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Author Topic: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)  (Read 863543 times)


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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2820 on: February 07, 2013, 07:57:53 am »

I finally have some time to look into this, but I'm afraid, I won't be of much help.

> the formula is quite simple... involves ((max possible - current value) + current value) /2
If this is what you want to use for attributes, sim3 with 2000 simulated gains will do a better job. Caps don't even matter most of the time and when they do, it is only when a dwarf is close to his cap. This thing is like using sim3, with simulating different gains for different dwarves (and not because of different CTI for castes), which I already argued against.

If you want me to map an interval into another interval, with some values mapped to fixed points, I can construct a transformation for you, but I need to understand exactly what you want.

> on the cheating df2012 thread, it was mentioned that the CTI could be negative... I hope not.
Personally I'd lower cap the CTI at +1. There is some evidence that this is a counter and attribute improves when that counter exceeds CTI. That means values below 0 would be meaningless and anything below a 100 would make for very fast gains anyway.

> > (att - min) / (max - min), so for Strength (att -450) / (2250 -450). You would have to check for some edge cases (max == min), or the result of this formula exceeding <-100, 200>, but other than that it should work for all attribute values. Use min and max average for all castes and based on their frequency.
> Remember what you said about dwarf's above max bin (i.e. 7th raw?)  that wouldn't account for it, it would if we extended it.  but that's kind of what we do now.  We squeeze 98% of values inbetween 1st bin and double last bin.  The remaining 2% are values outside of it.  It's the best system we can come up with without using min/max.
I can't really tweak your system to be better. I'm just arguing that it isn't linear, which is a nasty property and try to propose something else. I also disagree with how you map attributes to <0, 100> as it isn't linear, but for the most part your approach might be OKayish.

> ((Current Attribute * Weight A) + (Max Attribute possible for that Dwarf * Weight B))/(Weight A + Weight B)
sim3 is still better than this. It factors in the CTI and returns higher values for lower CTI.

> (((Max - current) * 500) / CTI) (* Weight)
Wrong. For low CTI this can return values well above Max, which is an error. The formula that follows is erroneous for the same reason.
> If we can mitigate this: from ever being greater than (max - current), we're good, but now that I'm looking at it, I don't think it can.
> I think the answer is here: normalised_XP = -0.5 / (normalised_XP - 1.0);
No, it's not. It is true that you could take var = (((Max - current) * 500) / CTI) (* Weight), then use (x / (1+x)) to force it to stay below Max, but this is bogus. I really don't like it when you play around with math without understanding the reasons behind this math.

Ah, you did just that with your code. Well, I haven't made a graph of it. By the looks of it, for the same CTI the order will be correct, but it will have some irregularities and will definitely not be linear.

I still say it would be a better idea to just use sim3 for attributes, taking the att_sim values as either maximums or minimums from an old fort and call it a day.
* sim3 will always give you a value between current and max.
* It factors in CTI the way it is used.
* It is linear if you don't cap an attribute.
* When you do cap, it increases slower.

As a side not, if you map all attributes to <0, 100> but let people set weights when aggregating them into "how good are these attributes for this job", some irregularities can be fixed by correct weights, but finding those correct weights is no easy task.

> Dwarf Therapist as a tool to cheat.
For me it could go both ways. As long as I have a tool to "cheat" (that I'd use for testing rather than cheating), I'm fine. If DF does allows cheating, like it does with child labour now, but has a clearly labelled option to enable it, that's disabled by default, I'm also fine.
> yes i agree. it's never been intended to turn it into something like runesmith. i also believe there are a quite a few dfhack scripts and plugins for tweaking values already.
Well, I guess that settles it, then.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 08:04:24 am by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2821 on: February 07, 2013, 09:20:37 am »

Ah, you did just that with your code. Well, I haven't made a graph of it. By the looks of it, for the same CTI the order will be correct, but it will have some irregularities and will definitely not be linear.

I still say it would be a better idea to just use sim3 for attributes, taking the att_sim values as either maximums or minimums from an old fort and call it a day.

It factors in the CTI and returns higher values for lower CTI.

well I was proposing a weight of 1 to .5 which would give values of 12.5% between current and max rather than trying to find values from old forts (what of users that use training rooms?)

I never expected it to be linear, how can it be linear if a max cti value is not known?  So I based it around 500 CTI.

Mine returns higher values for lower CTI's as well.

So what are the irregularities?  Have you graphed it (I have, they seem pretty similar in ranking).  I know what your formula (the one I based this one off of) does, it takes an infinite scale and makes it finite.  That much I learned from your example.  I based it from 0 to 500, and 500 to infinite.  I don't see anything wrong with that.  I just don't understand the sim3 as much and didn't like the arbitrary 2000 att_sim value, although you had a proposed fix for it, I had one that didn't need a fix. 

Which was to base it on (current value + max value)/2

I used your infinite mapping method to account for CTI values, and using weights, a player can set what he thinks his max possible progression should be.  default is 25% between current and max since it's
(((current value + max value)/2 ) * weightA) + (current value * weightb) / (weighta + weightb)
if weights are equal, it's really doing (((current value + max value)/2) + current value) /2

btw, you like to read and type as you respond, ever consider to read the entire email first and then respond on a second read?  I'm not sure if I do this... I know I don't go back and edit my emails once I figure something out (I try to using strikethrough)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 09:40:06 am by thistleknot »


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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2822 on: February 07, 2013, 01:38:13 pm »

> well I was proposing a weight of 1 to .5 which would give values of 12.5% between current and max rather than trying to find values from old forts (what of users that use training rooms?)
Values from old forts would just help to differentiate attributes and not treat them all equally. Coin tossers and danger rooms would just train some attributes to their maximums (if threre indeed are caps in Fortress Mode), which is even better to have an educated guess on how which high attributes can improve during gameplay.

> I never expected it to be linear, how can it be linear if a max cti value is not known?  So I based it around 500 CTI.
For very high CTI, an attribute shouldn't improve at all and current value should be the only one important. sim3 does exactly this, as it should. What does your piece of code do?
First it makes gap into a small positive value.
It makes normalised_gap to be just below 0.5, then just below 1. 
add_value becomes a small positive number.
mod_Att_Value becomes just above current and is returned.
OK, this test passed.

What about the other extreme, (CTI == 1) ? The correct return value is max. Sim3 returns max -1 or similar.
gap = (max - curr) * 500 / CTI
normalised_gap = 0.5 - 500 / CTI
normalised_gap = 0.5 / (0.5 + 500/CTI)
add_value = (max - curr) * (500 / CTI) * 0.5 / (0.5 + 500/CTI)
For small CTI that's slightly below (max-curr) * 0.5
mod_Att_Value = 0.5 * (max + curr) or slightly below.
Test failed. And I didn't even get into what happens for other values. For very low CTI only the maximum and not the current value matters. For your method the maximum value is (current + max) /2.

This approach produces some numbers and may be OK for sorting attributes, but it has weird properties. No, I haven't even bothered to graph it.

BTW, in case you didn't notice this yourself, your graphs for sim3 had 2 intervals where they were linear: before the cap and after the cap.

> Mine returns higher values for lower CTI's as well.
Monotonicity of this function is necessary, so are the correct edge values, but it isn't good enough for aggregating it with an arithmetic mean with other things.

> I just don't understand the sim3 as much and didn't like the arbitrary 2000 att_sim value, although you had a proposed fix for it, I had one that didn't need a fix.   
I agree, but only because it cannot be fixed, much as my method for skill gain using a similar formula couldn't be fixed and I called it ugly. To remove the arbitrary 2000 att_sim I proposed getting some values from an old fort and having different att_sim values for different attributes, to which you objected.

(((current value + max value)/2 ) * weightA) + (current value * weightb) / (weighta + weightb)
Well, at least I can set weightb to be much higher than weightA and be done with it.

BTW, your method breaks for current > max (possible with syndromes) and low CTI, while sim3 doesn't. It just returns current.

> you like to read and type as you respond, ever consider to read the entire email first and then respond on a second read?
I always read both what I respond to and my response several times.

I grew tired of arguing over this and want to move on to other things. I cared about the skill learning rates because it's going to be useful to me. I don't really use the role recommendations and while I would like that part done as best as it can be, I can just take them with a big grain of salt and hand-pick the dwarves I want. Do what you think is best.

EDIT: Well, OK, maybe I'm wrong here somewhere. I was wrong before a few times. Thing is, it no longer matters to me. If it did, I'd make some graphs and study them.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 03:40:52 pm by Maklak »
Quote from: Omnicega
Since you seem to criticize most things harsher than concentrated acid, I'll take that as a compliment.
On mining Organics
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2823 on: February 07, 2013, 02:41:41 pm »

im pretty sure your wrong. only for cti 500 is max (current + max)/2

for cti of 1 it does return close to max value

current 1500 max 3000 cti 1
returns 2994.0299

theres a gap value thats multiplied against and this creates an add value that closes the gap.
so it does pass your second test.  i tested all this myself in a similar fashion to ensure it reached near max.  ill have to post the google sheet later.

btw. we did a simple fix for values over or at max. we just returm current.

man... all that talk about my method, and a 1500/3000 on sim3 is 2250 (i.e. (current + max)/2)
not sure on this one

the problem with all this code, is we need to figure it out, because Splinterz is on the cusp of his next release, and you keep getting my formula wrong...  dogging it and all is frustrating when your saying incorrect things about it.

I don't really care what formula we use, but it irks me when you say it's broken, but you point out things that aren't broken.

so it makes it harder for Splinterz to figure out what goes into v20.

I'm working on getting a comparison between your sim3 and mine right now, going to graph it and display it.

now it's my turn.

yours and mine seem to be on par with each other... until you get to 1 CTI, then what happens?

your's goes negative...  in all fairness though, it only does it for 1, and not 2...

This all started because I want to feed the values back into the bins (which I now firmly believe can be done safely), so I came up with a formula I understood in order to do so, but now I understand how att_sim works... so I don't think it matters if we feed it in or not, it just scales things back down to the normal bin frequencys (Splinterz concern all along was your formula was producing really large #'s... which to be honest, could have just been re-merged with the original value, which I was doing... so like I said, I don't care what value we use).

here's sim3 vs my code, and to be honest, they produce VERY SIMILAR NUMBERS, yet mine produces numbers that work with any range of CTI 1 to 1000+... to be honest, the code is in your credit, I had no idea how to reduce the scale, but it's more workable, and doesn't need to cap any values to work

Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

const int default_cti = 500; //set as default... values above/below will adjust accordingly.

int sim3 (int att, int cap, int CTI)
    if (att > cap)
        return att;

    int sim_value = 2000;

    int att_sim = sim_value * default_cti / CTI; //default_cti could be a weighted average of all cti's.
    int max_delta = (cap - att) > att_sim? att_sim : (cap - att);
    long ret = ((att + att + max_delta) * max_delta) /2 ;
    ret += (att_sim - max_delta) * cap;
    ret /= att_sim;
    return (int)ret;

int mySim (int att, int cap, int CTI)

  //int CTI; //Cost to improve as described via tokens.
  //int max; //dwarf's max attribute
  //int current; //dwarf's current attribute
  float mod_Att_Value;
  float add_value;

      return 5000;

  float gap = (float(cap) - float(att)) * default_cti / CTI;

  float normalized_gap = 0.5 * (1 - gap / (float(cap) - float(att)));

  if (normalized_gap >= 0)
    normalized_gap += 0.5;    // Values <0, 0.5> reserved for those suitable for a task.
    normalized_gap = -0.5 / (normalized_gap - 1.0);

  add_value = normalized_gap * gap;

  mod_Att_Value = att + add_value; //can weight mod_Att_Value against current value for weighted average

  return int(mod_Att_Value);

int main()
    int ret = 3;
    int att;
    int cap;
    int CTI;

    //att_sim is based on median possible gain, not sure if it should be based on average possible gain, or median possible gain, or max possible gain
    //formula is ((median*.5) + (((5th bin + 6th bin)/2) *.5)
    printf("input:\n current, cap, CTI\n\n");
    printf("output:\n current, cap, CTI, sim3, mine\n\n");
    while (ret = scanf("%d %d %d", &att, &cap, &CTI) == 3)
        printf("%d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", att, cap, CTI, sim3(att, cap, CTI), mySim(att, cap, CTI));
    return 0;

I will post some sheets to show comparisons.

and here's a spreadsheet

just in case this didn't get posted on google docs and linked properly
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

we're honestly crying over small differences... I'm just going to chock it up to you not following my formula through all the way.  However, you seem to be quite aloof to reading about things you have an understanding of (I'm choosing my words carefully here)...

which means you miss the details (hence the comment on reading/responding to emails).

I'm saying here, that my formula does account for low CTI's, as you can see, as well as high CTI's...

so what's the diff.  The only reason I created it was to feed it back into the frequency bins... I know what mine's doing, yours is doing some area measurements under some sort of curve that I don't get, but they do the same thing in the end, graph it any which way you want, and give some honest feedback (please, lets just comment and be honest in the shortcomings).

BTW, in case you didn't notice this yourself, your graphs for sim3 had 2 intervals where they were linear: before the cap and after the cap.
??? link please?

Hey Maklak...
I don't want you thinking I'm hating on you, I'm just trying to figure this shit out.  If we can't implement it without not knowing how it works, it's like magic to us...

I've been rereading, and you posted this
sim3 gives you the predicted average attribute value during some some hypothethical gain. If you don't hit a cap, it returns "att + att_sim/2" (the formulas it uses do exactly this, except are more complex to handle the second part. After you hit the cap, value returned by sim3 is between "(att_cap+att)/2" and  "att_cap". It increases with att_sim at the speed of "x/(1+x)" (If you really want me to, I can derive the formula for this).

which looks quite similar to my (current + max)/2 concept...

so I think we're hitting on the same things, maybe you can explain SUPER LAMEN terms how what I conjured compares with yours (I know you don't owe us that, but if you present it, then Splinterz will understand, and be that much better to make his decision on v20!)...

Here's a pic of it graphed (sorted by current smallest to largest, cap smallest to largest, cti largest to smallest)
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 11:12:30 am by thistleknot »


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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2824 on: February 08, 2013, 02:35:38 am »

by sort, do you mean group by? so these special caste dwarves don't actually have a curse, they're just a special caste?

Yes, exactly. They have not been cursed, but instead are a caste with an interaction. This way I can affect the chance of them arriving (with population ratio). If I would use curses it would be completely random.

Oh, I also have another report: When I leftclick on the grid, for example for "toggle farming" then it only turns all farming on for all dwarves. But it cant turn it off.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 05:37:45 am by Meph »
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2825 on: February 08, 2013, 06:55:18 am »

Hi all, one of my friends is having a strange problem with the version 0.6.12, it seems that is lists even dead dwarves in the dwarf tabel

what is the lates version? is it possible to update the opening post with the lates news?

Italian blog about Dwarf Fortress

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  • Bay Watcher
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    • Dwarf Therapist Branch
Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2826 on: February 08, 2013, 07:19:09 am »

by sort, do you mean group by? so these special caste dwarves don't actually have a curse, they're just a special caste?

Yes, exactly. They have not been cursed, but instead are a caste with an interaction. This way I can affect the chance of them arriving (with population ratio). If I would use curses it would be completely random.

Oh, I also have another report: When I leftclick on the grid, for example for "toggle farming" then it only turns all farming on for all dwarves. But it cant turn it off.
for this bug, you're just clicking an individual cell to turn on the labor, but you can't click it again to turn it off? does it flicker off and then back on? if you wait a second before clicking to turn it off does it work?

Hi all, one of my friends is having a strange problem with the version 0.6.12, it seems that is lists even dead dwarves in the dwarf tabel

what is the lates version? is it possible to update the opening post with the lates news?
unfortunately DwarfEngineer hasn't been around for quite some time. i've branched the 'official' version and you can check it out in my signature. if you want to keep the old version, but fix the problem with the dead dwarves showing up, you'll need to copy the flags sections at the bottom of the ini files from my branch to your current version.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2827 on: February 08, 2013, 07:40:49 am »

It is not when I click on a cell, or even a singular labor (like left-clicking on "mason" and it turns on/off mason labor for all dwarves)

What I mean is RIGHT-Clicking, which opens a little menu that says: Toggle "labor-group-name-here". For example toggle all farming labors, or toggle all hauling labors. When I press on it, all labors of that group are turned on. But it wont turn them off. Its not the little delay that you usually have when left-clicking on the labor name.

Here is a screenshot:

I did a quick testrun, and it works up to 11 dwarves in one group. If I try to toggle groups with 1-11 dwarves, it works, it toggles both on and off. If I try on a group with 12+ dwarves, it only toggles it on, but not off. Strange.

Edit: oh, and once I am here already: Is there a hotkey (or option) to toggle ALL labors, for all dwarves?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 07:46:02 am by Meph »
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    • Dwarf Therapist Branch
Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2828 on: February 08, 2013, 07:47:06 am »

that's definitely strange.. so far i'm unable to reproduce it. i just tried grouping by caste, and toggling the the 'Dwarf' caste group's farming labors, which has 359 dwarfs in it. no problems so far turning it on and off... is it possible it's just really delayed? if you collapse the group and try on the aggregate row does it work?


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2829 on: February 08, 2013, 07:52:43 am »

Its not delayed, it simply does not happen. I tried several groups, castes... but anyway, if you cant reproduce it, it is my system or mod. Either way not a big issue. I wouldnt think about. I will see if it works with a different save, once I play a bit more.

Edit: oh, and once I am here already: Is there a hotkey (or option) to toggle ALL labors, for all dwarves?
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
::: - Follow my bike tours around the world - 148 countries visited :::


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2830 on: February 08, 2013, 07:55:00 am »

by sort, do you mean group by? so these special caste dwarves don't actually have a curse, they're just a special caste?

Yes, exactly. They have not been cursed, but instead are a caste with an interaction. This way I can affect the chance of them arriving (with population ratio). If I would use curses it would be completely random.

Oh, I also have another report: When I leftclick on the grid, for example for "toggle farming" then it only turns all farming on for all dwarves. But it cant turn it off.
for this bug, you're just clicking an individual cell to turn on the labor, but you can't click it again to turn it off? does it flicker off and then back on? if you wait a second before clicking to turn it off does it work?

Hi all, one of my friends is having a strange problem with the version 0.6.12, it seems that is lists even dead dwarves in the dwarf tabel

what is the lates version? is it possible to update the opening post with the lates news?
unfortunately DwarfEngineer hasn't been around for quite some time. i've branched the 'official' version and you can check it out in my signature. if you want to keep the old version, but fix the problem with the dead dwarves showing up, you'll need to copy the flags sections at the bottom of the ini files from my branch to your current version.

if I recall correctly, your version has more options than the base version so I'll simply suggest your branch version ;) thanks

Italian blog about Dwarf Fortress

Il primo blog italiano su Dwarf Fortress


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Dwarf Therapist Branch
Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2831 on: February 08, 2013, 07:57:27 am »

Its not delayed, it simply does not happen. I tried several groups, castes... but anyway, if you cant reproduce it, it is my system or mod. Either way not a big issue. I wouldnt think about. I will see if it works with a different save, once I play a bit more.

Edit: oh, and once I am here already: Is there a hotkey (or option) to toggle ALL labors, for all dwarves?

weird... the next version will have CTRL+A set to select all dwarfs, so i'll add another menu in the right click to assign all labors, similar to the current one to clear all labors. should be sufficient yeah?


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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2832 on: February 08, 2013, 03:01:24 pm »

Just a minor bug report: When you go to "Set Nickname..." in DT through right-clicking on a Dwarf's name, you aren't allowed to enter nicknames longer than 16 characters, getting the message "Nickname must be under 16 characters long".  But in DF itself, you can set nicknames up to 39 characters long.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • Dwarf Therapist Branch
Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2833 on: February 08, 2013, 03:15:00 pm »

Just a minor bug report: When you go to "Set Nickname..." in DT through right-clicking on a Dwarf's name, you aren't allowed to enter nicknames longer than 16 characters, getting the message "Nickname must be under 16 characters long".  But in DF itself, you can set nicknames up to 39 characters long.
this is a technical barrier, not a bug. since dwarf therapist doesn't run within the address space of dwarf fortress, it's unable to allocate any new memory, which is necessary for strings longer than the normal buffer size.

once i figure out a way to use dfhack as a back-end (haha, i can dream right?) issues like these will disappear.

Edit: i've changed the message to explain better that it's a technical issue and to set the nickname in game if a long name is required for clarity
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 03:19:43 pm by splinterz »


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Re: Dwarf Therapist (LATEST 0.6.12 5/23/12 see first post)
« Reply #2834 on: February 09, 2013, 06:13:48 am »

I found several errors in game_data.ini

5\attributes\2\id=kinesthetic ability

kinesthetic sense
may be ?

may be ?

may be ?

« Last Edit: February 12, 2013, 10:44:37 am by Skin36 »
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