If it was taken down, you can't exactly play it.
Not if there's a torrent, especially a magnet type. Could be hard to find though, unless it was on the official subreddit for the project or something (;
I'm kinda confused about consoles, too. Older consoles I kinda get, but newer ones? They're expensive and their gimmicks don't interest me, and as Grieger pointed out:
Consoles don't even know what their niche is anymore. I remember the days where a console was good because you could just buy a game, put in the cart or disk, and play the frikking game on a console.
Plus I am still completely astounded that people seem content to navigate virtual keyboards with thumbsticks. First Person Shooters I can *almost* get, now that I understand about the various bizarre types of auto-aim... But screw "typing" with those things. It's absolutely ridiculous. I guess the Wii sorta gets a pass on that... sorta... though point and click is still pretty bad.
I still love my PS2 but if I could get all my save games off the proprietary card, and use the proprietary controllers on my computer, then I wouldn't have to fiddle with monitor switching and slow bootups and I could timeskip the ridiculously long animations in Disgaea... And I wouldn't have to worry about my 10-year-old game cds getting scratched...
And don't get me started on fucking Halo. I didn't pay much for this 360, but I still regret it, because I'd rather have remembered Halo 2 and 3 as being fun. What is the point... of thumbsticks... with massive fucking deadzones which make it impossible to finely adjust your aim. I only ever liked these games because I was watching people play, and I revered the story because of Marathon. 'course then 4 and 5 happened so whatever... sorry, fanboy pain.