuals began to study the effects of the chaos and found that, with some effort and luck, it could be controlled. This took a form similar to what we know as magic, through concentration and the learning of how to manipulate the chaos one could do fantastical things. Some had more of an affinity to this chaos manipulation than others, and often pregnant women would die because they had a particularly powerful foetus growing inside them.

You live in this time of chaos and disorder, and you intend on studying this chaotic realm as much as you can.

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I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:

Demonic Spoon

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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2010, 07:34:58 am »

Put all into Psyche.

Name: Obvious
Story: His mother died when she was close to giving birth, the doctors managed to surgically remove him and save his life though. A quiet boy with a genius level intellect.
Essence: "I want my mommy"
Physical Description: A small boy of about 5 though he is small for his age. He has a intent and intense face with shocking red eyes and green hair.
Handedness: Ambidextrous.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2010, 07:53:30 am »

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, attributes only go up to 6, with three being the average guy.
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:

Demonic Spoon

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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2010, 08:00:59 am »

I refuse to accept your arbitrary stat limitations!


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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 08:09:08 am »

I guess that in theory you could have all 16 points in psyche, but you would die instantly. Here are some guidelines:
Code: [Select]
Ability Rating  Knowledge  Strength  Finesse  Psyche
  1             Ignorant   Frail     Clumsy   Naive
  2             Simple     Weak      Cautious Conscious
  3             General    Healthy   Able     Aware
  4             Learned    Athletic  Proficient Willful
  5             Experienced Olympian Agile    Focused
  6             Vast       Heroic    Artistic Stoic
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:

Demonic Spoon

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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 08:19:54 am »

I guess you could put one point into each of the other stats.

OR, you are kept alive by complicated life support machines!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 08:22:35 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2010, 08:26:04 am »

Alright then, I'll just distribute the remaining points equally.

First turn coming soon...
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:

Demonic Spoon

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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2010, 08:27:27 am »

Fine, if you don't wanna put all the points into psyche put 6 into it and 6 into knowledge and distribute the rest evenly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2010, 09:07:16 am »

You are Obvious, a young child born into this harsh realm of madmen and disorder. You had lived in Paris ever since you were 'born'. Sadly, your mother died just before your birth. It appears that she was killed by the effects of chaos in the area, possibly because you are so chaotically gifted. Wherever you go you seem to gather the chaos of the surrounding area, often ending up in the deaths of those around you. This along with the fact that despite being a very young child you have the intelligence of a genius has ended you up being an outcast of society and doomed to wander the chaotic realm forever. You had been sheltering in a small hut that you found that seemed to be devoid of much chaotic energy, and as such you managed to set up a life there.

However, one day a group of men turn up at your door in black suits and with energy weapons.

"Salutations, child, are you the one we know as Obvious?" The one that looks like the leader asks with a stern look on his face.

You pause for a second, going through all the possibilities as to why these men could be here before answering.

You hear your high pitched voice mumble, "What do you want?".

The men glance at each other quickly and one nods in agreement.

"We are from de French society for understanding de chaotic realm." One of the men says in surprisingly good English, "We want your help with something. There is an artefact that we believe to have been tainted by chaos in a way that could be beneficial to humanity. It is, however, guarded by a monstrosity, likely de one that created de artefact in the first place. We require you to retrieve it for us. De reason that we are asking you is simple, we have ran out of people willing to work so close to de centre of de realm and so we have started asking chaotically gifted individuals such as yourself the opportunity."

What will you do?
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:

Demonic Spoon

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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2010, 09:10:14 am »

Kill them.

EDIT: Lol, why am I the only one posting? Leaving me alone with a forum game for extended periods of time is not a good idea.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 09:40:35 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2010, 10:27:31 am »

Kill them.

EDIT: Lol, why am I the only one posting? Leaving me alone with a forum game for extended periods of time is not a good idea.
Ask where the artifact is first.


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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2010, 10:43:21 am »

Ignore them. Do 5-year-old things. Run around and be a little shit. Reclaim your lost childhood, by force if need be.
Quote from: penguinofhonor
Quote from: miauw62
This guy needs to write a biography about Columbus. I would totally buy it.
I can see it now.

trying to make a different's: the life of Columbus

Demonic Spoon

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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2010, 11:19:45 am »

Do 5 year old things using the power of CHAOS, like pulling the dolls off of mean grownups dolls grownups.

EDIT: Also, what is up with these people? I mean really?! Asking a five your old to go deal with a monster? WTF? They haven't even offered us a reward! This is child abuse! They were probably planning to buy us off with candy! Illegal child labourSLAVERY and trying to take advantage of our innocence and goodwill as a child.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 11:32:22 am by Demonic Spoon »


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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2010, 01:02:49 pm »

"Where is this artefact?" You ask the men. They once again turn to eachother, as if asking for the OK before answering you.

"There is a small village known as Le Meix just south of here. It's inhabitants have been wiped out because of the large concentration of chaos there. When you get to the village the location of the artefact will be obvious."

You take this information in before deciding on your plan of action. You will kill them all.

You place your hand on the shoulder of one of the agents, making yourself look as if you will go along with their plan. Suddenly a bolt of electricity is sent through the agent and he jumps backwards in pain. The other two pull out handguns and one begins firing at you you are hit several times and the world begins to fade to black as pain courses through your body. You drop to the ground and hear the agents mumbling something in the background.

When you wake up you find that the agents have bandaged you up and you are lying in your bed, starving. The ravenous hunger almost overwhelms you as you feel the need to eat something. You rush to your 'fridge' (It is really a box that you tainted a while ago to be incredibly cold), however, it is empty.

Still needing to eat, you head outside with the intent of killing something to eat, or possibly gathering mushrooms. Sadly, it is very dark outside and you are almost blown away by the massive gust of wind that passes by your house. You go on the lookout for a small creature to kill and upon searching the foliage outside your home you find a small nest of Wereburgers. For those of you that do not know, Wereburgers as small fluffy creatures that are harmless and very tasty most of the time. They do, however, have a tendency to occasionally transform into carnivorous monsters capable killing most things. You reach out to grab one of the Wereburgers but you are startled when it explodes into gore, splattering blood all over you and it's brethren. Still slightly shocked you grab another one and muffle it's screams as you take a chunk out of it's back. Ah, that's better.

You have nearly finished your midnight snack when you hear a rustling in the grass behind you. There's a good chance that it could simply be the chaos moving things about, but you check it out regardless. Once your eyes adjust to the darkness once more you notice that there is a massive beast sleeping outside your home. It's writhing black skin and growling snores unnerve you but you decide to take action against it nonetheless. You prepare to shock the beast, just like you did to the agent. You lay your hand upon it and concentrate hard before hearing it yelp and leap several feet into the air. You quickly make it levitate slowly upwards before leaping into the air and giving it another shock. After you release it from the levitation you find that it has fallen to the ground, unconscious and, knowing now that it is badly injured, decide to put it out of it's misery. You grab a spade from around the corner and beat it several times with the tool.

When you wake up the following morning you decide that it would be a nice change of pace to go and find this artefact, so you head to town. You march to the closest secure bus stop to your home (three miles away) and wait for the bus to come. After waiting for around ten minutes you hear a rumbling as the heavily armoured tank of a bus comes chugging quickly down the road, It's rusted metal plates creating sparks occasionally as they rub against the hot, tarmac ground. Upon it's arrival you realise that you lack money and as such need a different way on to the bus, considering how it the driver tends to carry weapons. You leap up onto the metal plating of the bus and slip in between the panels. Once inside you notice how there are very few people in there, four to be exact, and even less seats. You find yourself a nice and comfy corner before sitting down and passing the time playing with small objects on the floor.

When you arrive in Paris you quickly run off the bus and take in the sights around you. Massive, brown towers fill the sky and tiny objects rain down upon the see through plastic ceiling. You are immediately swamped by the rush of people and are carried away by the flow of humans, some mutated. Still, you know where you want to end up and become intangible to the people around you as you float through them effortlessly. You make it to your destination easily and just as you reach it you suddenly become tangible. You see a rather large and hastily scribbled sign before you: Edge's Travel Agents.

You enter the building through the dirty and faded front doors and walk up to the counter before almost whispering to the woman behind the register,

"I'm looking for Edge, where could I find him?".

She almost doesn't see you as she looks around for the mystery questioner, but just before giving up hope she notices you there, just visible below the table.

"What do you need him for, little guy?" She asks in what is possibly the most patronizing manner ever conceived by a being this side of Switzerland. You put on your most serious looking face to tell her again,

"I told you, baboon, I'm looking for Edge!" She is rather taken aback by this, but still manages to point to a door just around the corner.

"Thank you." You say before bursting through the door into Edge's office.

Inside is a man in his late 70s, working hard at planning something on a rather large map spread across his desk. He is placing pins with string attached to them on the map, as if he were planning a route through France.

"Hey, Edge, my man! Remember me?" You ask him in a playful but, to be honest, rather scary tone.

"Hmm, who are you?" He asks, before a look of sudden realisation comes upon his face and he is obviously filled with what is left of his worn down sense of fear.

"Yeah, you remember me, heh. You chuckle. Edge was the man who raised you when you were very young, and the man who threw you out of society. Although you have nothing against him now, he doesn't know that. "Do you know of a place called Le Meix?" You ask him in the scariest voice a five year old can muster.

"Y-yes, well, no, but I-I know where you can find out where it is. Under what used to be the Eiffel Tower is a massive map of France, it contains every known building in France. Once you find the location I can organise transport for you."

You don't even bother replying, you just head straight to the map of France. When you see the remains of the Eiffel tower you are truly surprised, when you left a year ago it was still relatively intact but now it consists of little more than twisted metal. The map underneath it is still in pristine condition, however, and you look about for Le Meix.  Upon finding it you notice that it is a little closer to the LHC than you'd like, but you head back to Edge anyway.

He arranges a visit to Le Meix and you hop on the bus, after a several hour journey you get as close to the area as the bus will take you before hopping off. In the distance you can see a small, crumbling village.

What will you do?
I make music under the name Flag Red, check me out:

Demonic Spoon

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Re: The Death of Order
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2010, 03:24:02 pm »

Vow that you will have your vengeance agaisnt the evil energy weapon wielding french society of child abusers.

Enter the village. If it has grass roofs, set them aflame.
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