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Author Topic: Ardentdikes - Absolute disaster - (31.25) (Succession)(Need Players!)  (Read 215634 times)


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Count me in!


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Sorry guys, my old piece of junk pc that I used to play Ardentdikes decided to crash on me. I now have to reformat the drive and install Windows again. I apologize for not being able to complete my turn.


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Ack.  All right, that brings it around to Pisano (who just finished Battlefailed, so he's in good shape to salvage this one...)

Edit: Forgot to say, welcome to antymattar!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 06:23:22 pm by Daetrin »
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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I'll grab the save and start working on it.  And I'll use 31.12.  Whee!

edit: I loaded the save... 51 dwarves and wow quite a bit fortress.  My first impressions... actually quite a beautiful fort, at least the bits I looked at.  We have a ton of crops sitting in fields.  We don't have nearly enough booze... yeah I'll have to go back and reread some past turns and get my continuity.  It has been a while since this one was updated.

Oh one question, all of the walls have funny accent characters in them, which, while playable, is not desirable.  I use normal ascii with no tilesets or graphics.. and probably will continue to do so until I can get a good looking font with a nice square tileset.  Anyway can I replace the raws to fix that?  I'll experiment and see.

edit 2: okay I replaced the raws and graphics folders with the default ones that ship with the game and it fixed that problem.  And reading from the original post...

Yes, I'm using a tileset, but no other mods so you can swap raws as it pleases you.

It seems like that shouldn't be a problem.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 11:15:14 pm by Pisano »


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1st Granite, 1055

Hmm, a new Overseer, and it's me.  I'm just a simple Mason, but I think I know what this fortress needs.

- A new well next to the hospital.  We could probably use additional wells, and certainly one in the palace area, but for now I'll build that one and maybe one near the workshops one level down.
- Add housing and improve existing housing.  Quite a few dwarves have no housing at all and those who do have meager 3x3 rooms with no storage space.
- Build statues and other furniture.
- Add bins and barrels.  It seems like we are really low on these.
- Add a stockpile area to one of the workshop areas.

Oh hey look at that.  The year is starting out right...

This is a basalt mechanism.  All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality.  It is encrusted with plume agate and shale and encircled with bands of plume agate.  This object menaces with spikes of basalt.  On the item is an image of a chestnut in mountain goat leather.

5th Granite, 1055

I'd like to think that things are moving in a positive direction, but Many of the military have come to me complaining about how unreasonable it is to have to train 12 months a year.  I polled a few and this reflects their sentiments:

7th Granite

To spruce up the hospital a bit, I've asked our engravers to do some work..

13th Granite

Despite their grumblings the military are all standing around in the upper courtyard.  They are obviously tired and thirsty, but refuse to go below out of the cold to get a drink.  Well if they are too dumb to come in out of the cold I can't really help them.  I've already reduced their training schedule quite a bit.

20th Granite

I finally figured out what the military was complaining about.  It turns out that the upper courtyard was cut off from the rest of the fortress.  It might have been the addition of a 4th ramp, but I'm not really sure.  As a mason I dont' much make it up to the surface.  That sure explains a lot though.  I sure hope they aren't too sore at the rest of us for locking them topside.

21st Granite

Oh my what a rush, there was a stampede toward the brach when our former child Overseer, opened the wall up.

22nd Granite

The digging for the wells is done.  I'm having the masons lay down some stone in the waterways so we dont' end up with roots in our pipes.

I've also designated a set of new living facilities.

5th Slate

Here is the area with the new well just off of the hospital.  The components are all pretty mundane silver except for the mechanism.  I've decided we should use Egom Nanir, The Natures of Rhyme. You know that basalt artifact mechanism that Sakzul Luzatustuth created last month.

We've been waiting for two weeks for an architect to get here.  When I asked around nobody claimed to know anything about architecture except for Daetrin.  He is somewhat knowledgeable but he is also a jack of all trades and it is hard to pin him down on a time when he will actually be able to look over the design.  If that is how he is going to be then we might just have to find someone else to design this.

7th Slate

I've also noticed quite a few maimed dwarves walking around.  I only got here recently, so I can't really say what has happened here.  It seems like half the dwarves walking around here hobble or can barely use one limb or another.

This poor dwarf lady is missing both arms and wails non-stop when she is awake. One would think she'd be in the hospital but she just wanders around trying to collect her things.  It is pathetic to see trying to pick things up with her teeth or kicking them along the ground.

16th Slate


18 of them, that puts our population at 70.

A new doctor, a high master stone crafter, and a few who could be fine military dwarves.  Overall I've seen worse groups.  Not a single mason in the bunch however.

One of the anxious new migrants pointed out to me that we have barely 50 bottles of booze in the whole fortress.  The brewer and barrel makers have been flogged appropriately.  I sure hope we don't run out.

I also noticed that I had previously missed the existence of a well.  So we have two that aren't so far apart.  Oh well.

Urist Imiknorris

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I see what you did there.
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Nobody wants to continue my megaproject  :'(


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Which mega-project was yours Dairush, the obsidian casting?   I may see if I can figure out how to make it work, to be honest I've never done any obsidian casting.  I see that there is a place for a water pump and a magma pump.  I've actually been finishing up those towers and making them secure so that dwarves don't have to go outside to work on the towers.  I had another couple of months finished but my laptop froze up last night and I lost the progress.  That doesn't usually happen so I hadn't saved or anything since my previous update.  Very sad.


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1st Felsite, 1055

Booze production is just barely keeping up.  I've assigned two permanent brewers with no other task and three carpenters to try and keep up with barrel production.  Also a few new stockpiles have been created to try and make the process a bit more streamlined, e.g. a small wood stockpile near the carpenter work shops.

Recruited several of the new dwarves into two new squads.  An additional 5 dwarf melee squad and a two dwarf crossbow squad.

New bronze armor and weapons are being produced for the new squad as well.  Well a few bits and pieces, we don't have that much bronze unfortunately.

5th Felsite

I've set up an outdoor barracks as a temporary measure.  None of the soldiers, new recruits of crusty veterans could tell me where the current barracks are.  I've also designated a part of the fortress to be carved out to make barracks for the two larger squads.

7th Felsite

The place is overrun by animals. A cage has been placed in the courtyard, (formerly the obsidian casting zone I'm told) and a few dozen animals are in the process of being crammed in there.   I've also ordered the butchering of several especially tasty looking ones.

16th Felsite

An elven caravan from Rayathilulo has arrived.   Excellent, we could use some trading partners.  Especially if they have some booze.

I'd previously added better access to the trade depot, i.e. so that everyone didn't have to go outside via the teeny tiny bridge in order to get to the depot.  To further streamline the delivery of goods to the trade depot I had to remove some walls.  All it took was the promise of some fine elven wine to get those children to put their backs into it.

21st Felsite

Trade has commenced.  Nice of the elves to bring us so much wood.  For tree lovers they sure dont' value it very highly.  Nearly two dozen logs were ours for a couple of small baubles.  In the next round I managed to score every empty barrel they had and quite a few filled with various boozes.  I'll have to wait for more goods to be carried up to the trade depot before we can do more trading.

24th Felsite

Sibrek Rakustvush has locked himself a craftdwarf workshop. 

I managed to get all the booze they had and most of the food in a further round of trading.

The last round of trading didn't go so well.  Despite my best efforts to not include anything with wood, something must have been menacing with wood spikes or some other crap, as such I was unable to procure the last round of goods.  It would have been a sweet trade too. I had something along the lines of 300 items that I was just itching to give away for a few barrels of golden salve.  Hell I don't even want this junk, I really just want the elves to cart it away for me.  So sad...

End of Spring


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Awsome, organization!  Let's just hope we don't get ambushes.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Start of Summer

28th Felsite, 1055

The new housing district is nearing completion.

We still need many beds, cabinets and chests to finish it however.  I took one of the prime rooms and gave several of the other good rooms to dwarves that are doing important work.  Our new chief medical dwarf got one as did the manager and the bookkeeper.  I've also noticed that we have quite the gem stockpile at this point.  We have a couple of moderately skilled jewelers and I've given them free reign to try and turn that into some nice furniture and trade goods.

oooh, pretty.

3rd Hematite

Well if a baron shows up we'll have a fine crown for him or her.

4th Hematite

okay let's...

8th Hematite

hmm...100, no problem, we never cut down trees.  I just told him that to get him out of my office

9th Hematite

Our mayor has mandated the construction of one platinum item.  Seems like I should build myself a tomb with some nice platinum items then.

10th Hematite

I finally got around to pulling the lever to let the water flow to the new wells.  We'll see how well this works.  The construction includes a floodgate to stop the water as well as a sealed hatch cover and a small reservoir below the main underground waterway to allow for the be drained out just in case.  Fine dwarven engineering except that that the second well can't be drained.  The levers controlling the floodgate and hatch cover have been marked and are to the east of the waterway, just below the hospital well.

13th Hematite

The new well hadn't been open 5 minutes before everyone tracked blood and gore onto the masterwork engravings.  Wipe your feet next time!

Only a few days after it was opened I received news of flooding around the lower well.  I immediately had the floodgate closed and summoned our top mechanic and chief pressureologist, Momuz Tulondesor, to my office.  She says she wasn't consulted on the project and takes no responsibility.  Now that I look at it the other well has this same issue and a floodgate which is the same solution.  Doesn't anyone know how to build a proper well around here?  I mean they work, but if they get low someone has to go and manually pull a lever.

In a pretty snide tone the pressureologist told me that she could've solved this problem with some power and a pump to change the pressurization.  She even pointed me to this nifty diagram from something the dwarf pressureologist handbookwiki.

Side view:

    Power  Water      Key
      ?      ?        # = Normal wall
######¦####˜˜˜˜˜      # = Wall that pressurized water would flow into if it were to be dug out
######¦#####˜˜˜˜      ˜ = Regular water
_ ___#¦#######˜˜      ˜ = Pressurized water
#˜˜˜˜˜%%˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜      %% = Pump
########˜#######      ¦ = Axle
################      _ = Floor

She says it looks better on the wiki and  she really twists my beard lording all her knowledge over me like that.  Her explanation pretty much sounded like, "blah blah pressure blah flooding".  I think I'll just pull the floodgate lever and wait until the reservoir fills up if the well gets low.

6th Malachite

Extensive engraving of the necropolis has been completed.  The exterior walls are now all engraved and looking quite nice.  Some rock is being cleared out for the future addition of some statues.  I've also started construction of a set of baronal rooms and started smoothing out Mayor and Guard Captain's rooms.

17th Malachite

The miners were bored, and the last thing you want those no good bulging bicep miners to do is to be bored.  So I have them carving out a few more large burial chambers and another new level for housing.  We still have a lot of homeless dwaves who camp out in other dwarves rooms or in the hospital whenever they need rest. 

Oh and we had no migrants this season which is probably good.  I'm not sure why but we're holding steady around 150 bottles of booze.  We should probably set up another still, but we really only have one good brewer.  Aequor is drunk more than any dwarf I've ever known.  He continues to call himself Tsar and Autocrat of the Dwarves, humorous.  Still a good brewer is important and he isn't half bad if I do say so myself.  I think I'll go see him and have him brew me up some more whip wine.

16th Galena

Hurray a human caravan!  Maybe I can manage to not piss them off like I did the elves.  And evidently a human engraver who has come to learn from Ardentdikes two legendary engravers.  They are none other than the short, but focused Bembul Asteshevud and her friend and counterpart Udil Kogantogal.  Udil is notable for his limp arm.  At some point in the past he had a bad artery tear in his lower left arm while killing the goblin Zom Vileshark in 1053.  His arm was never properly fixed up, so he can't grip the chisel in his left arm very well.  As a small token of my appreciation Bembul received a shiny silver cabinet (her favorite!) and Udil will have a cage with his very own cow so he can listen to its haunting moo while he sleeps.


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20th Galena, 1055

More work on the necropolis.  We're slowly adding coffins and statues to the place, but man the scale of this burial chamber.  I realize that we will all die someday, but I'm not eager to fill this place up.

27th Galena

Our cheese maker died today.  No not the one that is missing both arms and won't stop trying to move items or clean herself.. the other one.  This cheese maker has been convalescing in the hospital for the entire year and for who knows how long before that.

In other news it has stopped raining.

The other cheese maker still plagues the fortress with her moaning and wailing all the time. 

Look, I'm really sorry that you lost both your arms, if we could make some new ones we would - out of bauxite maybe so you could have red arms.

29th Galena

The miners are bored again so the barracks are being expanded to add space for an armory.  What they don't realize is that tfhe mining is the easy part, by far more time consuming is clearing out all the stone if we want some proper stockpiles.  Maybe I'll put the miners on refuse hauling duty and see how much they enjoy moving tons of stone BY HAND.

Trading with the humans went well... we have a decent, though still small stockpile of booze and quite a bit of food including 190 sea nettle jellyfish.  I sure hope some of the other dwarves like the stuff because I can't stand it.

At this point there are three magma smelters going non-stop round the clock to convert every copper nugget and piece of magnetite into metal bars.  We have quite a bit of iron, copper, silver and lead ores, but every dwarf desires gold, platinum or and other fine ores.

End of Summer

28th Limestone

The miners were bored... again.  They started carving out another massive cavern the size of the necropolis.  I asked them what we were going to use another massive space like that for and they shook their heads, replied, "Necropolis 2 of course," and kept on digging.  The only thing I could think of is that sequels are never as good.

1st Sandstone

We're close to having a personal bedroom for every dwarf.  I realize it has taken 7 months of hard work, but we don't cut corners here.  Otherwise the slobs will just leave their clothing all over the place.  The goal is for every dwarf to have at least a 3x3 room with a bed, a cabinet and a container of some sort. The masons have been working overtime to provide enough furniture. Oh and we're also adding some glass windows to a few rooms to try and spruce up the place a bit. 

The future baron's chambers are coming along as well.

13th Sandstone

The jewelers are really starting to crank out some nice pieces.  That on top of my very own master-crafted stonework furniture is starting to spruce the place up a bit.

20th Sandstone

We could really use some better ores.  The furnace operators and metal smiths are sick of working with copper, silver, and iron.  There was one previously mined vein of platinum that turned into some nice doors and such and we just found a couple of nuggets of aluminum, but other than that none of the more valuable metals have turned up.

25th Sandstone

After building so many additional coffins for the necropolis I figured I should build a tomb for myself.  Aequor really knows how to build things in a grand style.  So I figured I'd continue the trend of tombs with magma below the floor.  Since the miners were down there anyway, I had them hollow out a second chamber for use by a future overseer, or perhaps as a baronial burial chamber.  I've left it hollowed out so that whoever comes next can customize as they see fit.



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Re: Ardentdikes - A blood-soaked mess - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #87 on: August 01, 2010, 06:47:00 pm »

1st Timber, 1055

Hmm Rimtar the Mayor has mandated the production of platinum.  If he'd taken a look at the stocks for one second he'd realize that we have no platinum bar or native platinum ore in stock.  The mining duo Ustuth and Ushrir are currently digging out a treasury and it happens to be near the last vein of platinum we struck.  Maybe we'll get lucky.

13th Timber

The caravan from Estilthob has arrvied.  Yeah thats the dwarves.

20th Timber

Oh fair dwarven bounty!

The dwarves have brought wood and metal bars of many different varieties.  I've never seen such a great haul from the dwarves.  Insane amounts of booze, food, wood, a good number of metal bars.  Heck they even had a platinum nugget.  They also have quite a bit of steel armor and weapons that we could really use.  I had to have the dwarves go to get more trade fodder.

Okay after a bit more trading we have a fair amount of booze.

21st Timber

Sheesh now the mayor wants two platinum items made.  We still don't have any platinum.  I has the metalworkers smelt the one remaining nugget last time.

Start of Winter

6th Moonstone

Our fine mayor met with the dwarven liason today.  I suggested that he keep asking for wood, expensive ores and metal bars, food and, of course booze.  The military has been clamoring for more bronze, bismuth bronze, and most of all steel, so the mayor also asked for weapons in hopes that they'd bring some good stuff.

Speaking of the military, remarkably few of them are out there training. I have no idea how to talk to military types.  I need to get back to my shop.

7th Moonstone

As part of my contribution to the fortress I've unleashed the engravers on the royal throne room.

9th Moonstone

A thief tried to approach the trade depot and got a bit more than he bargained for... the dwarven caravan guards mobbed after him along with one of our fine military lads and a couple of dogs.

17th Moonstone

Our population is back up to 70, Dishmab Avedtun, cheese maker, has given birth to a girl.  That, it seems was cause for a celebration as there is now a party going in the main dining hall.  Clearing out all of the excess stone from the royal throne room is taking an incredibly long time.

18th Opal

The gem setters went a bit crazy on this coffin.

Sadly it still isn't worth very much.

Oh happy days.  While mining out an area for some future housing we've struck two or three silver veins!  For now I've not mined them out, but future overseers might consider doing so if more silver isn't found.  Before these veins we were entirely out of silver ore.

1st Obsidian

They know that I'm a lame duck overseer.  Yet another party has broken out at "the shale Table."  I think that is what they've taken to calling the main dining hall.  I just call it party central these days.

3rd Obsidian

The treasury is somewhat complete.

Some coins including a small number (1 bars worth) of platinum and a larger number (5 bars each) of iron, copper, and silver coins have been minted.  I wanted to get them created so that they'd bear my face and the year 1055.

Instead the coins have these images on them: 

- Iron coins:

We call the iron coins "iron queens" or just "queens."  You have to stretch your memory all the way back to the year 2 but our fine queen from way back then is depicted on the iron coins.

- Copper coins:

We call the copper coins, "copper crocs" or just "crocs" for the legendary saltwater crocodile that is depicted on them.

- Silver coins:

We call the silver coins, "silver mountains" or just "mouintains" for the very dwarvenly image of a mountain on the back.

- Platinum coins:

We call the platinum coins, "eribs" for good old king Erib Claspmyths who is depicted on them.

We had no gold to mint gold coins unfortunately.

16th Obsidian

An ambush!  Our cage traps quick caught 3 goblin crossbowmen and a human... I'm not sure what a human was doing with the goblins.  Actually now that I look more closely there is a human in a cage in the animal stockpile already, how strange.

As the remaining goblin was being pummeled by a few crude stone fall traps the ever-ready Shem Ropebent, the virtuous Breath was the first on the scene.  She made quick axe-work of the goblin dodging a crossbow bolt and then in three successive swings hacking off the right arm, left leg and finally bisecting the goblin through the lower body.  That gives Shem 5 kills.

One note on the military.  I fear my policy of letting them drill alone as they see fit may not have been the best one.  It seems like there is a general lack of discipline in the military and that they would be better served by having a regular schedule of training.

22nd Obsidian

Another ambush, this time I see a human bowman leading the 5 goblin crossbowmen.  Actually there are several other goblins as well, melee variety coming in from the south.

24th Obsidian

I've dispatched all three squads and they are milling about as if to suggest that someone else should go first. Very foolishly Zaneg Cathhammer decided that she would be the first and she was turned into a pincushion for her trouble.  She is currently bleeding and unconscious.

All of the goblins have been killed or chased off.  We lost one war dog and Zaneg is probably not going to pull through, especially if nobody helps her to a bed.  We almost lost the chief medical dwarf, who had decided that with nobody currently injured he'd go walking around ... outside .. during an ambush. 

Actually good on the lad.  He just went out and got Zaneg.

28th Obsidian

Tobul Kezatrigoth, craft-dwarf is taken by a fey mood!

The stocks at the end of the year look like this:

The booze situation is pretty good.


There is lots of un-mined silver on the bottom housing level, z level 8.

There is a pretty large carved out chamber that is only partially done.  I was going to make it into a zoo or something, but feel free to do whatever you want with it.  It is on the royal level, z level 5, south east of the royal dining chamber.

The military needs some work.  We could use more bronze and better weapons and armor.  One of the smelters is set to melt stuff and we have some bronze (and a ton of copper items) to be melted, so you might be able to get some bronze that way.

The military also needs some training scheduled or something.  Early in my tenure I canceled the training for The Whimsical Constructs because I thought that was what was keeping them in the main courtyard (they were actually cut off by a ramp addition before I started my turn).

The area that was going to be an armory is south of the barracks on Z level 2.  It hasn't been cleared or or anything however.

You may want to save the last platinum nugget for the next mayoral mandate to make platinum items.  Smelting the nugget is one item and making it into something that only takes one bar like coins or a chain, is a second item.

The front gate area could use some work.  I never got around to it because the front area was such a mess and the dwarves never really cleaned it up properly.  Now with the recent fighting there is more mess. If there is a siege make sure you close both gates, one is a tiny 1 wide bridge and the other is the trade depot bridge.

One of the squads was, until right before the end of my turn stationed just outside of the gates to cover anyone doing corpse retrieval and looting out there, so they are still milling about just outside the gate.

We probably need more finished goods stockpiles and food stockpiles.

After playing struggling through Battlefailed this is a really beautiful fortress that was a joy to play.

Save is here:
Map is here:

Note that Aequor's map of Ardentdikes ( doesn't show up in the list of Ardentdikes maps (I'm not sure what I did to make my map find the other ones to be honest).
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 07:42:19 pm by Pisano »


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Re: Ardentdikes - A blood-soaked mess - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #88 on: August 02, 2010, 09:08:39 am »

Very nice, Pisano. Looks like you have everything running smoothly with hardly any corpses!

It looks like TauQueb's up again.  When I'm not on my Incredible I'll update the first post.
All you need to know about Ardentdikes
It is really, really easy to flood this place with magma fwiw.

Doors stop fire, right?


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Re: Ardentdikes - A blood-soaked mess - Need players! - (31.12) (Succession)
« Reply #89 on: August 02, 2010, 12:09:42 pm »

Downloading now, hopefully i can put down starcraft 2 long enough.
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