You ignore the noises and the tunnels and continue to advance through the darkness of the creature's flesh.
You can't see a thing, and all you feel is the pulsing of the beast all about you. As you advance, you hit something that promptly moves away. There's a rush of noise, clattering and squelching, and then you're left in an empty space, on your own.
The sucking noise is behind you now, and similar noises come from the room around you.
Whatever's making these noises, you're surrounded by them, Space Fish!StatsYou're a fish. I still don't have a stat system. Looks like we'll be sticking with skills!
Skills- 97% swimmer
01####19#############85##97#100 - 61% horny driller
01##12##########61######92##100 - 53% communication
01##11#########53#######91##100 - 38% zero-gravity jetpack operator
01##08######38##########88##100 - 29% laserer
takes into account the shoddiness of your gun
01#06#####29########72######100 - -11 to haggle check results (threshold-free skill)
Untrained skills start at 20%.Skill max is 85%, but the critical success region can grow beyond that.At 85% and above, skills are automatic successes except in intense circumstances.Secret checks may be made when Space Fish cannot know that he is making the check or what he is making the check against, or if he is unable to judge the outcome of his check. No skill points are gained from these checks at the time they are made.Abilities- basic five senses
- omnivore (tiny animals only)
- water-breathing
- vacuum-resistance
- krill-desiring cute eyes
Inventory- damaged jetpack tail attachment
- oxygen-bubbly space-fish breathing apparatus
- dorsal solar panel
- face-mounted drill horn
- fin-grip shoddy ZapTec SPLOT gun (double crit fail range, min 10)
- quarter bag of exquisite space krill
- map of a water park
- ventrilobox