Hey guys, it's been a while. I'm pretty sure I'm trans.
I came out to my parents. My mom was awesome as usual, while (as usual) being adorably and infuriatingly slow to think of me as anything but "questioning". Like, mom, I'm traaaaaaaans.
My dad was... as usual, different. Infuriatingly impartial, but I can deal. But then he started saying "dysphoria is a medical myth" and "labels are bad stuff, you shouldn't use this label" and stuff. Daaaaad, I know that being transgender doesn't mean I have to wear makeup and prance around. I've never cared too much about the gender norm, and that'll still be the case after I transition. He just seems a little disapproving. And c'mon dude, I'm crying at the restaurant because you decided to start telling me that my dysphoria didn't really exist, could you let off?
So yeah. First was the crying, which just came out and went on and on for several minutes, letting out the last few weeks of gender issues as well as the issues with my dad. And now... just feeling incredibly empty and unmotivated. I've read that's common for trans people - overwhelming sadness and then emotional deadness. (I've also read that a lot of things are common for trans people. Sitting down to urinate, preferring longer shirts... but that's not what convinced me I'm trans, it's just icing on the trans cake.)