I'm having an unusual bug. On an out of Sol colony, Proxima, I queued up some maintenance facilities for onsite production. It threw up an overflow error, and it reads the completion date as 1st January, 2035... It's 2nd April, 2145. I went in and found that I don't have the resources for the production of said facilities, but I still find this to be a bit strange. This a regular bug for Aurora 7.10?
EDIT: I can't seem to build anything in resonable quantities in this colony. Construction factories were tested at 50, but it threw up the same error, same date. Could this also be in correlation between an issue with with the political and manufacturing modifiers (00.01% and 58.04%, respectively?)
0.01% is going to mean you aren't building anything at all! What's the "political modifier" mean, fellow Aurora experts?
stuff about jumping
There are only two ways for a ship to traverse a jump point:
1. Jump gates, which are permanent stabilizations of
one side of a jump gate, which allow jumping from the side they are built,
not two-way. If you want two-way, build a jump gate on the other side too. No ship size/task-group size limitations.
2. Be in a task-group which contains a proper jump engine for that group:
a. The jump engine has an inherent limit to how many ships it can jump,
including the ship it is installed on, if the jump selected in a squadron jump. Squadron jumps cannot be carried out if the task-group is larger than this number. A "squadron jump" means that ships are faster to recover from jump sickness, which temporarily prevents the use of sensors or weapons. Very small jump engines are "self-only", meaning that they can only jump the ships they are installed on. I'm
fairly sure this also applies to non-squadron or "standard" jumps, but I'm not sure. Research is required to increase the number of ships each jump engine can jump,
in addition to increasing the squadron size in the jump engine design screen. This will increase the size of the jump engine by a proportion of the jump engine's size, and this number is roughly proportional to how many ships the jump engine can jump. This proportion cannot be lowered by research.
b. Every ship in the task-group must be of equal or smaller size to the jump engine's specified tonnage
and the jumpship itself. The jump cannot be carried out if even one of the ships in the task-group is larger than the size the jump engine was designed to jump or the size of the ship which the jump engine is located on. The jump engine's tonnage limit can be increased by increasing the size of the jump engine, but this will also increase the size of the jumpship itself, leading to a rocket equation-like cycle that eventually settles down. The tonnage of ships that a jump engine of given size can jump can be increased via research, leading to more efficient jump engines. The tonnage that a jump engine can handle is per-ship, not total, so a single-jumper 8'000-ton-capable jump engine is not required to jump, and is in fact incapable of jumping, two 4'000 ton ships. Increasing the size of the jump-ship is easy: just add more engines, armour, fuel, whatever.
This may be under question Every ship in the task-group must be military if the jump engine itself is military. Commercial jump engines can jump ten times the tonnage per hull space of jump engine, but are incapable of jumping a task-group containing one or more military ships. A ship is considered military if it a. contains a military engine or b. contains a military components. Military components include, but are not limited to, weapons (excluding CIWS), large (more than 1 ton [HS?]) sensors, whether active or passive, and shields. No amount of armour will make a ship military. Military engines are not directly specified as such within the engine design menu, but are rather any engine that is either above 50% efficiency or below 25 HS in size.