Table of ContentsUpdate 1: Revy Lives
Update 2: Fighting Crime
Update 3: Where FRAPS Acts UpUpdate 4: In Which the Series is RebootedUpdate 5: ARR!Update 6: Henchmen.Update 7: Stat increase!Update 8: Why does everyone hate us?Update 9: More stuff explodes.Update 10: Monetary Schemes and Big MissilesUpdate 11: Corporal RevyUpdate 12: A New AllyUnlucky Update 13!Update 14: Open Air Cockpit (Minus the Air)GearHead 2 is a free/open source roguelike game about giant robots blowing each other up.
You can find the game here: GearHead 2, you are the pilot of a giant robot (which blows things up), who ends up being shoved into a big randomly generated main quest (blowing stuff up). You also probably work for some group which wants you to blow things up.
Also, things explode.
So, I'll be going through a semi-interactive Let's Play of this game. Let's start with character creation.
We need:
*a gender (take a wild guess)
*an age (anything from 16 to 30, older characters have more starting XP, younger characters have more money)
*a hometown (changes joinable factions)
*a profession (changes faction, skills)
*a faction (factions give more jobs, usually only one faction will be available, tell me if you want one)
*stats (I'll get random stats)
*skills (I'll choose these, as many are required to actually get anywhere)
*a talent (I'll choose, as some are extremely useful while others...aren't)
*a robot (I'll take a random one)
*a thing that is important to the character (friends and family, having fun, the character's reputation, mecha, or hobby)
*a goal (adventure, enlightenment, fame, knowledge, love, power, revenge, wealth, world peace, or nothing)
*a name.
Yes, quite a list.
*Athera Spinner (major cultural location)
*Cayley Rock (long-dead mines and ore processing)
*Cesena Spinner (Silver Knights HQ)
*Emerald Spinner (Bank and lots of stores)
*Fuchal Spinner (Food!)
*Galconde Spinner (Tech!)
*Gaos Spinner (Tourists!)
*Kosaka Spinner (Capital of Free Commerce States)
*Maquise Spinner (Large, powerful)
*Rishiri Spinner (Trading!)
*Theles Spinner (Wretched hive of scum and villainy)
*Tohru Spinner (damaged manufacturing spinner)
*Wagner Spinner (Police HQ)
*Xianzai Spinner (Trading!)
*Yatate Spinner (Rocket Stars HQ)