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Author Topic: The Siege of Tosidedir  (Read 1052 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Siege of Tosidedir
« on: July 21, 2010, 03:16:38 pm »

So I've only been playing DF a few weeks and through a series of errors, mistakes, newb moves and general stupidity, I've yet to get a fort going that really took off.  Until Tosidedir,  nestled in a mountain canyon, Tosidedir was my first fort that actually seemed like it was going to prosper and remain viable.  Early goblin ambushes were easily dispatched by traps and my budding militia, and even the first siege didn't pose too much of a problem.  Several years on however, a true siege arrived at my gates, and from those battles emerged the following story, crafted after the dust settled and reassembled from notes I'd scribbled during the fighting.

THE SIEGE OF TOSIDEDIR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tosidedir (Armordungeon) was a mere 5 years settled when a veritable horde of goblins, trolls and elkbirds descended upon it.  However, for a dwarf, 5 years is a long time to secure a mountain hold, and Tosidedir was ready for the siege.  Traps laid along the only two routes into the hold decimated the incoming horde, caging, injurying, or dismembering over half the unwitting savages. 

When the first wave of the survivors broke through the remaining traps, stampeding across the drawbridge into Tosidedir's main hallway, militia commander Stodir Vucargusgash Berbesmar Thikut (Stodir Urnstokers the Earthen Puller) ordered the drawbridge raised, sealing the entrance and cutting the invaders forces in half.  Short even for a dwarf, Stodir had been gifted by Armok with an indomitable will, and impossible strength. His first kill had been a goblin that he had wrestled to the ground bare handed before snapping it's neck; earning him the position of militia commander. Stodir had proved his worth time and again throughout Tosidedir's short but bloody history, cunningly trapping opponents before they reached the hold, and viciously cutting down those who broke through.  Rallying his squads with a fierce roar, Stodir hefted Kurolkat (The Embraced Goal), a legendary spear crafted by Tosidedir's premiere weaponsmith some years ago.  Stodir's axe and macedwarves fell upon the confused invaders in a tide of steel and iron, decimating the numerous trolls and goblins that had managed to make it inside.  Mere minutes later, the battle was over, and Stodir's fierce training regimes had paid off, not a single dwarf had been scratched in the melee. 

However, even as the dwarves began to cheer and celebrate, Stodir's stern growl cut across the noise, reminding them that half the enemy still waited outside the gates.  Rescinding the burrow restriction for civilians momentarily, Stodir marshalled various mechanics into resetting the traps along the entry hall, and called up food and drink for his men.  After several hours of rest, Stodir ordered the civilians back into the depths of the hold and marshalled his men for the next wave.  The drawbridge slammed down again, crushing a curious goblin who had gotten too close.  The remaining enemies howled in anger and charged, this time massing up to prevent being seperated.  Stodir had expected this and motioned to his man operating the drawbridge.  Halfway across the bridge, the trolls and goblins were surprised as the bridge snapped back upward, flinging them into the hold and stunning them.  Stodir's men descended on the stunned savages, cutting half of them down before they recovered.  This time however a rather large force had made it into the fort and the fighting was brutal and bloody.  Mistem Okirmistem, a relatively fresh recruit, was broken nearly in half by a troll, though even has he died the young dwarf crippled the trolls arm with his axe.  Stodir's veterans eventually won out, and an eerie silence fell over the hold.  Several dwarves had taken minor wounds, and one was nursing an arm that would probably never hold a shield again.  Stodir had emerged unharmed, accounting for another four kills.  Worn and tired from the extended fighting, Stodir ordered his men to get some rest and food.  Stodir himself climbed on top of the fort to survey the surrounding area.

When he looked out over the mountainous region Tosidedir had been built into, Stodir's heart fell.  Arrayed several cliff levels below, another large force of goblin archers was waiting.  On the crisp mountain breeze, Stodir could hear their leader riling them up, evil chants and savage phrases he didn't care to understand.  As he was attempting a head count, Stodir was startled by a shrill cry from the skies.  Spinning about, Kurolkat at the ready, Stodir's mouth fell open as he located the source of the cry.  A gigantic serpent was flying through the mountain air towards Tosidedir.  "Titan.." Stodir mouthed, unbelieving that such a monster even existed.  Scrambling back inside, Stodir quickly ordered civilians into the deepest, safest depths of the fort, preparing for the worst.  As he was collecting his 3 remaining men still fightworthy, Stodir's blood chilled as again the Titan gave a shrill cry.  Racing back to the entrance level, Stodir looked outside to see the Titan ripping the massed goblin archers apart.  His men stared dumbstruck at the size of the enemy, even from a distance they could see the poison that dripped from it's fangs, and talons that grew out of it's wing joints.  One of his men whispered the name Kogan Mishosumril Talin Rodem (Kogan Beachpines the Drum of Pelts)  recognizing the beast from some of the fort's oldest legend books, carried with them from the mountain homes. Once the Titan was finished swallowing it's last victim, it turned it's gaze to the fort.  Stodir hefted Kurolkat and glanced around at his men.  "Dwarves, you all see the force arrayed against us.  But we are the Chosen of Armok, fighters born and bred.  A Titan awaits us, a beast of legend sprung forth from the very pages of our Histories.  And yet the Histories also tell that these beasts were felled! Time and time again, Dwarven steel has ended their reign of terror and today shall be no different! FOR TOSIDEDIR! FOR ARMOK! BLOOD, THUNDER AND STEEL MEN!" 

With that, Stodir and his men charged out to meet the Titan head on.  Stunned by their outrageous charge, or perhaps bemused at their efforts, Kogan merely watched and waited for them to meet him.  Kib Ukerzaneg (Kib Waverelic), a former butcher, was the first to the beast.  His axe struck true and deep, cutting a deep slash in the beast's left wing.  In anger or pain, the Titan crushed Kib beneath it's coils, breaking most of the bones in his body.  However, Kib's strike had crippled the beast, Stodir and his remaining men fell upon the beast in a murderous rage.  Another dwarf, Urist Ingizniles (Urist Ceilingstrapped) was torn to shreds by the beasts talons.  Ablel Ontakuzol (Ablel Armoil) was stricken by the beast's poison, falling to the ground even as he losed a final crossbow bolt that struck out the beast's left eye.  Stodir was alone.  His men were gone and the Titan advanced on him, it's right eye staring balefully at him.  But Stodir was not afraid, for a serene calm had come over him.  Time seemed to slow, and the former raging bloodlust faded as Stodir readied Kurolkat, the spear that had not once failed him.  The Titan roared and lashed out with it's talons, and Stodir deflected the blow with his shield, riposteing and ripping a hole in the fleshy webbing of the beast's right wing.  Truly grounded now, the Titan attacked Stodir furiously, unleashing blow after blow on the hapless dwarf.  And yet Stodir had not been given the title "Earthen Puller" for no reason, it was said once Stodir set his mind to something, he could move the world with willpower alone.  He blocked and parried, taking horrendous blows on his shield that would have broken any other dwarf's arm, countering with vicious stabs of Kurolkat, who seemed to sing in the cold mountain air, delighting in the bloodshed.  Dwarves who heard the sounds of battle in their burrows were drawn out, despite Stodir's orders.  What they bore witness to was the birth of a true legend.  Alone, Stodir had managed to inflict several grievous wounds on the Titan, puncturing one of it's lungs and rendering it's right wing completely immobile.  Driven to madness by the dwarf below it, the Titan began to unleash a series of all out assaults.  Even Stodir's incredible fortitude and prowess with the shield were not enough, and he was knocked back by a vicious blow that sent him careening across the field of battle.  Landing hard, Stodir lost his shield in the confusion, his eyes blurred by blood dripping down his brow.  Looking up, Stodir could make out the Titan standing over him, ready to deliver the killing blow.  But Stodir was not finished, grasping around for a weapon, he felt the familiar haft of Kurolkat close at hand.  Broken, battered, and bleeding internally, Stodir launched himself at the enemy, both hands gripping the legendary spear.  Striking true for it's master again, Kurolkat pierced the Titan's chest, seeking it's enormous heart, already strained from it's multiple wounds.  In shock, the Titan died before it hit the ground, it's death rattle a gastly whisper of it's former shrill cries.   Stodir wrenched Kurolkat from the beast's chest, feeling the extent of his injuries weigh him down.  He forced himself to walk back to the fort, using Kurolkat as a support when he had to.  Stodir could see a multitude of dwarves had congregated to watch the fight, despite his orders.  They stood in stunned silence as Stodir limped up to them, parting to allow him to pass.  Stodir came face to face with the hold's recordkeeper. 

"Recordkeeper, let it be written into the Histories.  On this day, the Titan Kogan Mishosumril Talin Rodem is felled, and can no longer threaten the mountainhomes."  The recordkeeper nodded, "What else shall I enter into the records?"  Stodir thought momentarily, then grinned painfully beneath his auburn beard.  "Mark off 10 barrels of ale, I need a drink."


This was the first Titan I'd ever encountered in the game, and it's demise was suitably epic in my eyes.  Any critiques welcome.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 05:08:15 am by Xionis »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Siege of Tosidedir
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 09:23:49 pm »

You're right. That was epic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Siege of Tosidedir
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 09:39:07 pm »

That was awesome. The rallying speech could use a little work, but otherwise great.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

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Re: The Siege of Tosidedir
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 11:23:38 pm »

The rallying speech could use a little work, but otherwise great.

Ya, I agree, I couldn't really get it to sound as epic as it should.  Would like to note that although Stodir suffered 2 fractured ribs, shattered hand, crushed foot and a deep cut on his upper arm, a visit to my hospital (in which he must have been veritably ENCASED in plaster, srsly) and he's now back on duty, doing individual combat drills despite his injuries, less than a month later.  The dwarf has balls made of pure adamantine.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Siege of Tosidedir
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 11:26:58 pm »

Ya, I agree, I couldn't really get it to sound as epic as it should.
If I could make a recommendation, have him say "but we shall hold the line" more, building and building each time he says it. Try mixing it up with the formatting too. "They outnumber us, but we shall hold the line." isn't nearly as impressive as "They outnumber us, but we. Shall. Hold. The. Line."
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


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Re: The Siege of Tosidedir
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 11:48:48 pm »

The dwarf has balls made of pure adamantine.

True that.
Didn't quite catch it in the story, but was the hero a speardwarf or sworddwarf? I only know that he used his weapon to pierce something.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Siege of Tosidedir
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2010, 02:08:24 am »

Rallying his squads with a fierce roar, Stodir hefted Kurolkat (The Embraced Goal), a legendary spear crafted by Tosidedir's premiere weaponsmith some years ago.

Easy to miss I do only say it once.


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Re: The Siege of Tosidedir
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2010, 04:56:37 am »

I agree, it's epic :)