I have 3, (which is 2 too many!) And they each have their oddball quirks.
First up, Booboo... she likes to get into the tub, after I get out of the shower.
She also dislikes anyone but me, and absolutely hates my sister. (She is arch rivals with my sister's cat Mewmew)
Booboo likes to stare at me through the window when I have to mow. Will move from window to window to watch me as I move around the yard.
Then there is Anna.. she loves attention, but hates being picked up, and will whine terribly with a squeaky noise if she does get picked up, and will persist doing so until put back down. She likes to sleep on my bed when I'm not home, and get kitty hairs all over it.
(And Uni refuses to let me take her picture! Keeps trying to hide from daddy! She probably thinks she's in trouble or something!)
Uni is usually the attention sponge, and likes getting tummy rubs. She is also very loud, and likes to keep me up at night with her relentless yowling. Really, she wants me to be awake, and to play with her, but I have to sleep! Lol!
All three of them are undeterred by shut doors, and have learned how to open them. They think a locked interior door is a thing of evil, and will persist at trying to open one for hours. They have also learned that water bottles contain water, and actively try to know them over to get the water to spill. Moreover, they try to push things into the bathtub that are sitting on the edge, when I am trying to shower. (Shampoo on the floor is a frequent occurance.)