say what?
No-- Coyotes are pretty smart bastards. They dig under fences just like a dog trapped in a back yard does. They see the tasty sheep, and they want to eat them, just like your dog in the back yard sees the cars go by, and he wants to chase them.
Fences are good at keeping large herbivores contained. They are not so good at stopping carnivores (which can either climb, leap, or dig), nor for stopping small herbivores (up to the size of a deer, as deer can leap, and can jump over some pretty crazy tall fences.)
Coyotes are also very cowardly. The size of their pack determines how brazen they will be in approaching dangerous hunting situations, including those where farmer joe shoots at them. Small packs are content to eat rabbits and such, and they do well. It is when they get larger than about 5 members, that they start needing more than small game can supply them with reliably, and they get more brazen in their hunting tactics, and start taking livestock. Monitoring pack size of local predators is a subconscious skill that many older farmers (the older codgers in their 60s or so) keep. and some even proactively thin local predator populations if they get above certain thresholds. (again, for coyotes, the magic number seems to be about 5 adult members. By the time they get to 10 or 12 adult members, they are typically taking cows!)
But this absurd idea of a "Gun Fence"-- Somebody has been playing too many JRPGs or something.