Heh, apparently CKII is set to always be in the foreground. I completely missed the windows update popup asking me if it was ok to restart for updates.
Ahwell, good thing there's autosaves.
EDIT: Holy cow, I managed to pull off claiming the Kingdom of England in the name of the widow of King Dirk of Frisia. Sadly King Dirk died a few years earlier, so I didn't get to claim it as my own. I am ruling as Dirk's grandson now, since Dirk's eldest son died before he could inherit. Managed to conquer all of England with the little lad, who became king at 7 years old, and is now 11. The year is 1114.
It took the opportunity when the entire English army went on a Crusade, and managed to get to 99% when they returned By claiming most duchy capitals. They had only 1000 men left after returning from the Crusade, and even though they bravely invaded Friesland, they couldn't stop me from getting the last 1% needed to claim victory.
Sadly, I couldn't invade England before Dirk died, or I believe it would have been properly mine. Now I need to assasinate my uncle first to inherit it when grandma croaks. He did accept my invitation to court, so he's conveniently close already.
EDIT: NVM, he already died, I am now the first heir to the English throne. My grandma is almost 70, so anytime now, King of Frisa and England. And Duke of Brabant. Next on list, Flanders. Also managed to bethrothe a genius.
EDIT: dayum, making my 25+ new vassals not hate me is going to take some effort
Let's start by changing their silly english free investiment into papal. I'm sure they won't mind. Better do it now, when their opinions are at an all time low already then ruin their opinions after bribing them methinks. Heh, I must have given the Pope a heart attack from joy, I clicked the papal button and he croaked.