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Author Topic: Things that made you RRRRRRAAAAGGGGEEEE today: Trust-o-nomics Edition  (Read 3795830 times)


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If you've got ibuprofen, you might try that. No liver damage, although in very large doses it can cause stomach bleeding.
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
“What are you doing?”, asked Minsky. “I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe” Sussman replied. “Why is the net wired randomly?”, asked Minsky. “I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play”, Sussman said.
Minsky then shut his eyes. “Why do you close your eyes?”, Sussman asked his teacher.
“So that the room will be empty.”
At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.


  • Bay Watcher
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Keep in mind that you can probably take 600mg of ibuprofen quite easily as long as you aren't popping that amount every hour. 400mg might be sufficient, depending on how bad your headache is.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


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I just take two generic 500mg paracetamol tablets when i have a headache.
Old and cringe account. Disregard.

Knit tie

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Sleeping in a moderately chill environment in silence and darkness has always helped me with my headache.


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So it turns out the threads for the lug on my tire were pretty goddamn mangled. Tow truck driver (who also owned a sporty little Honda at one point) sympathized with me and (since I was going to have to pay him anyways) applied his muscle to it and finally broke it loose. Looking at the lug, I don't feel particularly bad I couldn't get it with my noodley arms, there was enough of the thread deposited inside the lug you couldn't see to the back of it. All told it was $160 bucks for a new tire and yadda yadda. I'm only really raging because I missed a day of work because I couldn't break that lug off myself. Otherwise I would have driven to work instead of waiting around until almost noon for the tow truck driver.

On the other hand, me being at home was the only thing that stopped this busted water pipe from being a total catastrophe. The damage was "not as bad as it could have been" although that's cold comfort when you see about 40 sq feet of dry wall missing from the ceiling, and everything made of paper completely soggy (which will be completely frozen by tonight.) The culprit was a 8 inch length of pipe with a 1 inch crack in it.

Apparently the geniuses that built this place put water pipes closer to the exterior of the house than the plumber/restorationists have "ever seen before." The offered solution was to heat the garage so this doesn't happen again. While heated garages are awesome, it's basically pissing your heating bill away into a drafty icebox that will never retain the heat given to it.

Man, what a day. Somehow I think the whole month is going to be like this.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 04:53:49 pm by nenjin »
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
Quote from: Viktor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
Its kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
Quote from: Eric Blank
How will I cheese now assholes?
Quote from: MrRoboto75
Always spaghetti, never forghetti


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Well, other than the sound, I actually love vomiting. I usually feel MUCH better afterwards.


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Sleeping in a moderately chill environment in silence and darkness has always helped me with my headache.

I've gotten exactly 2 migraines in my life, one day after the other, and they were awful.  The above post totally worked for me in that situation.  Not sure if it works for non-migraine headaches though.

Well, other than the sound, I actually love vomiting. I usually feel MUCH better afterwards.

I wouldn't have agreed with you except once I at something I shouldn't have and my stomach felt absolutely horrible for a day, and the only thing that made it even temporarily better was vomiting.  The point is to get things out of your body after all.
"T-take this non-euclidean geometry, h-humanity-baka. I m-made it, but not because I l-li-l-like you or anything! I just felt s-sorry for you, b-baka."
You misspelled seance.  Are possessing Draignean?  Are you actually a ghost in the shell? You have to tell us if you are, that's the rule


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Well, other than the sound, I actually love vomiting. I usually feel MUCH better afterwards.
I know I feel relieved after vomiting, but it's just so painfull (when I'm sick, drunk vomiting is more tame in my experience) I'd rather not have to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, other than the sound, I actually love vomiting. I usually feel MUCH better afterwards.
I know I feel relieved after vomiting, but it's just so painfull (when I'm sick, drunk vomiting is more tame in my experience) I'd rather not have to.
Totally. Although I can't corroborate the drunk vomiting part.
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


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The problem with painkillers is that they wear off after 2 1/2 hours and take another half hour or so to kick in, leaving you with 2 hours of pain per cycle. So, you take paracetemol and ibroprufen every 2 hours alternating. I spent 3 weeks with a horrid abcess on this and I can confirm it's potent enough to stop a moose in its tracks.
I saw 5 people with fedoras in my town yesterday.
They're the special biohazard containment agent, out to deal with m'laria.
Bay12's resident tea drinkers


  • Bay Watcher
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Anything can stop a moose in its tracks if you have enough of it traveling at a high enough velocity.
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


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Anything can stop a moose in its tracks if you have enough of it traveling at a high enough velocity.

Why do you make me sig you all the time, you nonsensical bastard? (No offence)
“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”


  • Bay Watcher
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Anything can stop a moose in its tracks if you have enough of it traveling at a high enough velocity.

Why do you make me sig you all the time, you nonsensical bastard? (No offence)
Due to Newton's depth impact approximation, another moose will travel almost exactly 1 moose into the moose, giving us 2 moose/moosemetre. This happens to be a significant critical density for bits of moose, and can only result in one thing:
I saw 5 people with fedoras in my town yesterday.
They're the special biohazard containment agent, out to deal with m'laria.
Bay12's resident tea drinkers


  • Bay Watcher
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Is it bad that I imagined 2 moose flying into each other and then suddenly spawning a million little baby moose?
Quote from: PTTG
It would be brutally difficult and probably won't work. In other words, it's absolutely dwarven!
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - A fun zombie survival rougelike that I'm dev-ing for.


  • Bay Watcher
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Is it bad that I imagined 2 moose flying into each other and then suddenly spawning a million little baby moose?
Is it bad that I imagined two moose flying into each other and exploding in an unrecognizable cloud of gore? ::)
“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”
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