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Author Topic: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community) - 0.31.25  (Read 289421 times)


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #60 on: July 21, 2010, 06:35:56 pm »

It would seem to be untameable according to the wiki, But I believe any non building destroyer can be chained. And the lack of steel is the point. It must challenge you.
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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #61 on: July 21, 2010, 08:02:35 pm »

Journal of Catten:

"Today a group of goblins attacked the fortress. Goblins.

Now goblins, they scare me. Not because of their physical prowess, but because of their numbers. well, there weren't that many. But I suppose some were bound to show up after we sent that kobold packing.

Either way, everyone came out to loot their corpses and there was a bunch of nice looking weapons along with some armor that might be useful to melt down. I suppose its a win in the end.

In other news, Adil Keskalbiban went nuts. Hes currently starving himself in the corner of the cloth works drawing pictures of shells. We don't have any shells, although hopefully a caravan will come with some shelled meat. I have been craving some lobster... mmm...

In other news, Cog was voted out in lieu of Geshud. Waste of space, Geshud is, if you ask me. I voted to reelect cog. I trust him, and nothing will get done unless Cog continues to direct the control of the megaprojects.

Luckily, Cog still is overseeing the work from an unofficial post. Especially considering that the dwarves who have the power to work on things crucial to the fortress are loyal to him (hint hint, the military).

Or, at least since I last checked. Perhaps he'll get voted back next year.

Today, something occurred to me:

We can't just let anyone waltz into our projects. The dining room itself will be a dome of clear glass. I would take one goblin to shatter. I think it would be in out best interests to build a wall and maintain it. I will be sure to mention this to Cog. Maybe in his head lays a plan for something grand that would serve this purpose well."
Meowth! That's right!


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #62 on: July 21, 2010, 08:31:57 pm »

The events of the 12th of Limestone, 304

The entire mining crew was out in the quarry working hard at excavating the next floor downwards when a familiar shadow darkened the area.  “Another Nightwing” yelled Rogue, “run and call the military!”  The beast was between them and the door.  They scattered out into the quarry, hoping that the military would arrive in time. 

Rogue ran as fast as she could, the nightwing in hot pursuit.  It seemed fixated on her, but she managed to dodge around it not once.  Twice it came close enough that she could feel it’s breath on her back as she nimbly dodged around it.  She began running towards the axedwarves she saw approaching from the distance when suddenly, she tripped over one of the many rocks leftover from the quarrying work. 

In an instant, the best was on her, sinking it’s fangs into her right hand.  It began shaking her around, making a sucking sound as it began to slowly draw the life out of her.  She looked over in a panic, seeing the still distant military coming at her.  In a panic and with nothing to loose, she swung the pick at the nightwing, repeatedly hitting it in the wings and legs leaving deep gashes.  Despite her best efforts, it just wouldn’t let go. 

Finally, with what she thought was her last ounce of strength, she managed to swing her pick at the beasts neck.  With a loud crunch the creature’s head went sailing through the air and landed several feet away from her.  With a gasp, she rolled over and quickly wrapped her hand in her shirt.  The axedwarf Ustuth Orreg came over and helped her to her feet.  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner, glad to see you’re alive.  Here, let me help you to the hospital.” 

Rogue stood, took one last look at the remains of the beast she had just slain and spat on it’s corpse before turning and walking out of the quarry. 

Cog’s Journal, 15th of Limestone, 304

What a mad couple of weeks this has been.  We’ve got our weaver in a secretive mood madly drawing pictures of things we just don’t even have.  Caravans don’t even bring animals in the shell, and our ponds are completely devoid of life.  Then the two goblin ambushes back to back which resulted in a nasty injury to one of our axedwarves.  Fortunately, she’s already back on her feet thanks to our doctor. 

Then another Nightwing shows up and nearly tears Rogue’s hand off.  It’s a darn good thing she’s gotten so strong with all the mining, she pretty much tore that thinks head off with her pick.  The doctor says it’s not life threatening, but she may have lost some mobility in her right hand.  Now I’ve gotten reports of several more thieves showing up while Pawn and Edzul get our main entrance traps reset.  Apparently the one Pawn stumbled across took a swing at him, leaving a nasty bruise.  I asked if he wanted to get the doctor to check him over, but he said not to worry about it. 

I’m really worried about what else might be coming our way. 

On a lighter note, there are two operation notes to make as well today.  First, thanks to the latest attack, there’s been some suggestions to do something ceremonial with the Nightwing we captured.  A small marble and steel pyramid has been floated around as one idea.  Personally, I like the idea of housing the most dangerous creature we’ve captured out like that.  The steel might take a while though but marble block production needed to get started anyhow. 

The second item was pointed out by Catten.  While the quarry is relatively safe from the incurious goblins right now, the green glass roof of the dining hall could be quite fragile.  It might be good to start dusting off some of the fortress wall plans sooner rather than later.  If I recall correctly, my designs should allow for a small token outer wall first.  That will help to control the direction our enemies can come at us.  Control like that would make life a lot more comfortable for our masons and haulers when they start construction outside.   

OOC: Seriously, this has been an insane month.  So many attacks in such quick succession.  I love the new medical system though, it’s nice to see a dwarf with a red wound patched up and back on her feet without any difficulty.  Fikod is already back in training with a bandage on her arm. 

@Dermonster: Indeed, I plan to see Derm making good use of his axe in the future!

@breadbocks: It shouldn’t be a problem at all.  I like the idea of a marble and steel pyramid built just to house the captured nightwing.  I’ve just got to pick out a spot for it and get the marble blocks produced. 


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #63 on: July 21, 2010, 11:10:58 pm »

Excerpts from the diary journal of Martini..

Crazy month, dudes. First we get another one of those flying dudes, then it goes all hating on my buddy, Rogue, and then she was like.... whoa. Then it was like whoa! Then a helper dude was like... whoa.
Now the local crazy dude all freaking out over some shell. If he had it, he probably be like all whoa. Not to mention how the chess piece dude got punched by one of those bastard goblins.
Now for the cool news. Cog is planning to make all the goblin dudes and other nasty stuff get out. Never mind the awesome pyramid thing he's got going. Later, and stay cool my friends.
Clearly, cakes are the next form of human evolution.


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #64 on: July 22, 2010, 09:58:15 am »

Excerpts from the diary journal of Martini..

Crazy month, dudes. First we get another one of those flying dudes, then it goes all hating on my buddy, Rogue, and then she was like.... whoa. Then it was like whoa! Then a helper dude was like... whoa.
Now the local crazy dude all freaking out over some shell. If he had it, he probably be like all whoa. Not to mention how the chess piece dude got punched by one of those bastard goblins.
Now for the cool news. Cog is planning to make all the goblin dudes and other nasty stuff get out. Never mind the awesome pyramid thing he's got going. Later, and stay cool my friends.

Do you have an elf in the family? Or have you spent too much time by the fungiwood sawdust...
Meowth! That's right!


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #65 on: July 22, 2010, 11:22:00 am »

Martini uses a suitable amount of weed quarry bush leaves.
Clearly, cakes are the next form of human evolution.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #66 on: July 22, 2010, 06:55:07 pm »

I thought that's what dimple cups did to you.
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If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #67 on: July 22, 2010, 08:28:02 pm »

Cog’s Journal, 1st of Sandstone, 304
Today was a day of both good and bad news.  The good news is that Rogue is finally back on her feet thanks to the skillful work of our doctor.  She immediately grabbed a drink and her pick and headed back to the quarry. 

The bad news is that today Adil finally emerged from the clothier’s shop, melancholic and dejected at her failure to achieve her vision.  All attempts to cheer her up have failed and she’s stopped eating and drinking.  I fear she is lost to us.

Cog’s Journal, 12th of Timber, 304

I regret to note that Adil passed away from thirst today.  She will be buried in a coffin in our small temporary graveyard until proper catacombs can be carved in the depths.  I am pained by the tragedy of a dwarf passing not through combat but due to the lack of shells.

Events of the 15th of Timber, 304

“Welcome back to our humble fortress Erush!”  Erush turned with a start from gazing at the growing pit that was forming in the front of Towersoared. 

Spoiler: The growing pit (click to show/hide)

An unfamiliar dwarf named was waving at her.   She cursed silently under her breath, as she had been hoping to explore the fortress further. 

The dwarf came up to her, “I’m Geshud Likotsat, the new Mayor of Towersoared.  I’ve taken over administrative duties from Cog.”  The new mayor lead her into the fortress through the same entrance she had used in the past two years.  She sized up the new mayor, who’s left eye was twitching nervously.  Not an experienced negotiator apparently.  This should be interesting and potentially profitable. 

But at the corner next to Cog’s office, the new mayor took a turn into a narrow hallway leading to a ramp.  “Where are we going, I thought the main fort was back there” said Erush.

Geshud started babbling as they walked.  “Oh yes, yes it is.  The temporary quarters are over there.  But work was finished on the first block of finished quarters, and my office happens to be right across from my room!  Isn’t that great?”  she said as they walked down 12 flights of stairs through a partially finished stairwell that looked like it would be fairly impressive.  “Cog says there will be three other stairwells like this to provide easy access to our rooms when everything is done.” 

Two masons were working in a shop at the bottom of the stairs next to a long door lined hallway.  Geshud continued babbling.  “Of course it takes a lot less time to bring the masons to the rocks, but it does get noisy with all the constant work.  But anyhow, here is my office. 

Geshud opened the door into a beautifully smooth walled room.  Erush tried her best to keep her mouth closed.  Looking up, she realized the room was 2 floors high which was quite unusual.  She composed herself.  Cog certainly was busy over the past year, these offices were very decent indeed, even without any engraved decorations on the floor.  She desperately wanted to find out more, but she was under orders not to ask too many questions.  She wasn’t sure if that was to aggravate Cog more or less at this point. 

Still, Erush had a job to do.  “So Geshud, let’s discuss your situation . . .” 

Cogs Journal, 15th of Timber, 304

I just realized I don’t have to deal with the liaison from mountain home this year!  Time for a party!

(OOC): I suspect Dimple cups or quarry bushes would do the trick rolled up in a pipe! 


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #68 on: July 22, 2010, 08:56:01 pm »

Excerpts from the diary journal of Martini

So, like, Cog threw a totally rad party this month. There was booze and food and lots of totally hot Dwarven chicks! OK, well they seemed to be totally hot, but that might be the wine and rum and stuff speaking. It would have been awesome to see if I could see like... underwater! Too bad Cog is to worried about some monsters and stuff to dig down some. Wait. Where was I? Oh, and the crazy dude finally got sad.... but now isn't a time for sadness. It's time to mourn party-style. Later, dudes. Also, I haven't seen a whole lot of Catten lately. Huh. He must be very being a miner dude or whatever.

EDIT: I thought I'd mention Catten's avoidance  of Martini.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 12:57:38 pm by breadbocks »
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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #69 on: July 22, 2010, 10:52:28 pm »

I'm liking the progression so far. If I might be added as your least skilled dwarf renamed "Syntic" that thinks he can do everything, that would be awesome. And when I say he thinks he can do everything, every single one of his labors should be activated so that he'll keep getting in the way of more skilled dwarfs. It's not that he's trying to get underfoot, it's that he legitimately thinks he's being helpful and he wants to help with everything.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 11:07:03 pm by Syntic »


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2010, 09:28:12 am »

Journal of Catten:

"Rogue is back to good health. Thats great, considering the injury I saw. The doctors really can work their magic. She and I were mining the next day.

Unfortunately, however, Adil, the crazy dwarf, starved herself to death. No one understood her, or even really knew her. It was a bad place to be.

Either way, we had a party afterwards. Whether it was to mourn the passing of Adil, rejoice at the healing of Rogue, or to exclude the current mayor who is busy with the liason, no one really cared.

And, on a side note, Martini smokes quarry bush leaves. Remind me to stay the hell away from that smoke... Still, he's a funny guy."
Meowth! That's right!


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #71 on: July 23, 2010, 01:56:31 pm »

The Events of the 1st of Moonstone, 304

Zasit Udibstakud the mason was bored.  She knew that a project like this fortress would need numerous blocks, but this seemed a bit excessive.  She looked at the piles of stone blocks surrounding her, and suddenly a thought struck her like a bolt of lightning.  She quickly grabbed some rocks and a bit of cloth and dove into her work, all thoughts of blocks gone from her mind. 

Cog’s Journal, 6th of Moonstone, 304

Well another dwarf has been struck by inspiration.  Thank the Gods she didn’t want any shells though!  She built a fantastic marble grate.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I’m sure Urist Imiknorris is a bit jealous though.  He’s still the chief stoneworker though; I wouldn’t change that unless I had no other choice.  Urist will just have to achieve legendary status through hard work and practice. 

On another note, I’ve begun laying groundwork for the next excavation project.  I may actually break the miners up into two teams since they’re apparently tripping over one another a bit in the dining hall quarry.  It’s for the best sine there are a lot of other projects I want to get going on.  I’ll be assigning Catten and Rogue to the new indoor project since it’ll involve mining through a large vein of marble.  I want as much of that marble intact as possible for future use by the masons.  Granted, if they want to keep working outside, I’m fine with that as well. 

Cog’s Journal, 19th of Moonstone, 304

Vucar just gave birth to another child!  This means that Vucar and Asmel now have 5 children.  I’ve put their family tree together just for fun, it’s pretty impressive already.  Especially considering we don't even have any other married dwarves in our fortress.   

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also, I’ve receive several comments about a dwarf named Syntic already.  Apparently he’s a peasant who arrived among the migrant last summer, and he recently started inquiring about helping with all manner of tasks.  He doesn’t seem interested in specializing so I’m just going to leave him as a hauler.  I can always assign him something specific when we need an extra pair of hands somewhere. 

(OOC): @Syntic: The above entry by Cog is just his assessment of your dwarf.  I’ve activated all the skills with the following exceptions: Woodcutting because it’s mutually exclusive with mining, hunting because it’s suicidal and fishing because there isn’t anything to fish here but dwarves assigned the task will waste time trying anyhow.  I'll activate fishing if I ever find water that actually has fish.  Hope this works for you.  Also, let me know any time if you want to see an updated version of Syntic’s skill set! 


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2010, 02:17:42 pm »

While eating a meal in the current dining hall, I got to wondering, when this current project gets finished how much more impressive will it be than the one we have now. I mean ya I can imagine it being more impressive, I just can't imagine a word to describe how much more impressive it'll be. Something else I wonder is why I don't see more cats around here. I'm sure some of the immigrant have brought along a cat or two, but I don't recall seeing one. Vermin yes. Cats no. I wonder if the boss is having some of the other haulers catch them for the cook. The cats that is not the vermin. Clearly nobody is catching the vermin. I wonder if the boss realizes how dirty this place is getting, dwarfs are likely to get sick soon in this kind of mess.

Perhaps that's something I can help with, cleaning up some of this mess. Or well it does seem like a fairly big mess so unless other dwarfs help also then I'm not likely to make much of a dent in the problem. Perhaps I can go help the doc with keeping people healthy. I wonder if he has enough water for sick dwarfs. Do we even have a well? I'll have to look into that. Perhaps we don't they'll let me try making a simple well. I know this place likes to go all epic with everything, but sometimes a you got to have a simple thing every now and then. Perhaps that's why I haven't seen the well though. Every thing is so amazing here that I might have just totally missed a little well. Though if we don't have a well that means we might need more buckets. I think before more buckets are made there should be more beds, perhaps they'll let me make a few beds for a flop house or something.

Well I've somethings to do tomorrow I guess, but I wonder what will be left to do after lunch.


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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #73 on: July 23, 2010, 02:41:34 pm »

I'm not going to make a log for this one. Not enough substance. Syntic, I like your log, but I think you need to work on formatting some. And I think the things should be slightly related to the current update. Him huffing a bit over getting brushed off as a hauler would do fine. But take it with a handful of salt. It's just my two cents.
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Re: Towersoared - Chronicles of Construction (Community)
« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2010, 03:08:47 pm »

I'm not going to make a log for this one. Not enough substance. Syntic, I like your log, but I think you need to work on formatting some. And I think the things should be slightly related to the current update. Him huffing a bit over getting brushed off as a hauler would do fine. But take it with a handful of salt. It's just my two cents.

Heh, actually everything this Syntic said directly related to what was posted in the last update, even if it wasn't explicitly said. In the description of the Syntic dwarf it says that he slept without a proper room, dined in a legendary dining room, that he's been accosted by terrible vermin, and disgusted by miasma. He also rarely feels discouraged, so if someone told him to be a hauler a bit longer this wouldn't stop him from trying to find more work. Admittedly all of that is hidden by a spoiler tag, but it was in his update. If you take a look at everything in Syntic's log it all directly relates to that.

That being said, I've been working in general on my style of these types of logs, so I agree fully that my formatting is an area that needs to be worked on.
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