Didnt find that artifact in the cave loot pile. Thought id slip away while i had the chance but instead got chased down by the tamed giant cave spiders (who were slaughtering all the resident animal people too.) They bit me, and i made it all the way to the hatchery where i suffocated on a pile od peregrine falcon woman eggs. So that was a short adventure!
I generated a new world for some new adventures, and its been entertaining so far. I started out a gnoll peasant named Aru Ombaisun (Riverbasis) in a dead civ where the only option was a single hamlet controlled by a bandit gang. More like a small army. There are 85 or so residents and theyre all bandits. They couldnt tell me shit about whats going on in the world and there was "no room" (obviously!) for me to join the gang myself. Although presumably ive lived there my entire life and theres nothing there but the gang so... Makes sense dont it?
Went to the hamlet next door; its run by elves, the administrator and one guard are the only people in the keep. So i spend a night there and the next morning theres a huge fight. Apparently a bandit axeman from one of over a dozen nearby bandit gangs, maybe even my hometown, dropped in and decided to start hackimg away at the elves and has just about killed them. So i intervene, and after a lengthy fight i finally disarm him, put him on the ground, and finally kill him. I decide its too dangerous to be on the side of the law in bandit country and immediately head north; the administrator had told me about a den where a wild ape woman made its home. I drop in and catch her by surprise, slit her throat and after some more fighting she bleeds to death. She was holding four artifacts: a bronze crossbow, a rutile ring, a chert mug, and a musical instrument. I take them all and head towards yet another lair and get lucky there too.
This lair contains another night creature's spouse, this time a randomly generated one, who possesses some really fancy artifact troll fur pants. After a long fight i relieve him of his pants, but dont put them on before another spouse enters the room and attacks me. Another long drawn out fight and hes lying in a pool of blood. These guys and their parrying skills, man. All they have is copper kitchen utensils, but it takes forever to disarm them, or hit them at all, due to the parrying.
So i finally get my pants on, and head over to the dwarven hillocks next door, where the drunks are smitten with not only my fancy pants and ring (i hid everything else in my backpack) but also my killing three terrible night creatures and a bandit, as well as telling it all like a big story instead of just reciting rumors. When i finally find the militia commander, purportedly fhe only dwarf in town who can tell me where to find distant megabeasts, i learn the mayor is looking for that mug i pilfered. So i go back to her and trade her this mug in return for all of her clothing, which is a great deal apparently, and shes very grateful to finally possess the stationery of her office. Sans the pants, of course. But i asked for the clothes for shits and giggles, so i toss it all on the floor.
Then we start talking about other missing treasures. Theres this guy named sibrek in Mythseal a days travel north, through the mountains, who wants pretty much every artifact in the world, it seems. Two are apparently lost in the wilderness, no hope there. Theres one ettin in The Heart of Infamy, a nearby cave, who possesses one, and... at least three separate ettins, and over a dozen artifacts, in a cave further north by the name of Chillheart the Epidemic of Metals, another cave.
So i guess thats where im going. Sibrek is mad if he thinks hes getting all of these artifacts, theres at least one silver short sword and silver mace among them, and damn right im claiming a finders fee.