Posts about how the thread needs to update don't count as content.
This thread is toast.
I get it. I love Elves of Amenareli, I started reading it in 2010 when it might update once every couple of weeks.
It inspired me personally to work on a lot of the projects I've tried over the years. If I thought shamelessly bumping this
thread to oblivion would earn it a consistent update schedule I'd be joining your choir drawing fanart and making creepy
update songs. Seriously though, don't come here and pretend this thread is just a little bit slow and is right about to pick up.
Every time I go to the hall of legends and see this thread as the first thing under
Active with bright red letters uring me not to let the caravan fall
I can't help but chuckle a bit. Call it hiatus, call it a break, but
Active, is not what comes to mind when I think of this thread.
I don't blame DarkerDark, he's a great artist and seems like a really cool guy. He's in the past seemed really willing to do other art for people
and has always been really cool about it. I could almost see the bumping making sense for status updates back when his tablet was broken,
but he actually post on the forum with semi frequency. I don't want to make unfair judgement but I don't think he's unaware of this thread's popularity.
I'd hazard that he just wants to draw other things, and more power to him. If you want to see his art you could probably just ask I know he's got some
here and
I'm sorry for putting up such a massive textwall over such a trivial matter that doesn't really affect me personally. I guess I could just ignore the thread whenever
it updates and forget about it. I wouldn't have to be disappointed every time some escaped lunatic gets linked here from the upper boards and posts asking
the thread nicely not to die. The thing is that I
want it to update, and I want to be there to contribute to the amazing story. hell, if the next post was DarkerDark updating I'd eat all of these words, gladly. I suppose I'm just not as optimistic after two years.
I guess I've forgotten what point I was trying to make. I think it's that I'd rather not have a months dead thread get bumped every couple of weeks to get my
hopes up. Is there any way I could get on a mailing list or an RSS feed or something so that I'd know when the thread actually revived instead of paraded around
like some long dead mummified saint.
Thank you for your time, Robocorn.