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Author Topic: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games  (Read 2937834 times)

Khan Boyzitbig

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19395 on: November 26, 2019, 06:23:34 am »

That Gauss cannon has low accuracy anyway so the minor boost the FC will give over a smaller one won't really help much. Much better for things like 10cm UV lasers with a 300k FC because you can hit at fairly reliably at the max range for the laser whereas a max range Gauss cannon is 60k.
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19396 on: November 26, 2019, 07:24:44 am »

Generally your best bet until mid-late tech for a beam fighter is the simple 10cm railgun. It hits four times for 1 damage, it's half the size of a similar gauss cannon (100% accuracy), and it fires every 5s from fairly early on. You have to research four tiers of gauss cannon technology before it can match the first level of railgun technology.

You can make gauss cannons really small, but their to-hit percentage is such trash that they're pretty bad after that.


Flying Dice

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19397 on: November 27, 2019, 06:43:35 am »

Unless you already have laser size reducing tech. A size-reduced laser is going to be punchier up close most of the time, and fighters aren't going to be engaging from long range.

Forgive me if math is off, I don't feel like waiting for a game to load this morning to check.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19398 on: November 27, 2019, 07:46:16 am »

That's true, but you trade it for only being able to fire what, once every 40 seconds? There's a point at high/ultra-high tech levels where it balances out again (once your capacitors can struggle past the terrible recharge speed penalties), but it basically turns your fighters into one-shot bomb-pumped lasers with a human strapped to them.

Particularly since probably half of them have died under the relentless hail of AMMs while getting into range.

With railguns and a suitable radar, the fighter squadrons can try to defend themselves on the way in, at least.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19399 on: November 27, 2019, 01:17:07 pm »

That's true, but you trade it for only being able to fire what, once every 40 seconds? There's a point at high/ultra-high tech levels where it balances out again (once your capacitors can struggle past the terrible recharge speed penalties), but it basically turns your fighters into one-shot bomb-pumped lasers with a human strapped to them.

I'm currently at max Capacitor Recharge tech (which is 25) in my current campaign, and here's what I can manage when it comes to fighter-sized lasers with size reductions:

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« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 01:20:04 pm by coleslaw35 »

Stench Guzman

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19400 on: November 27, 2019, 03:34:04 pm »

Wouldn't a plasma carronade be better for an up close, slow firing fighter?


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19401 on: November 27, 2019, 04:20:54 pm »

Wouldn't a plasma carronade be better for an up close, slow firing fighter?

I've heard carronades are kinda shit, and that one may as well put lasers on their ships instead of carronades because the lasers are just better. However, that's only what I've heard; I don't know if that's actually true. I honestly don't even know how carronades work - that is, how their damage patterns look.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 05:41:54 pm by coleslaw35 »

Lord Shonus

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19402 on: November 27, 2019, 04:42:49 pm »

The Carronade damage pattern is a simple cone identical to missiles - which is one of the reasons that they're not that great - they spend a lot more of their blast on the armor than lasers do. That's one of the reasons Steve added Shock Damage in 6.3, in an attempt to make the weapons more balanced.
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19403 on: November 28, 2019, 05:48:41 am »

Carronades area also heavy and power intensive versus lasers. If your goal is to make your beam fighter as small as possible, a laser or a railgun is a superior choice for that reason as well.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19404 on: November 28, 2019, 08:22:04 pm »

I wonder if carronades will be touched any before the C# release. They've been in a sad state for the entirety of their current iteration.

They cost more than infrared lasers that do the same thing with better penetration.
Their maximum sizes are much smaller than maximum laser sizes.
Their size starts falling behind on the research curve once spinal lasers are researched.
Their power use is no better than lasers.
They have the same range as lowest tech range lasers of same size.
Lasers can be miniutarized for vastly improved alpha striking capability. this makes lasers cheaper, again.
Infrared lasers take barely any research points to finalize designs. This is exceptionally cheaper than carronades, and offsets a large amount of any theoretical research time savings from picking carronades over lasers.
smaller carronades are obsoleted as soon as power charge tech is excessive. the smallest lasers can continue to improve with miniaturization techs.
A spinal mount option would make them viable, at least...

Urist McScoopbeard

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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19405 on: November 28, 2019, 08:23:15 pm »

I remember when I first started playing Aurora I wanted to make an age-of-sail themed navy only to find that Carronades are indeed shite.
This conversation is getting disturbing fast, disturbingly erotic.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19406 on: February 10, 2020, 11:28:54 pm »

on track for a march release


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19407 on: March 31, 2020, 01:32:19 pm »

Tentative C# release date this weekend.

Today was the day I hoped to release Aurora but, as I mentioned in the last few days, Diplomacy is taking longer to fully test than I hoped. I am pretty busy with work this week, so I am now going to aim for this weekend instead, but that isn't a hard date.

Giving the March date definitely concentrated my mind though and I managed to avoid getting distracted in the last few months. Otherwise, it may have taken considerably longer. Rather than give a firm date when will be finally done, I will try to issue daily updates over the next few days. What remains is testing the rest of Diplomacy, creating the install program and implementing obfuscation.
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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19408 on: March 31, 2020, 01:59:59 pm »

Disappointing, but hardly unexpected - as the post mentions, he's been saying that diplomacy has been taking longer than expected for the past couple of days.

I'll be okay with it as long as he keeps posting updates to his Space 1889 game (the diplomacy test case, with AI-controlled alien empires starting on Venus, Mars, Ganymede, and Titan) - the enforced truce timer has just clicked off, and things ought to start getting quite interesting soon.


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Re: Aurora - The Dwarf Fortress of 4X Games
« Reply #19409 on: March 31, 2020, 02:27:50 pm »

Wow, I didn't realize Steve had a release coming.  It's hype time!
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