It's that you come online when most people are asleep they say.
People would talk to you and not ignore you when they are online they say.
Why the fuck do I even bother.
* Tiruin waves hands.
Hey, please stop treating us (or those on IRC) like possibly the people who treat you IRL.
We're not them. They aren't us. Pertaining to the attitudes upheld.
Also I'm in the Philippines and nobody is near me at all that I can talk to, unless you count Skyrunner, Reudh and the other Australians.
You could rather stop seeing everyone as hostile and ignoring you.
Unwarranted assumptions are lethal when they're uncontrolled, that way.
If in doubt (ie 'They're ignoring me D:<'), PM them. Ask them. Talk to them.
Don't assume right off the bat that its an intentional reaction being done.
Just keep on talking to people--if you feel ignored, PM the nearest person online who you believe can help talk you out of it; that includes the channel OPs if in IRC. No matter their predisposition towards you, they have a role to fulfill in regards to that point.
Please do not ever lose that inner fire of optimism Turuin. It is a terrible thing to have lost and a terribly difficult thing to locate once it goes missing. I would know. It is a wonderful tool, which tragically is not always the best one applied to the situation.
I believed for a moment that I made some progress locating mine again and was shot down by someone just now. It is disheartening. I will keep on trying though, I suppose.
I've seen worse than most people, during my childhood (through hell and back), so I'm pretty much used to the doubts heaped on me by people who don't know my past//haven't known what I'm built up on.
*hugs to y'all*