I do value the criticism more, and I thank you for it. Any tips on maybe getting the blood a little more liquidy and adding depth to the eye socket? (I couldn't figure out how to do either.)
This is something that you should take to the
Engravers' Guild. That thread's freqeunters have much more experience with digital art.
I'm more of a trad. art person myself, but you can find plenty of tutorials in the internet about digital painting. That will be very useful to you, because there are several instantly noticeable things that are wrong with the picture that prevent me from going "Wow, that's great!" too:
- Inconsistent source and colour of light. This is the most important, because it detracts from the entire manip. Note how the light is from the left in the background, and the rest is incredibly dark, whilst the light is dim (yet still noticeable), cool instead of warm, and comes from the lower centre in the foreground (that's you). Fix this to fix the blood & eye.
- Blood is flat. You need to shade it and add specularity, as well as correct the above.
- Both eyes are off. Eyes almost always have more than one shade and colour to them, and you need to paint it accordingly. Without a consistent source of light (see the first), you'll find it incredibly hard to fix this properly.
Again, if you want the "Wow!" factor, look up tutorials on light source & colour, photo composition, and general digital painting. It'll help you immensely, trust me.
Hope that isn't too harsh. If you're disinterested, fine - but if you want to really improve, take this to heart. Knowing your tools helps too.