Dear Ursit MacCrosseyedHunter,
Great job hitting the Werecoati with two of your three fired bolts. I know, he was a scrawny lill bugger, still, you would have fared better if you didn't decide to stand on top of him when trying to make your fourth shot. Your next of kin have been duly notified about your brave defence and your new residence in our freshly dug crypts.
Dear Urist ForgotYourMapNCompass,
Great job finding your way to the location of the Werecoati with the rest of your squad. Great initiative, despite being wounded, in firing parting shots after the beast after it reverted to a Human. A few minor points, while you did find your way to the battle, your first effort got you to the exact spot of the fight + 1 z level - you somehow made your way to the battlements and not the main entryway. Had you arrived at the main entry with the rest of the squad, your bolt to its heart may have landed sooner, and may have been joined by more well aimed bolts. Sadly, your late arival to the fight got you there after the other members of your squad were all dead, something you no doubt realized as the werecoati to was shaking you around by your back teeth.
While I am impressed at your quick return to duty despite being dropped from the military and being given no medical treatment... were the efforts to wall you in on your hospital bed of any concern? Those walls were meant for your protection. Would have been a severe mental shock for you to wake after a full moon with dead dwarves on all sides. I saw you standing there for a few days with 'No Job'. Did you find yourself unable to locate that lever in an isolated room? The one with 'pull right now' orders on it, and a memo for just you to pull it? Yeah, that's why we drafted you again to guard the lever, since you were unable to find it quickly enough on your own initative. Please enjoy your stay in your new quarters for the full moon
PS: Please, the army is no place for an infant. We take no responsibility for what might happen to it in two days time.
Dear Ursit WallsAlot
I know, I've asked a lot of you since the fort was started. Walls around the trading depot and main entrance. And an entire constructed level above that of battlements, with roof. Remember when I asked you to wall in the sole survivor of the were attack? Yeah, that was a tiny bit more urgent than any other wall you built. Do not go two full weeks failing to place a wall, we only *just managed to get you to build that a mere two days before the full moon.
your Overseer