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Author Topic: Things that made you RRRRRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Trust-o-nomics Edition  (Read 3890216 times)


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36960 on: May 21, 2014, 09:24:29 am »

I need it to wake me up this morning. D:
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36961 on: May 21, 2014, 10:15:03 am »

My stepdad asked me to hand him all of my money so he could put it into a checking account that would be, and he was very specific on this point, in his name. Oh, but I would get the ATM card that he would "never use".

Yeaaahhfuckthatno. And I think now is a good time to also move where I keep my savings as well.

They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36962 on: May 21, 2014, 10:41:01 am »

"Alternative" medicine is not considered bullshit because of racism. It's considered bullshit because it more often than not concerns a lot of unscientific mumbo jumbo that, sure enough, does nothing. Yes, sometimes folk cures have ended up having some basis. Not altogether too frequently, though. And I'd say that "ethnologist stumbles upon wonder cure among the friendly natives of wherever" is not something that really happens in modern medicine. Our newest, most powerful drugs against cancer are made in labs, are often products of drug design, and, as time marches on, more often than not biopharmaceutical products. Any patient is free to renounce this and use whichever "alternative medicine" they fancy, or none at all, but I feel compelled to inform them on the state of affairs.

I'd probably try a judicial intervention (as a last resource, of course) if a parent was denying a minor a lifesaving procedure because of whichever religious or mystical ideas they happened to hold.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 10:44:55 am by ChairmanPoo »
Everyone sucks at everything. Until they don't. Not sucking is a product of time invested.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36963 on: May 21, 2014, 11:10:20 am »

Aye. And even then, I wouldn't want to take the children away. Canada has had too many dark events in the past with taking the children of natives to "civilize" them in residence schools, even if we wouldn't do that again (and with the current government, who knows anymore?) it'd be too much like the past to allow.

All I would do would be to take away the medical decisions from the parents. Everything else is left to them as with any other parents, only the decisions of what is to be done by the doctor is given to a medical guardian, either a family friend not too indoctrinated into the whole "woo-hoo" stuff or a practicing child psychologist of some sort. Only if the parents disregard the medical orders or actively work against them should anything further be done, and even then, taking the child away should be a last resort.
Quote from: SalmonGod
Your innocent viking escapades for canadian social justice and immortality make my flagellum wiggle, too.
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Descan confirmed for antichrist.
Quote from: LeoLeonardoIII
I wonder if any of us don't love Descan.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36964 on: May 21, 2014, 11:18:01 am »

My stepdad asked me to hand him all of my money so he could put it into a checking account that would be, and he was very specific on this point, in his name. Oh, but I would get the ATM card that he would "never use".

Yeaaahhfuckthatno. And I think now is a good time to also move where I keep my savings as well.

That sounds so fucking suspicious. I'm pretty sure you're taking steps to avoid/prevent it though. Stay frosty, mate.

Spoiler: @Pokerant (click to show/hide)
Thank you for all the fish. It was a good run.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36965 on: May 21, 2014, 11:56:30 am »

Akura's stepdad has perfected being shady into an art form.
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
Quote from: Viktor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
It's kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
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How will I cheese now assholes?
Quote from: MrRoboto75
Always spaghetti, never forghetti


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36966 on: May 21, 2014, 02:55:22 pm »

Anyone here with some medical knowledge?
I started to have stinging pains in my chest, at the height of the liver (but on the left side, as opposed to the right side where the liver is) when taking deep breaths.
Luckily they seem to have stopped, but still, any idea what could that be?

Also, those big, nasty flies that refuse to land on a place where I can swat them are driving me complete nuts.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36967 on: May 21, 2014, 03:22:06 pm »

Anyone here with some medical knowledge?
I started to have stinging pains in my chest, at the height of the liver (but on the left side, as opposed to the right side where the liver is) when taking deep breaths.
Luckily they seem to have stopped, but still, any idea what could that be?

Also, those big, nasty flies that refuse to land on a place where I can swat them are driving me complete nuts.

It might be one of these things that happens to me every now and then which, I think, is the muscles surrounding the lungs getting pinched by the rib.

Also, the liver is not on the right - it's in the middle, but its right side is slightly larger than left.
We are doomed. It's just that whatever is going to kill us all just happens to be, from a scientific standpoint, pretty frickin' awesome.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36968 on: May 21, 2014, 03:35:35 pm »

My Spanish teacher assigned us new seats today. Nothing was wrong with our old ones, it's just that like half my class is obsessed with changing seats whenever possible.

I'm no longer in my happy fun warm comfortable seat next to a friend in the back of class; now I'm in the middle of the room with someone I barely know.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36969 on: May 21, 2014, 06:20:20 pm »

Weather. It is 8000f outside with 300% humidity, in May, in Michigan. Go home, weather, you're drunk.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36970 on: May 21, 2014, 06:24:51 pm »

I think 300% humidity is called 'being underwater'.
Old and cringe account. Disregard.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36971 on: May 21, 2014, 06:25:35 pm »

I'm going to sulk for the next 24 or so hours.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36972 on: May 21, 2014, 06:26:42 pm »

For a given value of 3D, I suppose that's true. But you probably know what I meant by 3D, even if it's not semantically perfect.

Red Faction, Spore, Sims, SimCity, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 off the top of my head.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36973 on: May 21, 2014, 06:37:07 pm »

As far as I know, those are all constrained in some way fairly major ways. Minecraft, while also constrained (it doesn't try to emulate physics so it has to be) is a lot more granular.
Quote from: SalmonGod
Your innocent viking escapades for canadian social justice and immortality make my flagellum wiggle, too.
Quote from: Myroc
Descan confirmed for antichrist.
Quote from: LeoLeonardoIII
I wonder if any of us don't love Descan.


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Re: Things that made you RRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Poopnami Edition
« Reply #36974 on: May 21, 2014, 06:43:21 pm »

Teams have managed to rewrite Minecraft from scratch to get decent performance on phones (C++) and on Raspberry Pi (I think that one is C++ too, but with actual scripting support...on a Raspberry Pi. Need to emphasise that point).

That original code base must have something going on that's sucking away the performance. Has anybody actually heavily profiled the client? Like, looked at the cache performance and stuff? :S
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