I suspect the fault lies with Windows rather than Overseer, but I've never encountered "Data Execution Prevention" before now. Does anyone else have this problem/know what to do?
I've never encountered one of those before either. I'm not sure what might be causing it.
First things first - Overseer is a damn good piece of software, congrats.
And now my problem. Rooftops of my buildings resemble a sawblade because row of ramps don't form tringular prism (in other words ramps are like unwrapped Toblerone instead of wrapped one). Is there any method to fix this? There are alternative forms of ramps (surrounding dependent) - are they hardcoded or define in one of material/whatever file, which I can just edit?
Freestanding triangular prisms weren't one of the cases I thought of for ramps -- and they're all currently hardcoded. I don't think there's anything to do about it in this build. Sorry about that.
Sooo, no Linux build yet? Anyone know if there is a way to run this with Wine?
No go for the Linux build, the OpenGL shaders were giving us a lot of issues. Not sure how well it would work with wine.
Arbitrarily Darker Innies and Lighter Outies Add TONS of Depth.
Furthermore requires no actual lighting calculation, just geometry. Which is already there.
I'm already planning on including precalculated ambient occlusion in the next version, so hopefully this effect will already be taken care of.
10:56:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Named constants have not been initialised, perhaps a compile error. in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuProgramParams.cpp (line 1423)
My drivers and DirectX are freshly updated. However, I don't have a dedicated graphics card, just an inbuilt chipset. Do you think that is the problem? Or is there still some hope?
I'd guess that the chipset is probably the issue.
Ok, I have no idea what is wrong now. I patched DirectX and the Memory.xml and made sure it attached to DF and now all that happens is that it draws all the z-levels and gives me some warnings about fir05_30.mesh before it gets to this line:
18:03:10: D3D9 : Loading 2D Texture, image name : 'waves2.dds' with 5 mip map levels
... And then Windows shuts down the program and DF crashes. Is there anything I can fix?
Does anything show up in Ogre.log after that?
it would be epic,if this engine is released:www.euclideon.com
A lot of people think that engine is
pretty shady, in a bad way.
Alright, since it's been three months since I've posted anything, let me bring you guys up to speed.
Where I've been: After my summer at NASA, I (temporarily) dropped out of college to accept a job at the dorfiest company ever, Moon Express. We're a Google Lunar X Prize Team with the long-term goal of mining the moon. Sending things to the moon is hard stuff, though, so I've been working long, hard hours on that, and haven't had any real time to work with DF or Overseer recently.
About the current release: The current release of Overseer is very probably going to stop working after 0.31.25. There's a lot of changes in the upcoming version of DF, and peterix has completely changed around the way DFHack works, so I'd be rather surprised if the current version will be able to be updated to the new DF.
The future of Overseer: Unfortunately due to my current workload and other stuff, I can't make any definite promises. I'm not really doing anything this weekend though so tonight I'm going to see if I can get Ogre to play nicely with the new dfhack. I've already got plans for how the next version will work (at least temporarily). Current plans are to move to a voxel-based system that uses a variant of marching cubes to generate the geometry. I'm going to focus on avoiding hardcoding things this time around (so ramp issues like Wen has will be easily amended). Also, I'm going to parallelize Linux and Windows so we don't have a long time without a Linux visualizer again. I'll just avoid using DX-specific things until we have a definite workaround.
Sorry for being a ghost, guys. I want a fully working visualizer as much as any of us. Hopefully I can get some of this stuff off the ground soon, but like I said, I can't make any definite promises. I'm going to try my damnedest though.