Ok, a quick update (life has gotten a little busy, but progress is still being made, just slowly).
Armor, weapons, and clothing are done. Morul has only taken socks, dress, and trousers (masterwork, adamantine) and a 3rd exceptional sock before I had time to forbid it. I'm assuming the 3rd sock is for his schlong, on account of his general awesomeness. I had temp turned off, and have turned it back on in the hopes I can coax him to pick up some more clothing, but this map doesn't freeze even with temp on, so perhaps that's all he'll wear.
He's also made a masterwork adamantine statue encrusted with every gem plus shell and bone, and studded with every kind of metal (value, 205,300) that will go in his suite.
He's now at grand master swimmer and is back in the tank, so he should be legendary when he emerges. At that point I think it's time to start on military.
As for the fortress, the last level (barracks) is dug out and walls going in. I finally figured out how to handle burying my dwarves (I've been extremely negligent on this one). The fortress has a central + shaped open-air courtyard that leads down to the bottomless pit. In the center of the courtyard is a soap staircase and landing with the dining areas and with alternating floating glass catwalks to the fortress itself. The fortress has 4 rooms on each level that overlook the courtyard that are getting glass windows so dwarves can look out into the pit and I've suspended a 1x1 platform from the courtyard side of the window which holds the coffin. It's all a bit unconventional and inefficient.
The dwarves are also collecting cave spider webs since Morul has exterminated all of the spiders. There's almost 8,000 webs around the chasm, and we're going to put those to use. It'll take forever. They're still moving things about so that anyone who picks up the map won't go completely insane trying to figure out what is where.
The king hasn't arrived yet, but probably will soon since we've tapped the adamantine. I was *very* cautious and haven't mined much out because I didn't want to release the goodies until Morul was ready. I've built a repeater that I intend to hook to spike traps on the long hallway leading to the HFS as part of an experiment. I'll leave it to the community to turn it on to see if it's an effective defense tool for the playthings.
I've decided that I won't even attempt the moat until I upload all the maps. I don't want to saddle everyone with my idiotic and quite likely to fail plans for a massive magma moat that I'm not sure will fill due to evaporation.
One problem I haven't yet figured out how to fix is that I have a number of miners with ichor on them from when they tapped the magma pipe with temp off. I'd like to turn temp back on (I mean, magma is only 5% as fun without the temp) but I don't know how to clean my guys off. Morul is swimming around in 6/7 and 7/7 water and is still covered head to toe in everything you can imagine, so that isn't working. Thoughts?