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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180207 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #900 on: March 26, 2013, 12:08:24 pm »

Voices arose from behind them.

"-I assure you Master Ibruk, I can hear voices just past here-" They both recognized the voice, it was Kadzar, and thus probably Ibruk too, coming to perform the daily morning rites around the temple and the crypts.

*Oh shit* Nathaniel thought *I need to think fast, I'm not ready to revel my secret yet!*
From the journal of Nathaniel Stormwind:
                                                             Tales from the Void
                                                          Chapter 4 Twists and Turns
                                                                     Part 1
                                              *this chapter is written as if the author were in haste*

 I do not have a lot of time to write all my thoughts down right now. What I need to do is:

1: Convinces Ibruk and Kadzar that I came here to pray for the dead when I heard a strange nose and investigated.

2: Tell Xenir that we will continue our conversation later in a more privet place.(my home)

3: Ibruk may want to tell the community of this "miracle", worn him that many people my not be happy at the news and think that Xenir has turned in to an undead abomination.(that's most people for you...)

4: At a more convenient/less hectic time find out more about the twelve artifacts.(shame about Ineth Vaboklecad)

I will come back to write my thoughts later.

After a quick note in the book the priest and the prophet turned to corner into the chamber and saw us. There was a long silence, then Ibruk spoke. "Brother Xenir, how wonderful to see you again, the gods have truly blessed us today! Come, come! The community must learn of this miracle!" Nathaniel inwardly winces.
*"Nathaniel I fond a strange skull (Lerdi's) you need to see it"* whispered Onthorn in to Nathaniel's mind *"when you are not busy that is"*


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #901 on: March 29, 2013, 12:34:43 pm »

Laboratory Log
Ugo Sosleng

A most fascinating phenomenon this is. One wonders what the minimum critical mass is for the "nothing" to infect a host. Also, is it possible to remove enough of the nothing while keeping the host alive for the subject to no longer be counted as "infected". I eagerly await the answers to these questions, but I do have some initial theories. It would seem that, unless the infection process is incredibly fast, that amputation could prevent the subject from being taken over. Alternatively, if all else fails a knife to the throat should work, as evidence points to living subject being required.

I still have made no progress on ascertaining the reproductive processes of the creatures. In some ways they are very stubborn subjects. And that brings me to another point. "Creatures". I still have yet to come up with a suitable scientific name for the "nothing". I have heard them referred to as defilers, shadows, shades, darksquid, entitys of the void. All of these names are either ambiguous or inaccurate descriptives. A proper scientific name is required for the subjects species.

To do:
-Continue experiments with all available subjects

-Come up with proper name for subjects

Privet Journal
Ugo Sosleng

I didn't think that my political thoughts should go in the laboratory log, so I shall put them here. I hadn't much cared before who the new mayor would be, but that was before I became aware of Brosso's nomination. Stronghammer and I may have our differences, but they have been smoothed over (more or less). Brosso "the Magnificent" on the other hand is one I do not care much for. My biggest problem, of course, is his desire to take all of my research subjects and toss them into an arena. I can not work with out subjects. Thus I suppose that I must cast a vote after all. Stronghammer at least doesn't interfere in my work too much or very often. Brosso would likely drive me to the brink of insanity and beyond.

(This next subject is in code)
On another subject, the secret laboratory has been excavated. We just need to remove the stones and start furnishing it.
On the matter of the boulders to be removed, I do not think we should take them to the standard stockpile. I am sure it would arouse suspicion from Bounce if no others. Instead I believe we should remove the evidence either by A: storing it elsewhere, B: tossing into the magma, or C: constructing an infamous "Dwarven Atom Smasher". I shall discuss it with my associates next I see them.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 11:24:37 pm by RogueArchivist »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #902 on: March 30, 2013, 12:53:09 am »

I'd love an axedwarf.
Preferably strong male. Male necessary.
Comes from a broken home, a thief father and an uncaring mother.
Doesn't really care about anything anymore.
Looking for a good fight.
Will journal :)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #903 on: March 30, 2013, 11:27:38 am »

mavj96 - Sure thing, we've only got free females at the moment though, so you'll need to wait for a migrant wave.

10th Granite 679 - Dawn

"I really don't think it's wise to tell everyone, Ibruk," Nathaniel said slowly.

The Dwarf opposite him raised a bushy eyebrow. "Why ever not, Brother Nathaniel? The gods have seen fit to return one of us to help in the eventual Cleansing and breaking of a new dawn on the world. We would be remiss to not declare this so all can see the miracles that the gods have wrought."

"Well, it's just, if you tell everyone they're likely to think he's an undead monstrosity and demand his death."

"Our community hosts a spirit trapped in someone else's body, a troll, a Bogeyman and other valiant Pilgrims drawn from all sorts of places, I do not think we shall have trouble fitting a man resurrected by the gods in. The will of the gods is - after all - immutable. I doubt they would have sent him back to be torn apart by a mob on his return."

"I wouldn't be so sure. He's-"

Xenir interrupted at this point. "OK, enough already, I'm standing right here, you don't need to discuss me like some stray cat you brought home. What exactly do you propose then? Hiding me away until everyone's OK with it?"


"No way. I've already spent too long in here, I don't want to now have to hide more. Just tell them I pulled a Neo, only I decided to return to my body and not squat someone else's."

Nathaniel hesitated long enough for Ibruk to have the final word. "Well, I think that's decided then. Come, Brother Kadzar, let us finish our work." And with that the Dwarf inclined his head to the two Humans before him and moved off.

Kadzar hung around for a few seconds, and turned to Nathaniel. "What were you doing down here, Nathaniel, if I may ask?" His tone was not accusatory, more curious.

The necromancer took a few seconds to answer. "I was just down here to pray for the dead, when I heard Xenir and came to see, much the same as you and Ibruk," he finally replied. The priest looked satisfied, and bidding them goodbye moved off after Ibruk.

Nathaniel stood silently for a few seconds while Xenir hauled himself out of his coffin and stretched, sore from being trapped in there for the past hour or so. Then finally the necromancer turned the swordsman, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Tonight, if possible, please meet my at my quarters, just besides the Human temple, I need to talk to you about your condition. As long as they just think you're fully resurrected as opposed to undead you should be fine though." Hopefully, he added silently, having little faith in the populace's understanding or tolerance of any magic that touched the dead.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nathaniel had not been listened to, and Ibruk had quickly announced Xenir's return during breakfast. Xenir had been welcomed back with a mixture of joy - especially amongst his former militia comrades - and apprehension: many did not feel the idea of the dead rising to be 'divine miracles', much less want them in their community. But cooler heads prevailed once again as Xenir was allowed back in, even if many kept their reservations and suspicions.

It was as night - or what passed for it in the underground - was falling that the resurrected Human stole his way to Nathaniel's little house by the Human church. A quick knock on the door and he was let in. He was greeted by the sight of a small library with paper strewn across the place. Nathaniel had clearly managed to procure a good deal of pig-tail paper that was slowly being made in greater batches by the farms as Derm, Stronghammer, and the community as a whole began to use it more.

Xenir leant on the wall, arms crossed as he watched the other man pick up a few papers of some strange arcane writing scrawled with notes in the margin. "So, what exactly did you want to say?" he asked.

Nathaniel replaced a few scrolls into alcoves in the little library before turning to the swordsman. "About your condition. I want to make sure you understand completely, and just to make it clear: what I say should probably stay between us for your own benefit." Xenir nodded and Nathaniel continued. "The simple fact is that you're undead; whether you appear so, whether you feel it or not, your body died and now is back, ergo, undead."

"Right, you said that before."

"Right. But the point I want to stress here is that this has only happened a few times in recorded history. Very few times. What causes it - whether gods or other - is unknown. It's not traditional necromancy or the more powerful version possible by using the Sixth Mystery - uh that's a set of rites that can be used to-"

"Nathaniel was it? You're babbling again. I'm not here to learn the history of magic and your cult or whatever."

"Right sorry, I just didn't want to confuse you. The point I'm making is that while the recorded cases have the body being almost completely rejuvenated, it's still possible that typical signs of undead could occur, rotting flesh and the like. So what I'm saying is keep a watchful eye on yourself and if something goes wrong come to me. The moment you start showing symptoms like a typical zombie or risen skeleton you're likely to find yourself on the end of a mob."

"OK. Have to say, you're pretty open about all this undead stuff."

"Oh, uh, well I'm not one for knee-jerk reactions."

"OK, well if that's all, then I'll be going, thanks." Nathaniel nodded, and Xenir, giving a small nod back, left the small library and off into the night.

Granite 679

As the election continued and both sides campaigned battle lines were soon drawn. Stronghammer's new plans soon became clear as he ordered the carving out of a tavern opposite the dining area. The plans so far were to make it large enough to accommodate several dozen people, with windows fitted to command a view over the lake, and with a storage area to make sure that drinks were kept nearby rather than trudging down to the storage below. It wasn't yet clear who exactly would run or work in it, but most people overlooked this in their pleasure of having such a fixture of pre-Nothing life return. Battle-lines in the election were becoming clear as the conservatives Elves and Dwarves, and even several Humans rallied around Brosso, while Stronghammer remained popular with the more moderate sections of the community, and especially among most of the Goblins - at least, those that accepted to 'debase' themselves enough to actually vote.

Outside of the elections a tragedy had struck when Reg Medtobiger, one of Meinhard's Jagers who had been accompanying a mining expedition was dragged off by a giant cave spider. Forced to fend for himself until the rest of the group found him, he nonetheless managed to kill the beast, but fell unconscious moments later, severely wounded. He was rushed to hospital, but despite Reg's best efforts eventually suffocated from his wounds, leaving the Jagers with only two members, Meinhard included.

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OK, the election'll be brought to a close in the next update in the next few days, so vote early and vote often now if you haven't and want to.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 03:08:31 pm by Aequor »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #904 on: March 30, 2013, 07:59:33 pm »

Finally caught up with this after being continually badgered by my brothers to do so, but I have to say, this is one of the (possibly the) best fortresses I've ever read (It's just a shame that so many of the older players no longer post...  :-\).

So, against my better judgement and despite other forum obligations, I'm going to request to be dwaelfed.  :P

Name: Mifava Nitharanemo
Race/Gender: Female Elf
Occupation: Druid/Philosopher
Professions: Herbalist, Medic, Bow/Spear/Pike-elf
Personality: Mifava has a virtually unflappable- if sometimes distant- demeanor, always striving to be the voice of faith and reason amid fear and anger, viewing them pointless, self-destructive endeavors. Perhaps her greatest joy is teaching, and she will happily spend hours sitting, drumming, smoking her bone pipe (one of her few possessions, and vice of choice, though periodic company with dwarves over the ages has left her with a hardier liver than most other elves) and answering the questions of all who care to ask... though when it comes to the art of war, she immediately reverts to her days as a merciless drill sergeant. Above all, she holds out hope for the survival of the mortal world, against all odds- though whether this optimism is genuine or a comfort for the dying is difficult to tell.

Spoiler:  Backgroundy stuff (click to show/hide)

So yeah, I decided we were running low on religious nutters.  :P Meant to get this out before the latest update, but oh well; if/once I get in, I'll start working on a preliminary in-character post or two.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 08:05:53 pm by HailFire »
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #905 on: March 31, 2013, 08:52:04 pm »

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Journal of Xenir
I'm surprised I found this thing, but it was right where I left it; in that crack in the wall by my nightstand. I remember taking it out the night before I... died, I guess. I don't feel dead. If anything i feel better than ever, but I digress. I took it out that night, but decided to put it back, and write in it after the fight. How ironic.
Anywho, Im not dead, but I am undead apparently. At least according to that Nathaniel guy. Supposedly, what happened to me has only happened like once before in recorded history. Lucky me; I'm a special snowflake. Being undead isn't that bad. As far as I can tell, im no different. Still, what the hell happened?
Quote from: GoombaGeek
That sounds gay. It's not. It's fucking terrifying.
Quote from: GoombaGeek
Olin isn't fucking around this time. He knows it'll take more punishment than a BDSM expo in a tornado made out of serrated blades. So he hits it until the head is mush. Then he hits the body until it's got a soupy texture too. When he's done, it doesn't look like a cat. It looks like a fucking meat puddle.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #906 on: March 31, 2013, 09:02:29 pm »

From the journal of Nathaniel Stormwind:
                                                             Tales from the Void
                                                         Chapter 4 Twists and Turns
                                                                      Part 2

Things turned out better then I expected, Xenir has been accepted back in to the community with no almost outward problems. I will still keep my eyes on him for this is a rare opportunity to study this 'resurrection', if I can unlock its secrets......
I sense a barely contained disdain for Brosso as I past Imiwa at the Elven shrine, it seems that she and Brosso made an agreement to get the Elven vote. I'll send Onthorn to spy on him and I will try to sway the Elvin vote to Stronghammer.
I need to work on my sanctuary some more, to get thing started off with I need:
1: Get hidden door and traps installed
2: Get Necromantic lab set up
3: Finish the shrine rooms
4: Add 2 more rooms, a magic room for scrying, summoning, and arcane combat practice and a small holding cell/pit for my experiments on nothing and/or necromantic creatures
Also Onthorn wants me to instigate a mysterious skull near the Fiery Cistern, its presence bothers her so I will get it and figure out what its purpose is.
I will also need to start my investigation on the twelve artifacts, to start with the gypsum coffin "Gadankobem", I will speak to its creator for more information on it. Next will be the iron idol "Domas Eser". I will need to talk to Kadzar about the artifact, Ibruk is to overbearingly religious, hopefully Kadzar is not.
I have been listening to my spirit companions and have decided that I want a living cohort, no ill-will to them but the undead are not the same as a live person in the conversation department. An apprentice will be a nice change. I have wandered the world for a long time and I think its time especially with what occurred not to long ago, he or she will need to be trustworthy and loyal to my cause, of course is the protection of the weak and innocent. If I get an apprentice I'll need to make a room for him/her in my sanctuary to rest and study.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 09:08:52 pm by Zorrin_Drake »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #907 on: March 31, 2013, 10:04:47 pm »

Weiss's Journal:

I think its about time I began to stop loafing around and mourning...and stop drinking, I'm getting sick of the hangovers.  I think since it appears we won't be receiving any animals anytime soon I might as well see about getting into another career. I suppose I'll begin asking around, seeing if anyone is willing to take an apprentice.  Hope they don't mind me bringing a dog along with me...

Lord Allagon

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #908 on: April 02, 2013, 04:06:43 pm »

Konith's journal
The elections are going to be soon, and Stronghammer seems to be winning. With this tavern idea, there's no doubt he will be chosen, as long as he doesn't do anything scandalous. Ah, too bad. Brosso could've been a good opportunity to advance the Guild's interests.
On another note, we finally have a plan. Not a very good one, but something's something, I guess. Hopefully, the girl won't screw up. Key word 'hopefully'.
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #909 on: April 03, 2013, 02:18:02 pm »

Addendum to Laboratory Log
Ugo Sosleng

As of breakfast this morning, a new priority has come to light. It seems that our friend Xenir has come back from the dead. Ibruk, of course, claims this to be a miracle of the Gods. Perhaps I'm just more skeptical than him. Records indicate that we've had a necromancer around Nomekast before, and who knows what all the Nothing are capable of. Xenir was killed by nothing induced suffocation. I need to give him an examination to see if there are any signs of nothing taint, or other side effects of his previous death.  Doc. Steve should also be convinced to give him a checkup.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #910 on: April 03, 2013, 03:15:22 pm »

Brosso was unhappy, bah, that doesn't even begin to describe his mood as he paced back and forth in his office, biting on his cigar and clenching his fists.

"That no-good charcoal-monkey Stronghammer! He dares steal MY election plans!".

Oh no, he thought, that couldn't be. Something had to be done, something grand and majestic. Yes! That was it! It was an old trick, "bread and circuses, bread and circuses" he mumbled as he began scribbling down his new plan. It was a simple, yet, as he would say "magnificent" one. A grand furnishing of all bedrooms and dormitories. Plus of course the dwarven (to please Ibruk), elven and human temples. "Give people bread first, and add circuses. It has to work." Another good point was at least *to try* to be nicer to Imamwa. "After all she isn't that bad of a broad, for an elf." he thought, "Perhaps we could strengthen our alliance in some way, I can't afford to lose her support".

Perhaps even an alliance with the shadowy figures reportedly seen could be arranged, yes maybe through some *boys* or *suspects* of the grand metal theft he could gain a meeting with the rascals. Their was the kind useful in this kind of a situation.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #911 on: April 03, 2013, 03:33:36 pm »

HailFire - Thanks a ton! I'm glad you enjoy it! You're lucky we've got several unclaimed females, so you don't have to wait for a migrant. Your bio's up on the first post!

Xenir - For now let's pretend Ibruk thinks of everyone as Dwarves. Fixed :P

Granite 679

The rest of Granite passed in a flurry of campaigning by both Stronghammer and Brosso and their supporters. Brosso had been quick to respond to Stronghammer's plans by issuing his own plans - namely that of aggrandising and better furnishing both the dormitories and temples. This was something that appealed to many people - especially when it came to the dormitories. Nomekast still had nothing in the way of proper individual bedrooms and - except for the few who built their own homes such as Tarran or Nathaniel - most people were simply assigned a bed in the dormitory. Making these better was certainly a popular idea, while furnishing the temples further only cemented his already-strong support amongst the more religious and conservative sections of Nomekast.

1st Slate 679 - Evening

The community had gone to the polls in the days before and now as Slate was ushered in the results would be announced. Bounce as bookkeeper had overseen the counting and was to announce the results. Presently most of the community was assembled around the dining area, some in the seats, some standing, some sat on the tables themselves, eager to hear who out of the two candidates - Stronghammer and Brosso - would be Mayor for the next year. With the police, candidates and Sheriff Derm behind her Bounce stood on a make-shift podium of stone tables besides the large stone urns that the votes had been kept securely in.

She held up a piece of paper, silencing the crowd, and began. By the Grace of the Gods and the Ancient and Grand Nobility." As ever she started with the traditional formulas that ruled Dwarven elections. This had been an election under Dwarven-style politics, and so Dwarven protocol would dictate how she announced the result. "The results for the election for the Mayorship of Nomekast is as hence follows;
Stronghammer Fireforge - 38 votes.
Brosso the, uh, 'Magnificent' - 26 votes.

By the Grace of the Gods and the Ancient and Grand Nobility - Stronghammer Fireforge is hereby re-elected Mayor of Nomekast!"

A mix of cheers from Stronghammer's supporters and polite clapping from Brosso's filled the cavern. Brosso and Stronghammer shared an amicable handshake and the re-elected Mayor moved forward to address the crowd. "My friends," he began and the crowd quietened down once more, "my friends. I shall not bore you with long speeches. Words fail me to thank you for the trust you have placed in me once more, and I can only hope and do my best to be worthy of that honour. My mayorship will have simple policies: the safety for all of us against our enemies above and below, the continued expansion of our fledgling community with new facilities such as a proper meeting place, a tavern, a library, a park, and even a college, respect for all our fellow members in our community, and industry to see all these carried out!

I thank you again for giving me the honour of another year serving you to the best of my abilities, and wish you all the best." And with that he stepped off the podium and into the welcoming crowds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Brosso bit down hard on his cigar and huffed and puffed on it. He had not lost by all that much if one looked at it from a literal point of view. Only 12 votes. But 12 votes was still over 15% of Nomekast's voting population and meant a lot when only 73 people could vote - and that was if all of them voted, which several of them had not. Several Goblins for example thought of the election as degenerate Dwarven rubbish and wanted nothing to do with it.

"There's always next year," he muttered to himself as he sat down on his chair, sighing deeply. He had to think positively, he hadn't lost so much as gained a year to ingratiate himself better with key people in the community and prepare for next year's elections. If he worked hard and got volunteers hard at work, he could even have the arena and circus ready by next year. There were already several bugbats and a rutherer caged, not including the Nothing and Nothing-infected Goblins, he could even set up traps in the caverns to catch more creatures. Bread and circuses. If he could get the circus running he could gain a good deal of support. That had been the old way back in the Mountainhomes after all, the rich and noble paying for extravagant parties and events to boost their support with the voters. He knew he had already a good deal of clout with the conservative Dwarves, and through Imiwa, the conservative Elves. All he needed to do was broaden the base somewhat. First thing to do would be to try and make contact with the shadowy group that Bounce, Derm and the police seemed to be chasing in vain. Who had been suspected last time? That Kobold, Konith, wasn't it? Then he'd go to him. Contacts were always useful. Yes, next year, that would be his time.

2nd Slate 679 - Dusk

Nathaniel had left for the Fiery Cistern as the work at the forges wound down and there were fewer people around. Since Onthorn had told him of a strange skull, a large beetle-like one, down on this level he had been curious to check it out inbetween his investigation into the more supernatural side of Nomekast. Armed only with his staff and his spirit companions he made his way out into the non-colonised part of the cavern level.

It took around a half-hour for Onthorn to guide him to where the skull lay. Onthorn's description had been apt, it indeed did resemble a large beetle head-shaped skull, half embedded in the mud. The air hummed with the tiniest of noises, like a far-distant chime. Some strong magic had been used here. Nathaniel focused on it, hearing the chiming get louder, blending into what to an untrained ear might be a cacophony, but to one trained in magic was a subtle arrangement that could tell him what kind of magic it had been. The taste of ash and metal filled his mouth as he felt the magic envelope it. It had been powerful magic indeed, from a well-trained necromancer. Hadn't there been one in Nomekast long before he'd arrived, Rakon? Rakist? Rakust, yes that had been it. The ethereal taste of ash suggested necromancy, powerful necromancy no less, using the Sixth Mystery that allowed the living to control the dead, while the metallic taste was more unfamiliar to him but was most probably the summoning spell Rakust had used to bring the forgotten beast here. He moved closer, examining the skull. To his surprise there were some black lines painted on it, which seemed mostly fresh. Perhaps the skull hadn't been as abandoned as thought.

His thinking was interrupted as he heard a noise coming from ahead. He quickly hurried back behind a pillar, carefully trying to spot who was coming. To his surprise it was three small clawed and horned creatures.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

He remembered reading about these - crundles, but these ones almost resembled tiny Nothing-Goblins with their inky black skin and shining red eyes, complete with protruding yellow horns and claws. He watched the three approach the skull and one of them, holding a bowl, dipped one claw into it and began to daub new lines onto the skull. Some kind of ritual? A religious rite? This bore further investigation, but for now he had seen the skull and knew its location. The drawbridge leading in and out of Nomekast on the level of the Fiery Cistern would soon be closed, and he had to hurry back if he didn't want to awkwardly have to explain to whoever was on duty why he had been out here so late.

Slate 679

Slate passed quickly with little extraordinary singling it out. Work continued in clearing and furnishing the Goblin temple, the tavern had been carved out and was soon to be cleared, Stronghammer had had several meetings with the architect Shin in regards to his other buildings projects, Ibruk and his followers continued work on their cathedral, the farmers - ostensibly headed by Fori - began planting the next batch of crops in the fields for Autumn's harvest, the militia trained. It was - indeed - business as usual.

In other news Ugo Sosleng had convinced Doc. Steve and Reg to try and get Xenir to come to the hospital for a checkup, and the Goblin wanted to examine the risen Human for himself, both curious and apprehensive. Xenir so far - remembering Nathaniel's words - had refused, but he couldn't hold out forever. Meanwhile Nathaniel had continued to expand his small complex besides the Human church and had made contact with Weiss Ironscroll in hopes of finding an apprentice to help with his investigations and research.

As Slate drew to an end however, figures were seen marching into the valley. One small group on one side of the river.

Another group on the other side.

And neither group particularly happy about the other's presence.

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #912 on: April 03, 2013, 06:04:33 pm »

Aequor, you spin the most epic tale of all. Long have I waited for a tale that epic! Bravo indeed sir! I'd love for Nomekast to be victorious over the nothings' onslaught. Also Brosso came a long way from being a comical psycho dwarf. Now he's a serious dirty-as-heck politician. I love your writing, please never stop.

 What do mixed migrants do in face of evil? They divert into factions fighting eachother.



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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #913 on: April 03, 2013, 09:21:56 pm »

Aequor another outstanding read. I so love the direction you are taking everything. I love the interaction between the characters and I enjoy how you developed Stronghammer. Keep up the great work.

It seems that Brosso was close behind in the elections with the support of the more conservative parts of the community. I will have to do something about that, maybe arrange apartments for all of our citizens. Those are thoughts for the future. For now it seems that we are once again under threat of attack. We will have to send the militia to the walls and have the Iron Guard ready in reserve. Gods and ancestors willing we will have no casualties.

Lord Allagon

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #914 on: April 05, 2013, 09:11:51 pm »

Konith's journal
Stronghammer has won. The bookkeeper, Bounce, announced the results. Brosso lost by about twelve votes, not too many, certainly. And a lot more that I expected. Who supported him, I wonder? Maybe the elves? I've seen that woman, Imiwa, going to his office quite often lately. Hmm. This requires further investigation.
Though, as long as the police's still around, I should keep a low profile. No breaking into his quarters, then. Perhaps I could see if he's not looking for workers for his circus idea. It's not as if I have anything else to do, really.
There's talk in the halls of Nothing outside the fortress. And a caravan. I'm betting Stronghammer will send out the soldiers to deal with them. Me, I'm going to stay somewhere far, far away from the fighting. No profit to be made there, after all.
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.
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