So friggin' pissed at my dad right now.
My parents and sister just got home, and, as is typical, my father asks me how long I'd been using the computer. I inform him that it was four hours, and he starts friggin'
nagging about how I get an 'attitude' when I use it to long and kicks me off. That's where the problems start. First off, 'attitude' is the kind of word you use with a 6-year-old who thinks he has authority over his parents, not a tenth grader who's used a computer for four hours. Second, I had been using mt 'annoyed' tone of voice because my mom asked if I'd put on deodorant today, as if I hadn't been using it every goddamn day for a couple years now. So, I put forth the idea that I have this 'attitude' because... I forget the exact wording, but it was roughly something like 'because you guys are nagging me'.
Then he informs me I 'lost a day' on it and reminds me that using the computer is a privilege, not a right.
This just friggin' SUCKS. Hell, I can tell from that alone that his day sucked. He always takes this kind of thing out on me. Spent three hours outside cutting wood, and I make some kind of offhand comment that could be misinterpreted? GTFO (minus the F part) of the office. That kind of thing.
In fact, they just despise my usage of the computer, even though most of what I do is socialize. Using bay12? I'm clearly playing video games. Reading Wikipedia? They must see it as playing DF or something. To add insult to injury, my sister does basically the same thing, except she listens to crappy pop music at the same time and talks with people she knows IRL and intersperses it with watching those really crappy TV shows aimed at middle-school girls. Do they get pissed at her for being glued to her iPod 24/7? Hell naw.