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Author Topic: Ardentdikes - Absolute disaster - (31.25) (Succession)(Need Players!)  (Read 215493 times)


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #105 on: August 16, 2010, 08:18:22 am »

hehheh, yeah i had no Idea what to do with her, the job spamming was irritating, but, i coulden't bring myself to lock the door..

Also, om nom nom nom.


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #106 on: August 16, 2010, 12:48:03 pm »

Prelude: The Month of Opal, 1056

"Urnprinces! Urnprinces, are you here?" Queen Edem Nishmor beckoned.

I awoke with a start from a very pleasant dream involving my goddess of consolation. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"And you. We wish you to determine what is wrong with our newest colony. We expected that by now it would be enriching our coffers most dramatically, yet so far we have seen very little return on our investment."

Assignment to one of these minor dwarf fortresses on the frontier rarely turned out well, and the queen must have seen my expression. "Urnprinces! I expect you to go to Argentdikes and like it! It's that or--"

"Wait, what did you call it?" She had my full attention.

"Argentdikes -- Kíddirimush. It's--"

"Your Majesty, I'm the dwarf for this job. I'll leave at once."

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From the Journal of Glacial Urnprinces, Kíddirimush, 1057

1st Granite, 1057

"WHERE ARE THE DIKES? I WAS PROMISED DIKES! BY THE QUEEN! I've looked all over and I don't see a single dike, silver or otherwise!"

The mayor, Rimtar Cloisteredgifted, blinked with surprise. I pointed at the assembled dwarves, and asked them, "Are there dikes here I'm not seeing?"

One of the miners, Ustuth Stopcraft, toed the earth and wouldn't meet my gaze. From documents the queen provided, I recognized her as one of the founders of this fortress. "If you don't see dikes here, there must not be any," I heard her murmur.

I cracked my knuckles. "No dikes, eh? Well, there will be before I'm through with this place. It's time for a reorg!"

2nd Granite, 1057

"Where's your manager?" I asked the mayor today over a mug of dwarven ale. "I haven't seen him since arriving here."

"Two days ago, he locked himself away with half the food supplies," the mayor told me, sounding nervous. "But don't worry, you can still pass orders to him through a convenient system of tubes we've devise. We call it the Inta--"

"Stop that. Why did he lock himself away? This place doesn't seem that bad."

"Just so you know," the mayor confided, "there have been a few reports from the caverns..."

"Hmm," I gulped my mouthful of ale down, hopefully appearing calmer than I felt. "I hear the last overseer prepared a military."

"Oh yes," the mayor replied earnestly. "Let me tell you all about them..."

After I finished changing my pants, I told the mayor, "We're going to have to do something about that."

From a memo issued to the Argentdikes military, 2nd Granite, 1057

I've replaced the default uniforms with more complete outfits:
* Heavy Melee: default weapon steel battle axe, default to best available armor (primarily steel)
* Mid Melee: default to any metal armor, intended for when the steel runs out
* Light Xbow: leather and some metal, for marksmen. Default weapon crossbow
* Civilian: Clothes plus some leather, intended for overseers and other important non-combatants

The Inky Leagues has been rebuilt as a Heavy Melee squad with all the axe dwarves.
The Gilded Factions is a ranged squad.
Ignition of Boulders has all the woodcutters, equipped with an axe and civilian armor.
Whimsical Constructs is the militia commander's squad, intended to keep important dwarves in armor.

16th Granite, 1057

"Overseer, Ustuth Stopcraft reports that her mining team has discovered a second cavern level while working on your garnierite dig," the mayor reported. "The cavern contains a magma pool, a great lake, and a lush forest of exotic fungi."

I closed my eyes for a moment. Ustuth again! It was at that point that I started to wonder if she was trying to keep me too busy to pry deeply into the fortress's past. "Are there hostiles? Can the breach be sealed?"

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The mayor shook his head. "Ustuth reports no hostiles in sight, but spotted an oily yellowish slime afloat on the water. She says it's 'cave blob fluid,' whatever that is."

"Whatever it is, we don't want that right now. Have the miners seal the breach. We do not have the military to handle whatever lives down there yet."

24th Granite, 1057

Today I welcomed twenty new migrants. The High Master Armorsmith and a better Weaponsmith were particularly welcome. Meanwhile, I still have not located the dikes.

I will not rest until the dikes are uncovered!

1st Slate, 1057

From a letter delivered to the Queen of Estilthob:
To Her Majesty Edem Nishmor STOP
Have been in "Argentdikes" for one month STOP
See no evidence of dikes STOP
Suggest this was poor real estate investment STOP
All glory to the Whirling Girders STOP
Signed Overseer Glacial Vucarkudust STOP

I learned today that during routine deconstruction of some of the scaffolding around the narrow entrance bridge, one of the children managed to trigger a wall collapse.

Here is a drawing of one of the fortress weavers discovering flight. Sadly, he did not discover safe landing.

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I just heard from the medical dwarves: Lorbam did not make it to the hospital.

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30th Slate, 1057
From a letter delivered to the Overseer of Argentdikes:

To Overseer Glacial Vucarkudust STOP
Interrupted royal dragonback moose-hunting trip to reply STOP
If no dikes present, then get to work and make some STOP
We refer you to the capital's "Bridge to Nowhere" for inspiration STOP
Do not contact us again without results STOP
Expecting 10000☼ offering in autumn STOP
Or heads will roll STOP
Signed Her Divine Majesty etc. Edem Nishmor STOP

5th Felsite, 1057

In an effort to win Ustuth over and learn more about the early days of Argentdikes, I provided her with a new pet.

Ustuth appreciated her new pet, and it soon proved its value when a flight of buzzards raided the fortress keep, but she remains coy in response to my questions. I believe she suspects my motives. Examining some of the statuary, I have discovered that she is a frequent subject of the fortress's artisans, and was once more than a simple (if masterful) miner.

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To date, I have not learned what led to her removal from power, and the old-timers here are a tight-lipped bunch. But I will not give up my investigation!

19th Felsite, 1057

Elves arrived earlier this month, and the mayor briskly completed trading for a large supply of lumber.

Naturally, the elves brought an ambush with them -- a squad of goblin axemen, plus a human thrall. Fortunately, a previous overseer did an excellent job labeling the defensive levers and building traps, and the squad vanished quickly into cage traps and clouds of attractive red mist.

The raid turned out to be a quadruple ambush, including two squads of crossbow goblins, plus four snatchers and a trio of kobold thieves that came out to join the party. Along with a number of dogs, our heroic armless cheese-maker died a hero's death after attempting to kick the foes into submission. She will be buried with honor, and the entire fortress is celebrating an end to her complaining about having no arms.

13th Hematite, 1057

Work on the great project is underway. Today, while one of the children was tearing down a wall, a goblin snatcher ambushed him and carried him away.

If the goblins ever extract the secret of wall disassembly from a dwarven child, our civilization is doomed. The loss is frustrating after the deaths from the stonework collapse, and reinforces the need for a more defensible perimeter around the fortress.

One of the past overseers is a child; I'm tempted to lock her in a food storeroom until she hits puberty.

To be continued...


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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #107 on: August 16, 2010, 04:01:11 pm »

From the Journal of Glacial Urnprinces, Kíddirimush, 1057

1st Galena, 1057

After inviting Ustuth to my workshop for another morning interview over a barrel of dwarven whiskey, I received a rude surprise when she informed me:

She dragged in a rather baffled-looking mechanic, and kissed him on the cheek. "Whatever you may believe or be planning," she told me, "you should know that Sakzul and I love each other dearly. Don't we, dear?"

"Uh," the stunned mechanic agreed, a helpless look in his eyes as Ustuth hauled him out of the office. The war jaguar gazed up at me with feline amusement and followed her through the door. 

2nd Galena, 1057

After drinking myself into a stupor, I did what any reasonable dwarf would do under the circumstances:

9th Galena, 1057

I sent Ustuth the black coal and horse leather earring I crafted. I hoped it would remind her of me.


16th Galena, 1057

After a week locked in my workshop, I eventually opened the door to discover the mayor had urgent news to report.

Red-eyed and sullen, I told the mayor, "Fifteen hammergoblins and one speargoblin? Is that all the goblins brought? Lure them in and crush them." Confident after the results of the ambush, I left my workshop to watch the battle from the walls.

As I climbed out into the nauseating sunlight, my blood ran cold. I felt a premonition of doom as one dwarven voice bellowed, "Limul Rosatnish!"

The mayor turned to me in disbelief, "Limul is charging the goblins alone."

At that point, I made a serious mistake. "We can't let her go in and be slaughtered. Send all four squads out against the goblins."

22nd Galena, 1057

I learned later that Limul had sighted the goblins over the walls while descending the stairs, and rather than waiting behind the field of traps, had chosen to charge into battle. In the tradition of dwarven tragedies, the remaining squads had trickled out rather than charging en masse against the onrushing goblins, including a squad of marksmen that mistook their crossbows for hammers. The one bowdwarf among them fared best; he ended up inside one of our cage traps instead of on the front lines. For the third time this year, the traps seem to have done as much damage to our forces as to the enemy. As much as I'd like to blame the traps, though, the truth was that our troops barely knew one side of an axe from another. I placed too much faith in their fine steel armor and overlooked their inexperience.

I have had the hospital substantially expanded, and returned to my binge drinking.

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5th Sandstone, 1057

"Glacial. Glacial Urnprinces!"

I opened my eyes and found myself on a meadow dotted with a spectrum of flowers. The voice was coming from beside me, where I saw--

"Goddess!" I quickly prostrated myself before Her, then unprostrated myself to look up at Her. There was a great deal worth looking at.

"I know this is a difficult time for you," Alil Âtasttölún Totmonàlil told me, "but be brave and receive my blessing. You still have work to do."

"As you command, my goddess!" I declared fervently.

...and later, after being extremely well consoled, I gathered my courage and asked, "Oh divine one, how did we of the Whirling Girders become so fortunate as to have a goddess of consolation? Other dwarven civilizations have such different divinities."

Alil Âtasttölún Totmonàlil smiled at me gently. "Some mysteries are not meant to be known by mortals, my devoted follower."

"No, really, please tell me. I've always wondered. I mean, we have you, and:

...isn't the pantheon a little, I don't know, girlish? Not that I'm complaining, but we're dwarves. Where are all the beards?"

Alil Âtasttölún Totmonàlil's smile vanished. "Devoted worshipper, We do so have beards! Consider the males of our pantheon:

...and of course, there's:

...who may be a she-dwarf, but isn't particularly... girlish," She finished, sounding cross.

"But, revered goddess, I've heard that Arceth won His place in the divine mountain hall in a game of chance with some sort of olm god, and that Kovest Bridgedeast purchased it for a handful of diamonds--" I noticed Alil Âtasttölún Totmonàlil surreptitiously flip Her braids over Her divine ears, hiding a pair of shining earrings, "not to mention, of course:

...I mean, a male god of birth, pregnancy, marriage, and oaths. Really? What do you all have going on up there?" I asked, searching for enlightenment.

The goddess Alil Âtasttölún Totmonàlil passed Her hand before my eyes. "Enough with the questions! Go do your job, Glacial Urnprinces."


I woke up, feeling profoundly refreshed and ready to take on the world again. Taking a morning stroll through the storage hall where we keep our captive invaders, an idea struck me, and I quickly began scribbling out a diagram...

The mayor stopped by to remind me, "Limul was also our bookkeeper. We need a replacement."

With a chuckle, I replied, "I appoint TauQuebb our bookkeeper. That should be most interesting to watch."

19th Timber, 1057

The outpost liaison and trade caravan from Estilthob arrived. I mustered the troops to help get them inside the fortress safely. They had become a key part of my plan for the rest of the year.

4th Moonstone, 1057

Rather than assisting with the transfer of goods to the trade depot, one of the farmers chose to slack off.

Busy with preparations, I didn't see where he ended up: I was busy carting the queen's offering up the stairs to the depot. As I counted, I noticed the mayor was twisting his beard into ever-tighter knots. I didn't feel at all nervous about what I was about to do. "...twenty-nine, thirty. With the cage, the earring, and the totem, that makes 10311☼. Tell the queen I picked these out because they make me think of her, and that I'm making her an offer she can't refuse: make Kíddirimush a barony."

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The outpost liasion looked at the offerings, wiped the sweat off his brow, and said, "Every one of these outposts goes crazy in the end. If I make it out of here alive, I'll see your message is delivered to the queen."

To be continued...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ardentdikes - On the mend - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #108 on: August 17, 2010, 08:14:46 am »

Putting my name down to join in. :)
On the left a cannon which shoots dwarf children into the sun, on the right, a massive pit full of magma charred dwarfs and elves.


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Welcome Tsarwash :D
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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our heroic armless cheese-maker died a hero's death after attempting to kick the foes into submission. She will be buried with honor, and the entire fortress is celebrating an end to her complaining about having no arms.

Solon, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


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Solon's gone to a better place: a place where the differently abled can enjoy a full... er, complete... um, wholes--

Anyway, the announcement log is much less spammy now.



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From the Journal of Glacial Urnprinces, Kíddirimush, 1057

14th Moonstone, 1057

The farmer produced a marvelous artifact indeed.

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6th Opal, 1057

The mayor and the outpost liaison swiftly conducted their business, but my hopes that the queen had already proclaimed Argentdikes a barony were quickly dashed. At my request, the mayor put in for a supply of wood, barrels, alcohol, and leather. Afterwards, Rimtar stopped by to visit me in my workshop. "What are you building in that new throneroom? One of the masons said you called it an aquarium. With the river frozen, no water is flowing in."

I buried my smile in my beard. "You'll see."

By now, Rimtar Cloisteredgifted had grown used to my little evasions. He pressed me on another. "You had hoped to suggest a baron to the queen this year, did you not? Who were you going to recommend? Surely not yourself?"

"Oh, no," I assured Rimtar. "I had no such designs on the title. A baron -- or baroness -- has a difficult job, and is rarely popular within their fortress."

Rimtar squinted at me. "A baroness, eh?" His eyes widened. "You meant to have Ustuth named baroness."

I spread my hands before me. "She is a founder, and her needs are... simple. Fine pewter is inexpensive, and she would be easily placated," I equivocated. "Does she not deserve elevation?"

The canny mayor shook his head. "You remain obsessed."

"How are the dikes?" I asked.

9th Opal, 1057

The caravan made it safely away, as did the outpost liaison. With ten thousand ☼ in offerings, and eighteen thousand ☼ in trade goods, I expect the queen to recognize Argentdikes as a barony within a year or two. I would not be surprised if she takes the horse skull badly, though, and ends my tenure here as overseer when the spring thaw opens the mountain passes once more.

2nd Obsidian, 1057

"I have a thought, Rimtar," I told the mayor. "The military could use some practice, and I've been dwelling on the reports of exotic fungi in the lower cavern. Let's do some harvesting."

The mayor pointed out, "When spring comes, you will surely be asked to step down by the queen. Is it wise to reopen the dangerous caverns just before you hand over the reins?"

"Wise? Perhaps not. But the gods will surely smile upon a fortress that takes risks. Besides," I added, "I want some colorful beds in our fortress. But don't let this interfere with the dikes."

"So be it," Rimtar acquiesced, relaying my orders to the miners and lumberjacks to cut a new entrance into the second cavern.

18th Obsidian, 1057

The snows are thawing. Argentdikes is picturesque under a layer of snow. The outer wall of the dike and the fortified gatehouse are complete, and the inner wall is progressing briskly now that the masons need not worry about interruptions from ambushers or kidnappers.

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Deeper in the fortress, I commanded the miners to dig out a safe room and stock it with provisions and beds, in the event fell beasts force us to take shelter. Unfortunately, there was an accident involving the well, leading to partial flooding. I have ordered pumps built above the flooded area, and anticipate no major issues in draining the flooded rooms. Other than a scare when the grand master armorer fell into a flooded room, the problem has been easily contained. The safe room will need expansion, though, if it is to house more than a few citizens successfully.

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1st Granite, 1058

From a letter delivered to the Overseer of Argentdikes:

To Overseer Glacial Vucarkudust STOP
You are so fired STOP
Cow references are not appreciated STOP
Prepare for an immediate transition to the new overseer STOP
You are permanently assigned to Argentdikes STOP
Get me my dikes STOP
Signed Her Divine Majesty etc. Edem Nishmor STOP

I read the letter to the mayor, then handed it over. "Make sure my successor is aware of the following unfinished projects: first, the second cavern lumber harvest is nearly complete, but there are still fungus logs to be brought in before the door is locked and the entrance is walled over. I would strongly recommend against leaving the entrance unsealed, given that our best axedwarf is merely competent, and the entire squad has been down there for a month and is growing impatient with prolonged patrol.

Second, the dike construction project will largely take care of itself, but one of the drain hatches shattered when the winter ice thawed. I've ordered it rebuilt, but it is no longer linked to the lever in the north chamber of the first underground layer. I've ordered the traps blocking dike construction torn down; once they're done, construction of the last section of marble wall to complete the dike can be ordered. Marble supplies are low, but there should be sufficient to finish the project. Once the inner and outer walls are complete, restart work on the windmills atop the gate house to start the process of filling the dike."

"Unlike a traditional moat, the dike should be difficult to fall into, and should actually be a defensive feature, rather than a death trap. Also, I've left a courtyard without traps between the old entry to the fortress and the new gatehouse. This should be an excellent place for the military to meet invaders in battle."

"What about your aquarium?" the mayor asked.

I answered breezily, "Oh, that. Everything's taken care of there. Just let nature take its course." The mayor shrugged, and I handed him my notes. "I believe my replacement will find the fortress prospering and active. If he has any questions, he can find me in my workshop."

As I left, I saw the mayor begin to leaf through the stack of papers, where he would soon find my final report:

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I want to echo what Pisano said two turns back -- this is a very fun fortress to play, and shows a tremendous attention to detail in design. It was my first continuation of a succession game, and I learned a lot from looking at what previous overseers had done. With the first siege now done, and three forgotten beasts down below, I suspect Ardentdikes is about to get Fun, and look forward to seeing what future overseers can put together to keep it alive!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 05:54:16 pm by Glacial »


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I've uploaded a map for Glacial's turn here for any who are interested.


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That's awesome. I misread the name the entire time to suit my own agenda!


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I know, I was loving every minute of it.  Great job and very entertaining read.


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Very nice, Glacial.  You and your dikes :p  We need to get a statue of Solon somehow...just because.

This brings it around to Tsarwash.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Personal Journal, of  Tsarwash.
22nd Obsidian

My work here in the Inish mountains is done. This morning I received a personal document from Queen herself, telling me of my promotion. Why was I picked ? I must assume that my limited glassmaking skills are trivial. It must be that design entry in the engine of war gala last month caught her eye. So, by royal appointment, I am to travel to the troubled outpost Ardentdikes, to arrive in the new year and bring a turnaround in it’s fortunes. I am looking forward to my first official assignment. The Queen herself give me the order with her royal seal on it, and told me to take absolute control upon arrival and take whatever measures I see fit to steer the fort into the correct direction. I’m not certain about which exact direction she actually wants. Our meeting was one of the most unsettling of my entire life. An hour of her screaming incomprehensible things in that high pitched voice of hers. Mostly I could only make out the words magma ! and dikes !. She certainly gets over excited. Advisers of hers have assured me there are officials at Ardentdike who will assist me. I have sworn to her to do my best and send a full report after my full year in charge. So I embark tomorrow.

31 Obsidian.
The Journey was long and uneventful. Up until we approached Ardentdikes itself. You can see the peak from ten miles away. And you can smell the volcano from five miles. Did I mention the Volcano ! No ? Nobody mentioned it to me either. I know it seems quite undwarf-like, but as my cart approached the dark shadow of the volcano, I was hoping that the settlement was further on. As I reached the settlement, I realized my mistake. It was not in fact a volcano, but a large, steep peak of Igneous stone rising out of flat land. And beside this dark needle of rock was an open lake of Magma. It looked very unnatural. The Fort of Ardentdikes sits proudly beside this spectacle. To add to the strangeness, an icy brook snakes around the three features. My task awaits.
On the left a cannon which shoots dwarf children into the sun, on the right, a massive pit full of magma charred dwarfs and elves.


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Oddomegen, the mayor allowed me all of ten minutes to allow me to soak up the complex interior of this grand fort. I was shown straight into his extravagant office where he showed me endless documents at speed. It seemed he expected an opinion or comment on each and every one of them. Alongside this, he mentioned numerous issues with the day to day running of the fort, and giving his opinion on every one. These issues ranged from doctors having no crutches in the hospital, to the prices of imported dwarven ale. He is convinced that one of our dwarves is selling wooden empty barrels to somebody outside the fort. No matter how much I pointed out how irrational this sounded he would not listen.  This was all too much for me to remember. I need to find my room, and retire.

1st Granite.
This complex is much vast than what I am used to. Everybody seems so busy. I cannot actually remember my way back to the office that Oddomegan showed me yesterday. The only idle dwarf I found to help me was a child by the name of Erith. I was quite embarrassed to be guided to work as chief overseer, by an infant. But she is a fine example of an infant dwarf.

When I settled at the desk and began sorting out the orders, then I realized the scale of the task. The last overseer was efficient. Very efficient. Maybe too efficient, as there were reams of his orders to be verified, approved and completed and all the dwarves seemed to already have lots of appointed tasks. I have freed up some workers by cutting back on some military training. Ustuth, the most experienced of our warriors protested but I was robust in my determination. Also I have forbidden all non-essential items and work outside the fort. Too many of our dwarves have been lost in recent years collecting tawdry tat from outside.

Oh, I have just been shown around some of the stockpiles. The sheer levels of booze that these dwarves think they need. There are stacks and stacks of barrels of wine, ale and beer stashed away. More than these dwarves could drink in a whole decade. It’s like they are expecting something traumatic to happen in the future. A lot of this is low quality booze as well, not much of the whip wine that I am accustomed to. Stocks of plants also are very high, I might relieve the farmers of their duties for a season or so. We have a population of 75. I estimate that we have sufficient food and drink for several years to come in hand. 

Wow. What a mess it seems. Our manager, Tauquebb (who incidentally simply refuses to dirty his hands carrying a single stone,) has had some very strange priorities regarding the medical dept. Very already have five traction benches, and there are two more in production. Our chief surgeon, Endok ensures me that he can only use one at a time, two at a push. And apparently he has been asking for soap for two years now, but the request must have been lost in the sheer volume of tasks. I am informed that we have the means to make it but it was given low priority. Three of our dwarves are carrying infections, and the surgeon insists that soap will prevent any more cases. Apparently we have an ashery, but no one can remember just where it is amongst the various masons and stonecraft workshops.

2nd Granite.
The Mayor was waiting for me this morning at my office. There is big confusion about the nine levers on the sand level. Oddomegen tells me that they are the highest importance to the defense of Ardentdikes, But the document relating exactly their task has been filed under lost. He might be taking advantage of my inexperience, but he insists that we cannot distinguish between closing the front door and something called the FTW lever. I think he is having me on about that one.

Ammendment: This evening I bumped into a shy dwarf called Glacial. He has told me about he coded messages of advice that I can use to find my way around the fort. This allow me to identify the various important levers.I really don't know why Oddomegen did not mention this, It almost as he want to see me fail. I must have words.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 08:10:33 pm by Tsarwash »
On the left a cannon which shoots dwarf children into the sun, on the right, a massive pit full of magma charred dwarfs and elves.


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12th Granite. Progress on the dike that the queen was most insistent on, and that my predecessor started is painfully slow. Almost two weeks have passed now, and only an extra 7 or 8 blocks have been put in place. I have a feeling that lots of non essential work has been approved by the manager. I had dinner with Aban the carpenter today. He is working on a run of new beds for the fort. After lunch, I spotted our bookkeeper, and he mentioned that we currently have twice the number of beds as we do dwarves. New bed production is suspended.

17th Granite. I’m beginning to get used top the scale of this palatial fortress. I have suspended many non essential jobs to concentrate on security and defense. Glassmaking and windows shall have to be picked up again at a later date .I have decided that bronze weapons for new traps need to be forged. I have discovered a large pile of unused rocks next to our rubbish dump. I have set up a temporary masons workshop there to start cutting stone blocks. These have the advantage of being able to be shifted where necessary much quicker. The caverns have been suitably sealed off, so it is only overground threats that we need worry about for the immediate.
On the left a cannon which shoots dwarf children into the sun, on the right, a massive pit full of magma charred dwarfs and elves.
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